Another Decepticon for the ranks

Jan 14, 2008 14:59

Here’s another to add to the recent flood of Decepticons.

Edit: Okay, he's gotten an almost complete overhaul. Think he's useable, now.

Name: Halftone

Type: Transformer

Gender: Male

Eyes: Red

Height: About the same height as Animated Optimus, Blitzwing, or Sentinel

Description: Solidly built, of similar size to Animated Blitzwing or Sentinel. When working for Sumdac, he was completely black with accents in dark silver/gunmetal chrome and the occasional bit of purple. Once Powell took over the company, he was repainted to be mostly white, with black, purple, and silver accents. (Remember this? Guess who!) The exposed piping just behind his front wheels moves over the front of his shoulders as additional armor, pointing back behind his head.

Personality: Halftone is more than willing a Decepticon, but he is somewhat inept as a spy. His job (mostly long term, solitary information gathering) requires that he sit and wait. A lot. When he’s focused, he performs just fine, but he's rarely focused. Usually, his mind starts to wander. When that happens he tends to leave his post for long stretches as a time or just not pay attention and as a result ends up missing things.

His largest weakness is his inability to take self-initiated action. He’s a follower, not a leader, to the point where it can become detrimental to the Decepticon cause.

His primary job is not as a brawler, though he wishes it was. He rarely gets excited about anything, except when he does get to participate in battle. He lets off the steam built up from having to be sneaky all the time by being overly exuberant when he fights.

Likes: Halftone enjoys the simple pleasures in life. Smashing things, napping, crushing things, catching a quick snack, running things over... Also, nice, stress-relieving brawls with other Decepticons. Cool dark corners in which to take catnaps and browse the Internet. Practicing with his weapons. Anyone willing to spar with him, even if it is a stupid Autobot who he'll have to go right back to hating after they're done.

Dislikes: Long, boring assignments. Having to make split-second decisions that don't involve figuring out the best way to take down his current opponent. All Decepticons whose jobs he considers better than his (which includes pretty much everyone but the medics, scientists, and other spies). Autobots. He cares about Neutrals and humans about as much as you care about the ants doing their business in your backyard.

He doesn’t like to make ‘small talk’ very much, and tends to use as few words as necessary when he does speak. His voice tends to crack or change pitch at odd moments, a subconscious mimicry of the way his weapon works. The intimidation factor presented by his build flies right out the window the moment he opens his mouth.

Other: He gives off no spark signature, a modification that was made when he first became a spy. He has no idea how it works, and equally little idea as to how he would repair or turn the function off if needed.

Squicks: Sex-slave fic is my only real squick. Other than that, feel free to get as light and fluffy or as dark and 'adult' as you like. Seriously, anything - anything - goes.

References: Sketchy headshot

Transformer-specific Details

Faction: Decepticon

Occupation: Spy/ Occasional brawler

Alternate Mode: An armored limo. For Animated, his alt form is the limo Powell uses in Return of the Headmaster. For other continuities, it'd be a black Rolls Royce Phantom.

Tools/Weapons: His main weapon is a modified Chinese meteor hammer, with a thin chain instead of a cord and a weighted metal ball on both ends. The spheres emit a pitched sound when they make contact with a target. The frequency is controlled remotely by Halftone. They function on the same concept as shattering a glass goblet with the right frequency of sound, weakening the material around the impact point to allow a single blow to cause more damage. In order for this function to be effective, they have to be properly tuned to the material they’re hitting. The amount of damage they can do is almost directly proportional to how closely Halftone manages to tune them to his target.

A human-made meteor hammer is 12’, about twice as long as a man is tall. So if Halftone is 20’ tall, his weapon will have a range of about 40’.

Preferred Generation: He's tailored for Animated, but G1 or movie-verse are great, too.

History: Halftone had been shadowing Megatron for years as a spy/scout, sending him information on Autobot movements and reporting any hints that might lead to the Allspark. He lost track of Megatron when the Autobots went through the space bridge and crashed on Earth. Halftone did manage to find Megatron long before any of the other Decepticons arrived, but Megatron was still offline. Having no idea what else to do, Halftone fell back on the familiar, deciding he could best serve Megatron by watching and waiting. He inserted himself into the rapidly expanding Sumdac empire by replacing a limo in the small fleet of armored vehicles kept for Sumdac’s personal use.

As often happens with Halftone, however, as the years went by he began paying less and less attention. He didn’t even realize that Megatron was back online until he picked up on the radio signal when Megatron contacted Lugnut for the first time. Sheepishly, he contacted his leader. In disgust at Halftone’s ineptness, Megatron told him to remain where he was, telling him to keep an eye on Powell once the man took over in Sumdac’s place. Though Megatron expects regular reports and does send Halftone on the occasional information gathering mission, mostly Megatron ignores his presence, and Halftone continues to slack off.

poster: sister_dear, ref: halftone, halftone

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