Attn: trunks_angel

Jan 02, 2010 17:06

Hurricane was sorta well behaved but is getting homesick, so I'm returning him to you. I must apologize for the lateness: my computer had a weird problem, and I thought I had lost the text file. I somehow corrected the situation and got it back.


"It seems kinda strange for the others to finally get around to invite us." Brea said while enjoying the view from the bow of the U.S.S. New York, the newest ship the U.S. built out of the debris of the World Trade Center wreckage. The ship's first assigned tour of duty was in the very waters Diego Garcia was, so the Navy ordered the ship and compliment to not mind the civilian passengers as well as a red and blue Mitsubishi prototype automobile stored below in a spare cargo hold.
"I know," Jase replied while admiring the lines of the ship. The sharp angles of the above decks had both both his and Erix' attention on every detail of what they were allowed to see of the vessel. "How long has it been since we found out about the others?"
"A couple years at least." Erix chimed-in without losing a beat, "What took them so long?"
"Some problems at their base from what 'Cane has said: something about some kind of Decepti-cat making an unannounced visit. Really tore up the place." Jase was quick with the answer.
"Bad kitty, no nip for you!" Brea was even quicker with the levity. Jase was about to say something along the lines of energon-nip when his cell rang.

"Jase? Hurricane." The Autobot on the other end didn't need a cell phone, his comm systems navigated the more primitive human system with ease.
"Yeah 'Cane?"
"I'm detecting the we are nearing Diego Garcia, by my estimate six hours out by our present speed."
"You nervous about meeting those who might remember you?"
"Not too much. I was assured by Ratchet that anybody who doesn't know about my situation will be told so at the threat of reformat if they take advantage of it."
"That might help with those who might not have a problem with you in the past, I'm more worried about those who do."
"I usually call them Decepticons myself." Hurricane retorted humorously.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, the three humans and the one Autobot couldn't wait to disembark the ship to stand on Diego Garcia soil. Upon arriving, it was decided that Hurricane would walk from the New York to shore instead of having to be hoisted onto the pier, while the others would go ashore normally via dinghy. When all got ashore, Hurricane transformed into vehicle mode to transport the three humans in his charge the distance it took to get to main base of Diego Garcia after getting cleared by security. The trip itself didn't take long at all since Hurricane decided it was alright to speed as quickly as possible to the NEST base. He was enthused about being with his own kind for a change, he had to be told by Erix to slow down a bit before Ironhide mistakes the quartet for another solo Decepticon raid.

Getting to the actual building that the party was being held at, Hurricane couldn't resist the urge to power-slide to a stop at the entrance. Witnessing the near-reckless manner of approach, the human and Autobot guards at the hanger doors looked at each other with perplexity.
"You know who this car is Gamm?" The human soldier asked the twenty foot mech who was assigned guard duty with him, betraying his cockney accent in case the British uniform wasn't convincing enough.
"Nope, never saw this mech before Sargent Digsby." The Cabrabot answered back, readying his primary weapon. "Might be one of those trouble making Decepticons we've heard about..."
"Don't shoot!" Shouted Brea as she exited Hurricane. Erix and Jase were almost as quick to exit their Autobot friend as she was, but no less intent on seeing that there were no hostilities breaking out between fellow Autobots, especially on Christmas.
"Are you crazy, or is that your problem?" Shouted Jase as he slammed Hurricane's driver side door which caused the Autobot to give out a mock "Ouch!" in the process. "We were invited by Optimus Prime himself!" Erix added.
"I'll just have to double check this with Ori, I mean Optimus." Gamma quickly corrected himself. "Ever since the episode with Ravage, one can't be too careful." After lowering his rail gun, the brown Autobot contacted the Prime via a personal comm frequency. After what seemed mere milliseconds, Gamma winced, as if being shouted at. Showing genuine contriteness, the Autobot hurriedly opened the hanger doors enough to let the quartet inside and waved them inside. Hurricane let the three humans go first and was about to go through himself when Gamma stopped him. A few words in Cybertronian were exchanged before letting Hurricane through, but not without a gentle pat on the shoulder assembly that Gamma gave Hurricane. When Hurricane entered the hanger, he was immediately greeted by Optimus himself.
"Welcome to Diego Garcia, Hurricane. Your human charges are already mingling those we've known since we got here, and I must apologize for how Gamma treated all of you while you were outside. I rebuked him rather harshly for it."
"Think nothing of it sir." Hurricane was quick to stop the Prime's apology right there. "He personally apologized for his demeanor after my friends went in."
"Really? That's interesting" Prime was surprised at the speed the situation was resolved.
"Yes, I guess we both have had our share of battle damage through all this. He even said I reminded him of someone."
"Good as long as that is resolved," Optimus was relieved, "Follow me and join the rest of us, I'm sure you are familiar with the holiday the humans are celebrating."
"By all means sir." Hurricane and Optimus started walking down a corridor to join the others. By this time Jase, Brea, and Erix had met the other humans and their Autobot friends in the largest hall on the base. "The event is a celebration of the birth of a very important religious figure some humans hold dear. I just never could understand the need to deplete one's financial reserves in order to participate..."

P.S. 'Cane found it very interesting that one of his friends (Brea) also has the same name of the town in California I spent my kid years in.

poster: jim_ghote, story, hurricane

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