Atten: kinrazza

Dec 31, 2009 22:53

*Zooms in just under the line* Chronicus came to visit me for Christmas and he returns with a happy story to tell. And since this month was Christmas time, I gave several people's characters some cameo appearances, hope that's okay!

All You Need Is Family

Rating: G

It was fair to say that it had been a long, long, LONG time since there had been such a flurry and wealth of activity within his halls, corridors and rooms and Chronicus listened and watched it all with a growing sense of happiness and pleased satisfaction.

According to his visitors, it was all to do with an Earth tradition, a holiday period of time called 'Christmas, in which humans all over the planet celebrated for a variety of reasons. On that particular holiday, it was tradition to exchange gifts between family and friends and spend time in each other's company, renewing bonds and playing games and being grateful for everything they had in their lives.

That was why it had been such a big surprise (and a shock to say the least) when Impresa had arrived, having travelled through space from Earth, with the Autobots who had made the planet their new home and some of their human allies. Now docked, every bot was moving between the two giant Cybertronians, bringing a whole manner of things from Impresa and over Chronicus.

"So...what's this stuff?" Techne asked as he and his twin opened several boxes of decorations.

"I believe Sam called it 'Tinsel'." Aspiria replied, helping Ratchet collect another box of baubles for the Autobot's large Christmas tree that was situated on one side of Chronicus' large library.

"Where are we putting this?" Chase called as he and Spindrift held some equipment that looked liked some kind of music system.

"Over in that corner, Chase." Ratchet replied, directing all the crowd of mechs busily carrying things around and setting them up. "Tracer, take the box of lights to Ironhide, and for frag sake, Sonar, STOP chasing Wheelie!"

"He insulted me again!"

"Just ignore him! You're not a sparkling, you should know better." Ratchet put a hand over his faceplates in exasperation at his creation.

"The more you react, the more he does it, Sonar." Mikaela called.

Sonar muttered quietly and then moved to help Gamma Antares, Techne and Liberus put up some of the long strands of colored tinsel around the library.

"Bee, where's the other box of decorations, the one that has the ones that we made?" Sam asked as he turned from the smaller tree that had been brought for the humans among the company.

Bumblebee looked around their little area and across the room where the other boxes - big and small - were and couldn't see the one his friend was asking for and shrugged.

"We didn't leave it behind at Diego Garcia did we?" The young man frowned.

"Every box there was loaded, we didn't miss anything." Epps replied.

"Didn't Lennox go back to Impresa with Hurricane to find it?" Mikaela asked.

"Got it!" A holler from the entrance to the library echoed and Hurricane and Quickstep entered with Lennox, Erix, Jace and Brea sitting on their shoulders. A box was held carefully in Lennox's arms.

"Way ahead of us." Sam smiled.

"Sideswipe, what are you doing?!" Ratchet suddenly growled at the younger bot, who was across the library.

The silver corvette shrugged, "Pizazz wanted to know if tinsel was strong enough to hold up a Cybertronian."

"Get her down now! And Sonar, I can see you and Chakée throwing baubles at Wheelie, stop it! Primus, young mechs."

"Think we should put the tables over here, away from the mischief, Prowl?" Rib suggested.

"That may be for the best." Prowl agreed and he helped Rib and SilverSide arrange the furniture, while Yacht, Warp, Impulse and Argo began placing food and energon cubes on the tables after they had been set.

"Has anyone seen the special energon brew I made back at Diego Garcia?" Wheeljack asked.

"We left it behind." Ironhide replied gruffly.

"But I made it for this trip!" Wheeljack responded. "And Sideswipe helped too!"

"That's why we left it behind!" Ratchet retorted.

Aspiria smiled as she looked at all the activity going on and then turned to Optimus, who was helping Ironhide and Ratchet with the Cybertronian sized tree. "Thank you for coming." She said quietly to the Autobot leader. "We all needed this, as a reminder of times before the war began. It has been a long time since Chronicus has felt as jovial as he does now."

Optimus smiled in return, "You're welcome."

The organizing and preparations (as well as the mischief) continued until everything was set and ready. The library and various hallways were decorated with tinsel and other decorations and there was a tree each for both the humans and the mechs with a variety of presents under them and there was of course, music, food and energon arranged for a simple, but peaceful party.

Chronicus got the feeling that Christmas was one human tradition that he wanted to continue for stellar cycles to come.


liberus, poster: trunks_angel, chronicus, aspiria, techne

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