Atten: sister_dear

Aug 31, 2009 14:29

Guess who I found! You asked for 'Uncomfortable' as a prompt, so I hope this matches that and that you enjoy it!

Flies For A Spider

Rating: PG

"This is your fault, you know."

"My fault?! There's no fraggin' way this is my fault, it's yours!"

"If you had just stepped aside and allowed me to take the slaggin' oil, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Right, I'm gonna let a Decepti-creep run off with the resource I found first!"

Halftone snarled, exasperated by the thick, sticky webbing that held him tightly in place and by the annoying little yellow Autobot that was, unfortunately, his only companion at that present time. "YOU found?! I fraggin' well found that oil first you little Auto-glitch!"

"Great, yeah, shout loud enough and our captor will come back, that's such a good idea!" Bumblebee growled back sarcastically.

"I'm not the one who's shouting!" Halftone hissed back as a whisper.

"You were a moment ago!" Bee retorted in the same manner.

"Oh just shut your vocaliser, for primus sake!" Halftone really wished one of his arms was free, then he could've at least hit the Autobot over his helm. "Has anyone ever told you how fraggin' annoying you are?!"

"Yeah, but I just ignore them."

"Then you should start paying more attention!"

Bee turned his head away from the Decepticon, but it didn't have much of an affect since he also was held firmly in place (hanging upside down from a large tree branch) by thick and sticky threads of webbing. Halftone was just thankful for the peace and quiet, even if it didn't last long (which it didn't).

"I wonder who will get here first; the Autobots or the Dinobots."

"Dinobots?" Halftone frowned.

"You should hope for the Autobots." Bee carried on. "The Dinobots work with BlackArachnia."

"I won't be here to find out." Halftone growled, still wriggling in an attempt to find a way to break through the webbing.

"We are so taking you in once the Autobots get here." Bee smirked.

"Like frag I'm going to let you Auto-glitches take me in!" Halftone snarled back. "I'll be long gone before then!"

"Oh, I hope not." BlackArachnia said as she descended from the treetops on one of her own threads of webbing. "I was looking forward to us all spending some time together."

"Guess you were wrong, half-pint." Halftone remarked to Bumblebee. "Neither the Autobots or the....what did you call them? Dinobots? Neither of them found us."

"It's Bumblebee!" Bee snapped back at the Decepticon.

"Oh whatever." Halftone grumbled.

"Oh, you two needn't worry about my guard bots." BlackArachnia smirked, leaning forward so she could brush one of her clawed fingers over Halftone's chin. "Even as we speak, they're moving the containers of oil you both were fighting over. Thank you for helping me find them."

"See!" Bee yelled. "I told you it was your fault, now she's taken our oil!"

"My oil!" Halftone snapped back.

The Decepticon spy had been about to turn off his own audios as Bee went into a fast-paced rant at him, but by then even BlackArachnia had had enough and clamped the little bot's mouth shut with some more of her webbing. Halftone was overjoyed at small mercies.

"Thanks, you don't know how long I've been wanting to shut the little glitch up."

"I can hazard a guess." BlackArachnia replied.

"You'll make my cycle if you'll let me go too." Halftone added.

"Not just yet." BlackArachnia replied with another smirk. "Like I said before, I felt like having some company, humans say, for dinner."

Halftone silently cursed, knowing that once he got out of the mess he was stuck in, he wasn't going to live the incident down in a hurry.


story, poster: trunks_angel, halftone

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