Hey azysapphy! :D I have someone for ya!

Jun 30, 2009 07:46

The crack of a sonic boom going off was the only noise in the early morning. Wildlife all around the area stilled before making themselves known again in a cacophony of noise; chirps, trills, caws, chitters..all startled from the sound of a gunshot.

Light glinted off the end of the barrel of a rifle as the sniper listened quietly to her surroundings, listening, waiting...making sure her target was completely obliterated. When no noise came forth other than the dull, heavy 'thud' of her quarry hitting the ground in a deactivated heap, Desinex sat back on her pedes, and began the meticulous task of taking apart her weapon to store in subspace.

"Target eliminated. Preparing a hard copy of memory files for further analysis of target's processors." She quietly relayed over her communications system, before making her way down the cliff edge to her kill. As she approached she stuck a pede out, kicking at the prone form before her, making sure the autobot was completely deactivated before rifling through his subspace and chassis for anything of use, while pulling out an external hard drive and began downloading the subject's memory banks.

Weapons, hologram pictures, various little Earth trinkets...Desinex only kept the weapons, subspacing them, before taking out a laser knife and hacked into the chest armor of her victim, cutting out the Autobot insignia for her trophy collection. With the 'ping!' of the memory download complete she disconnected the harddrive and put it back into subspace, standing back up. Light reflected off of her visor and she merely smirked; without another word she turned to head back to the Nemesis.

Damn, she loved her job.

((hope you like it! I hope I got her down correctly..this was all she'd let me do!))

story, poster: creepygoth666, desinex

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