ATTN: __wilderness__

Jul 29, 2008 19:54

Coming back from the base, Tracer couldn't help but wonder how Autobots managed to go out at the worst times of Earth's atmospheric conditions. Without checking the weather. The humans had found ways to avoid and predict their planet's weather patterns - but noo, they couldn't even use that for their advantage. And yet, sadly, that was how most mechs were going to be.

She couldn't even help being disgruntled, even with the brunt of the cold winter being taken by the bulk of Trailbreaker ahead of her. It was cold, even for her, and this stupid mech had not shown up for a good couple of hours. And his shift had ended a long time ago, but so had hers. And Trailbreaker's. Tracer would never admit to it, but she had fully intended on doing something interesting tonight. Enjoy herself, enjoy the time inside the Ark while the weather of Earth raged cold and icy outside. But instead, she was out here, in the cold, searching for a mech that was supposed to be able to take care of himself.

The femme was brought out of her thoughts by a comm from the mech ahead of her, "Got a lock on him yet, Tracer? S'gettin' colder out here."

"Huh?" She hadn't even been paying attention to her trackers, but she easily honed in on the missing mech's spark signature, "Oh, yea. He's.. uh, to your right." Both of them stopped where they were in the road, not missing the high snow banks on either side of the road.

"..Right there?"



With a shared sigh, the both of them transformed, and started on the snow together. The human's snow plows had obviously already been through here, even though the blizzard was starting back up with a vengeance. Thankfully, they did not have to dig too deeply to find the first hints of green armor through the snow.

Chuckling, Trailbreaker tapped against the scout's hood, "Takin' a nap here, Hound?" That got him no response, and Tracer glanced at the black mech before starting on the snow around the mech's alt, clearing most of the white snow before she noticed slight traces of pink energon in the snow. She shook her head, muttering something about how stupid mechs were (that seemed to be her mantra for this mission) while Trailbreaker started work on getting Hound rebooted. About the time the femme had made it along the entire left side of the Jeep, they did get a type of response.

"Unh... 'Breaker..? Tracer..? What're y'doin' here..? ....Where is here?"

"We were hoping you could tell us that," came the reply from the blue femme as she moved around to the mech's other side, working on unburying him from the snow drift slowly but steadily. He was hurt, somewhere, and she wasn't too sure where. As she neared Hound's left wheelwell, she could feel him stiffening on his shocks. "Can't transform, can you?"


"Care to tell me why?" She did miss the amused look from Trailbreaker, instead focusing on the green mech that was supposed to be getting her out of trouble.

"..I'm hurt?" Hound knew that hadn't flown as soon as Tracer snorted, and quickly added, "Check the driver's seat."

The blue femme just looked at Hound quissically but Trailbreaker launched right into clearing the snow from the cab, and as most of it came out of the scout's alt, the black mech gave out a low, dropping whistle. "Wow, Hound, how'd y'manage this?" Tracer couldn't exactly see what Trailbreaker prodded at, but the green mech actually bucked.

"Don't touch it! It still hurts!"

Laughing lowly, Trailbreaker looked up from his old friend towards the curious femme and grinned, "We're gonna need Ratch here -- Hound here's impaled himself on a tree."!Jeep ^^;
whoever remembers those pictures...

sorry! it was just.. something that came to me *shame*<3

story, poster: runyasan08, tracer

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