Name: Pacer
Type: Transformer
Gender: female
Eyes: Blue
Height: around fifteen foot, or 5'9
Description: in her mech modes her armor is a pale tawny gold, and her underneaths (the unarmored parts, where you can see her cables and such in her movie mode) are dull silver. She's only lightly armored. In her human mode she's slightly above average height, with serious blue eyes and long hair the colour of her armor which is usually pulled back in a ponytail. Her human mode dresses sensibly but femininely in pretty tops and bell leg jeans.
Personality: even tempered, helpful. Has a pretty good sense of humor, but isn't a joker. She can look pretty strung out and hollow eyed after a bad night of dreams. She's protective of U-turn in a non-intrusive, big sister way, and very serious about her job. She doesn't talk about her past.
Likes: U-turn. Her job. Engineering books.
Dislikes: Nightmares. Talking about her past.
Squicks (DO NOT WANT): Slash, incest, sex or sexual innuendo, genderless bots, excessive violence and gore (over PG), excessive Terran cursing. All my bots are from realities with clear, spark-based binary gender, form lasting unbreakable bonds with one mate (strong) of the opposite gender and a few siblings of either gender (lighter), and have no analogue for sex, though mates and courting bots will kiss. Deep platonic bonds caused by close proximity are very common.
Other: She and U-turn's shells are made of a matrix of hard light, which gives them the ability to appear as though they're from any Transformer generation, or as human beings or other organics. She's left handed. If she were human she'd be in her early thirties.
References: see below
Faction: she was an Autobot. Now she's just a member of Ghost Team.
Occupation: Unexpected hero. Formerly an engineering assistant.
Alternate Mode: 2003 Lancia Fulvia Coupe
Tools/Weapons: She's got a host of tinkering tools built into her wrists and fingers, and a gun that she either stores in subspace or folds out of her left hand depending on what generation she's emulating at the time.
Preferred Generation: any. She switches freely depending on the job.
History: Pacer was once assistant to a Wheeljack in a 2007 movie style universe, but soon after more Autobots came to answer Optimus' call she was caught in a battle against the Decepticons and damaged so badly that her shell's life support systems failed. Everyone thought her dead, but a mysterious someone stopped her before she could reach the Well of All Sparks and offered her a second chance. She'll never be able to go back to her home reality (yeah, that old story), but despite the team name she's very much alive.
Alt Mode References:
here * * *
Name: U-turn
Type: Transformer
Gender: male
Eyes: in mech form they're Autobot blue, in human form they're puppy dog brown
Height: around twenty foot, or 5'10
Description: he's blue, with grey underneaths. Medium armor, and the grill of his car form makes up his chest. In human form he's got short messy dark hair and dark eyes that often hold a sheepish expression. In human form he dresses casually, but neatly... except when he's wiped out again, then his clothes'll look a bit well, road killed.
Personality: Earnest, a bit sheepish, easy going and eager to please, but not a sycophant. He can be kind of nervous at times, and is given to making small mistakes like talking to cars or his reflection after mistaking them for other mechs. He's also a bit clumsy on his feet. He too is prone to bad dreams, though they don't affect him as badly as Pacer's do her. Can be a total nerd at times.
Likes: 'The Batman'. Spider-man. Super-friends. Dora the Explorer (but that he doesn't admit). Hanging out with Pacer. His job. Cartoons in general.
Dislikes: Spongebob Squarepants. Bad dreams. Making an aft of himself in public by accident.
Squicks (DO NOT WANT): Slash, incest, sex or sexual innuendo, genderless bots, excessive violence and gore (over PG), excessive Terran cursing. All my bots are from realities with clear, spark-based binary gender, form lasting unbreakable bonds with one mate (strong) of the opposite gender and a few siblings of either gender (lighter), and have no analogue for sex, though mates and courting bots will kiss. Deep platonic bonds caused by close proximity are very common.
Other: He and Pacer's shells are made of a matrix of hard light, which gives them the ability to appear as though they're from any Transformer generation, or as human beings or other organics. Has been known to use his ragtop as a 'Batman cape'. If he were human he'd be in his early twenties.
References: See below
Faction: he was an Autobot. Now he's just a member of Ghost Team.
Occupation: Unexpected hero. He used to be just a run of the mill soldier. (and still is, more or less)
Alternate Mode: 1973 Mercury Cougar XR-7
Tools/Weapons: A missile launcher on his right forearm, and a gun which he can either subspace or fold into his hand depending on his mode. Duct tape.
Preferred Generation: any. He switches freely depending on the job.
History: His first mission in his native 2007 movie reality led to him being eaten by a Decepticon... or they think it was a Decepticon. He gave it indigestion and it blew up. He got the same offer that Pacer did and took it.
Alt Mode References:
here * * *
reference stories for both TFA style art, by sister_dear!