Pssst, lizkay....

May 18, 2008 19:45

I have someone who belongs to you...I apologize for the scratches, I couldn't get the stasis cuffs on the 'Con in time...*sweatdrop* (I hope I didn't butcher his personality too badly!) I had something differend planned, but this just kinda took over...

The shot ricocheted a little too close to SilverSide's helm for comfort. Things had started off quite badly today, and judging from the heavy fire coming from somewhere above his head, things wouldn't be getting better any time soon. Nearby, the "American Autobot" femme, Showtime, or whatever she said her designation was, was returning fire, but she was starting to run low on ammo.

Suddenly, the shooting ceased. Showtime glanced at him and nodded curtly, before drawing her dagger amd moving off to the side in near silence. Apparently, the 'Con that had been shooting had decided to go hand-to-hand, which was just fine with SilverSide. At least it promised to be interesting. Unfortunately, he didn't know just how right he'd be.

The dark blue 'Con femme didn't register on SilverSide's scanners until after she had tackled him and sunk her claws into his chestplate. Which fragging HURT, for those keeping track at home... The femme, for her part, seemed quite thrilled with herself.

"Well, well, look what I've caught...A slagging Autobot..." She punctuated her statement with a harsh twist of her wrists, digging her claws in even further. SilverSide had to fight to keep from grimacing. It wouldn't do to give the glitch the satisfaction of seeing how much pain she was inflicting on him.

"What do you want, ya glitch?" Grasping the femme's wrists, and thanking Primus that she had gotten him with both hands in one blow, SilverSide tightened his grip and pulled until the claws had worked free of his frame. The femme growled, trying to free herself from his grip in vain, despite her height advantage.

"You think I'm about to tell you? Go frag yourself!" SilverSide smirked, shaking his head slightly.

"Wrong answer." With that, he roughly threw the femme away from him before moving to tackle her. What he wasn't expecting was that the femme would land on her feet, crouch, and then ram her shoulder into his waist. Stumbling slightly before he regained his balance, SilverSide had to chuckle a little. Things were starting to look up. At least she would be something of a challenge, unlike the last 'Con who had tried to take him on in a grappling match...

Blows were exchanged back and forth for a good twenty minutes before some stray fire from the 'Con femme's friends got a little too close for the combatants' comfort levels. The femme growled, before muttering loud enough for SilverSide to hear, "The next time we meet, there won't be imbeciles interfering...and I'll be adding those gryphons to my collection...", before she disentangled herself from him and starting to walk away.

SilverSide let out a low growl before retorting,"Not on your spark!" The femme turned, and smirked a bit.

"That could be arranged...but not this time...for now, you get to keep your pretty doors..." With that, she transformed and sped off. SilverSide shook his head and began heading towards Showtime's last known location. He'd have a heck of a story to tell later, once things quieted down and everyone out and about got back to the rendevous point...He had a feeling Chakée would be jealous that a femme had thrown herself at him, even if it was to try to tear him to pieces...

story, silverside, showtime, poster: azysapphy, chakée, desinex

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