Attn: casusfere!!

May 29, 2008 10:38

I found somone stalking about in the Decepticon base, and he's teaching a few lessons on the way.
I know I'm cutting this a bit late, but I rather hope you like. I was so suprised when I read your "For the sake of Knowledge.", but also glad I got the chance to reciprocate.

Title: Academy of Hard Knocks.
Rating: PG
Warning: violence.
Universe: G1
Summary: When you aim to do soemthing. Do it right or at least learn how to.

Smoke and debris exploded in the hall of the most recent Decepticon base and the large Autobot shook his head in disbelief.

Some things had not changed since his departure from Cybertron, the youth of the planet most specifically.

Moving closer to his former combatant Havoc arched a brow at the smaller mech.

The young con was not as tall as was nor was he anywhere near as armored. In short he was completely outclassed.

The larger tank wasn’t surprised he’d faced smaller opponents that had given him twice as much trouble. The seeker however had no such luck. It had gotten itself in over it’s head, literally in fact. The Autobot could only watch with wry amusement as the spindly looking bot tried to pull itself free from the wall.

A low growl rose from the wiggling seeker, but it did him no good he was stuck and stuck fast. It had been his own fault. The Decepticons apparently didn’t take as much pride instructing their younglings as they did tormenting them. It was faction thing.

With his inability to fight back the young Decepticon was no threat and that in itself was the problem at hand.

Despite his hate for the other side Havoc was not about to sink to their level. As a warrior worth every battle and every scar Havoc was not going to shame himself or his distinguished lineage by killing a defenseless enemy.

That was not his style.

Another few snarls rose from the wall and the Autobot inspected the foul-mouthed mech one final time before closing the distance between them. He moved to the side avoiding the wobbling wings and occasional flailing limbs. The smaller con had a mouth as foul as any of his contemporaries and an inventive vocabulary that could put even Jazz to shame. Havoc couldn’t fault him for such an attitude, especially due to his situation. It was one thing to be at a disadvantage, but to be so before and enemy it was down right embarrassing.

A single tap on the seeker’s aft and all movement ceased.

"What do you want Autobot?" he finally ground out arms twisted awkwardly as he tried to bring his cannons about to bear at his unseen enemy.

Expelling air from his vents the solider shoved the limb away before addressing the hunched over con again.

"To offer you some much needed advice, if you’ll listen."

Silence stretched between them for a few moments, the winged mech shifting uneasily in his hole and the Autobot watching carefully. It wasn’t as if he would shoot the con if he said No, he’d just continue on his way leaving the seeker to his compatriots with their less then tender mercies. It could be a fate worse then deactivation and they both knew it.

After another few astroseconds the foul tempered aircraft deigned to reply. His voice was low and filled with malice, but that didn’t surprise Havoc at all.

"I suppose you give it to me whether I accept it or not."

Expelling air from his vents Havoc waited patiently for his answer, not matter what it would be.

"Fine…dispense your precious advice."

Nodding to himself the much larger mech leaned forward seizing the hips the overworked mech and hauled, pulling the winged Cybertronian from the wall knocking even more debris and dust about them. Setting him on his feet, he met the bright red optics with a stern look. The one he used on sparklings and those with the mentality of sparklings.

"Next time try aiming."

Processing the advice for what it was the con, with the obvious makings of a medic, known as Star Destroyer glared. Not only had he been humiliated, he’d been treated like a child. With eyes narrowed at his savior he turned to stalk away too humiliated to continue the fight. The Autobot had made his point.

Calling his attention one last time the Centauro met his optics and offered on final bit of advice.

"And never turn your back on me."

With such instructions relayed the massive tank punched the seeker in the chest knocking him offline much more easily than he’d anticipated.

Stepping over the collapsed form Havoc resumed his mission signaling his superior that the area was indeed secure, satisfied a important lesson had been learned

star destroyer, story, havoc, poster: yuuzaiden

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