May 24, 2008 15:18

I am... so beyond late on this that it's not even funny. Ugh. This is why Zoe needs better time management skills. ;_;

(Click for larger w/Background)

I really hope you don't mind all the liberties I took with the design on this. :'D At the core, I wanted it to be instantly recognizable as Flamestrike, but I wanted to give a slightly different spin to her as a Decepticon. DeceptiFlamestrike struck me as a regal, older and wiser individual with a cruel streak--someone who enjoys her work thoroughly.

The way you described the wings turning almost to a 'backpack' in bipedal mode what didn't hang lower than the hips gave me the idea for how they're folded up. It seems like something like that would be more practical. As for the legs... well. I couldn't help myself. You have a bot with a beast mode--it seemed only logical. xD Besides, I figure, as a Decepticon, it makes more sense to break away from the human figure and keep aspects of the beast mode; the beastly nature.


flamestrike, poster: zoaerven, art

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