September submission

Sep 26, 2007 08:19

A sudden flash of light reflecting through the water caught his attention. Curious, he turned in place and swam off to investigate.


“Okay, where are we now?”

Stick looked around. “Hoverin’ above some water.”

“I can see that!” Scritch huffed at her wingmate.

“So why’d you ask?”

“Guys?” Taser broke in, staring down at the water with apprehension. “I think there’s something down there.”

Scritch glanced down and shrugged. “Fishies?”

“Some big fishy!” Taser objected, but the others ignored him.

Stick waved the time-travel device. “Who cares? We got this. As long as you don’t get, you know, eaten, we can just bamf.”

“Oh, yeah. Good point. Hey, since we’re here, let’s try that ‘swimming’ thing those one guys were talkin’ about!”

Scritch frowned. “Do you even know how to swim?”

“Pffft. It can’t be too hard. You just get in the water and, you know, swim.” Taser frowned down at the lake. “I think you wave your arms and scream, like on that one movie.” He looked up.

Scritch and Stick didn’t seem to be interested in splashing and screaming. In fact, they weren’t paying attention to him at all. They were backing away, staring over his shoulder with wide optics.

Taser felt a shadow fall over him. Slowly, he turned around and looked up…

The sea-monster grinned at him, showing of rows of sharp pointy teeth.

There was a dead silence for a long moment.


“AIEEEEEE!!! It’s gonna EAT ME!!!”


Spindrift sank back into the water as the three sparklings fled screaming in three different directions. He grinned to himself.

All children needed a good scare once in a while.


And some doodlies:

And after my markers and I got bored:

spindrift, seeklets, blackmark, poster: casusfere, art, story, hotstrike, taser

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