Character sheet

Sep 18, 2007 20:51 ya go, though I may not be able to participate for a little bit.

Name: Flamestrike
Type: Transformer
Gender: Female
Eyes: Green
Height: 15-17’ tall (or -almost- as tall as Prowl)
Description: Flamestrike is rather lanky/rangy in appearance. Her main mode colors are grey, brown, and tawny yellow with flame-colored “feathered” crest and tailtip. Her head has a brown “feathered” (feathers are flame-colored) helm with ear-like horns. Her face is a light grey with green optics. Torso underarmor is light grey with blocky panels of brown across her upper torso and her gryphon’s face centered on her chest. Her wings generally stay tucked into her back, almost backpack-like in appearance, and the main “sail” panels (yellow and red) retract in bot-mode to hang no lower than her hips. Lithe arms are grey, except for white (ridged) bracers on the backs of both forearms. Her lower torso is also grey, paneling a tawny “bikini” with a white front. The back of her lower torso shows he tips of her anti-gravity generators while in ‘bot mode. Her thighs are grey with a tawny-golden ridge down the center ending at her kneecaps (gryphon’s legs in the center). Her lower legs are tawny-golden in color, ending in neat booted feet. She has a detachable lion’s tail in her bot-mode, same color as her legs, ending in a heated, flame-colored, bladed tip.

References: (The GEARSMITH) (My -coughs- art) (Matt Moylan) (Flame and Prowl by Ty-Chou) (Flamestrike and Solarflare by Straya) <-- WONDERFUL design (Flamestrike and Solarflare: Animated style by Lizkay) (Flamestrike and Prowl again by The GEARSMITH)

Personality: Flamestrike is somewhat quiet and introverted, but has a very sharp wit along with her intelligently logical mindset. She has a social advantage over Prowl in that she is able to see situations from many different angles and is not tied to logic. When she is around Solarflare, her friend can bring out the utterly silly side. Flamestrike has a temper, and generally will not hesitate to strike back at anyone who annoys her past her patience. She strives for perfection in her missions, always testing her limits.

Other: She actually likes orchestral (classical) music, and has developed a fondness for gryphons after reformatting into her current alt-mode. Flamestrike has a rather bad allergy to the element thallium. Her crest has flame-jets in it which allow her to vent the tremendous heat generated by her anti-gravity generators. It also flickers flames when she feels strongly about something. She and Prowl are a couple, after the end of "Logical Arrival."

Faction: Autobot
Occupation: Infiltrationist/Strategist
Alternate Mode: Gryphon
Tools/Weapons: flame (tail-)spear, claws and beak, laser pistol
Preferred Generation: G1
History: Flamestrike used to be a runner for the Cybertronian council until the war. Once war broke out, she struck out on her own for a while, then eventually signed up with Elita-1's forces. When the call came for Cybertronians to help swell the ranks in Autobot City, she volunteered. Once on Earth, she was convinced to reformat to her current gryphon alt-mode and learned to love it.

Flamestrike is an accomplished infiltrationist, with a perfect record for entry. She has a knack of being able to get in and out of even the most heavily guarded Decepticon strongholds, but will usually fare badly if discovered and forced into combat. While she does have a small laser pistol, her main weapon is her flame spear, which is capable - once fully heated - of melting even the toughest trylithium armor on contact. Her primary mode is not well armored, except for her back and bracers on her forearms (chest armor for her gryphon form) She performs most of her infiltration and combat duties in her more sturdy gryphon mode, though her wings are rather fragile. She is able to fly in gryphon mode using a combination anti-gravity/booster set of generators which partially retract into her lumbar back when in primary mode. Her tail is detachable in primary mode for combat purposes, but almost always remains attached.

Though usually composed in her emotions, the crest "feathers" on her helm will jet flame when she feels strongly about something, or is overheated. Her tail also reacts like a cat's, and has a mean backswing when something annoys her. After her reputation as an infiltratonist spread through the Decepticon forces to the point of jeapordizing her life, Prowl took her aside as an assistant and taught her strategy. She is a very good strategist before initial contact, but lacks the battle computer Prowl possesses to be a true master tactician during battle.

Fanfic References: (Crystal Shekeira - Flamestrike arrives on Earth) (mine - still in progress) (Early-EARLY war Flamestrike)

Alt Mode References: (The GEARSMITH) (My -coughs- art) (Crystal Shekeria)

QUOTE: "Accomplish the mission - others count on you."


flamestrike, poster: tyrrlin, ref: flamestrike

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