ATTEN: Oooooooh random_xtras.....

Jun 28, 2008 21:42

This is me, sneaking in under the wire, sorry!
Hope I wasn't too OOC with your Threnody!

Title: Origins
Author: trunks_angel
Rating: G

"Well, you're not a typical Autobot."

"And you are not a typical Decepticon."

Threnody regarded the tall, grey and black mech standing before her with curiosity - he certainly wasn't a push-over and quite unlike the Autobots she knew from her own dimension. For one thing, he wasn't a fool.

"Do you know where you are?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure I know how I got here."

"You're in the Nexus, a place between dimensions."

"Ah. Well at least I can report to Wheeljack that his newest gadget does indeed work, just not in the way he anticipated, assuming I can return to my own dimension that is."

Threnody nodded, "You can. What's your designation?"


That name didn't ring any bells with Threnody, so it was possible his existence was limited to only a few dimensions, like her.

"I'm Threnody."

Quickstep raised an optic ridge, "I don't recognize that name."

"So I don't exist in your dimension?"

"So it would seem, nor in the other dimensions I've seen."

Threnody's interest suddenly skipped up a notch with surprise, she hadn't been expecting that, "You've been to other dimensions?"

"A few and it was purely accidental." Quickstep replied.

"How many have you seen?" Threnody asked, sitting down on the grass beneath her.

Quickstep paused for a moment, but though the femme was a Decepticon, she seemed genuinely curious and interested to learn more from him, so he accepted the gesture and sat down as well.

"In total, a friend and I visited twelve different dimensions." Quickstep explained. "Some had similarities and others were completely different."

"How did you get to them?"

"My friend wanted to use a device to travel back in time and I tried to stop him. The device malfunctioned and as a result, we accidentally ended up in a new dimension. The only way to get to our own was to travel to other dimensions and, with a little luck and guess work, locate where our own dimension was situated in Space and Time."

Threnody found the Autobot very curious; he'd been to a number of dimensions already, yet he was calm and didn't seem at all distressed that he'd been shifted yet again away from his home dimension. Perhaps it was part of Quickstep's programming not to panic - that was certainly the impression that Threnody got from him and she couldn't help but admire that.

"How long did it take you to find your home?" She asked.

"In our own dimension, we'd been gone less than ten Earth minutes." Quickstep replied. "But our internal chronometers indicated that we'd been away for over three Earth years."

"So you traveled through Time as well as Space."


"Fascinating." Threnody commented. "Well, I can show you how to get back to your dimension from this Nexus, but perhaps I could convince you to stay for a little longer? I'd like to hear more about the twelve dimensions you visited."

Quickstep shifted a little, but didn't seem alarmed at the request, "I'm afraid I can't stay for too long, I don't wish to alarm my friends and family in my dimension."

"Of course, I won't keep you for too long. I simple wish to learn what the dimensions you saw were like and a little about your own dimension." Threnody replied.

"Very well." Quickstep nodded and began to talk.

Threnody listened in curiosity and intrigue, memorizing all the details that Quickstep told her about the different dimensions and she wondered what it would be like to actually visit and see them.

Perhaps one day she would.


story, threnody, poster: trunks_angel

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