
Jun 08, 2009 05:28

Hello. I am, well, new to this comm. I have lurked for a while but am only now getting up the courage to post here. Transformers is a relatively "new" thing for me so I am still learning my way around. That being said here is my first entry, a character from a crossover with Stargate SG-1. I haven't used him anywhere before so he is a little rough. Sorry, and apologies ahead of time if this is too long. I have no art or stories written for him yet for use as reference.

Name: Shol’va
Type: Transformer
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Height: 13 feet
Description: The first thing most tend to notice about Shol’va is his size, or lack thereof. Standing at just over thirteen feet in height the mech is small compared to most others, a feature that aids him in his occupation but which can be a bit of a sore point socially. His build is short and compact with most of the bulk carried in his chest and torso, giving him a wedge-shaped body similar to Starscream’s, right down to the legs which are bent back at the knee. While capable of moving well enough on land Shol’va’s body design is better suited to aerial maneuvers than the awkward waddling that is his walk. At times when he is forced to remain grounded he is almost faster scuttling about on all fours than walking upright. Either way there is very little grace involved when he is not in flight.

For the most part Shol’va is primarily smoke gray in color with touches of pale gold and bronze. His helm is shaped like the head of a falcon complete with wickedly curved beak with a few decorative accents, such as a crest and fan-like fins on either side. Positioned in the center of his forehead is the Decepticon symbol, under which is the faded remains of an Autobot emblem. Situated on his back is a pair of stationary, curved wings that bare a resemblance to the stylized scarabs that were prized by the ancient Egyptians of Earth. These wings can be halfway closed but are otherwise incapable of movement. His hands and feet are armed with claws that are used as weapons and in climbing vertical surfaces in areas where flight is not an option.

Personality: Shol’va is by no stretch of the imagination a people person. Having chosen a life of solitude well away from other Cybertronians he is territorial over his little corner of the galaxy and does not take kindly to strangers invading his turf. Be they organic or a technology-based organism he will do his best to drive them off. However, his desire not to be discovered by the organics that pilot him often limits what he can do to achieve this goal. He is instantly suspicious of any machine that displays a hint of sentience and will not rest until he has determined whether or not it is a member of his race. Likewise, any organic that manages to uncover the truth of what he truly is will likely be bullied or, in some cases, eliminated to keep his identity a secret.

A true introvert, Shol’va will rarely initiate a conversation and will ignore most attempts made to engage him in pointless chit chat. He can be provoked into talking if insulted but will be stand-offish. Proving to him that you can provide intelligent conversation, on the other hand, can get him to be civil and relax a bit. Should anyone win him over they will learn that he is a bitter, brooding mech with a short temper that would rather be left alone with the ghosts of his past. He will be hard pressed to be anything friendlier than neutral in potential relationships.

Likes: Unrestricted airspace; aerial combat; intelligent conversation; discussions on the pros and cons of various war tactics; being left in peace.
Dislikes: Being grounded; long periods of inactivity; having ‘his’ territory invaded by outsiders; pointless drivel.

Squicks (DO NOT WANT): It’s all good, anything goes.
Other: After spending so long in the company of organics and not his own kind Shol’va will sometimes fall into the Goa’uld dialect when speaking without noticing. As for the time line, he comes from the first season of Stargate SG-1 after the pilot episode and is currently part of Apophis's forces.
References: Goa'uld dictionary; Helm Reference

Faction: Decepticon
Occupation: None currently; former spy/saboteur
Alternate Mode: Goa’uld Death Glider
Tools/Weapons: His primary long distance weapons are staff cannons taken from his alternate mode; he generally carries only one at a time, with the other kept in subspace unless the first is damaged. At close range the cannon can also be used as a traditional staff. His secondary weapon is a gauntlet worn on his left hand that uses concentrated streams of energy that causes damage to internal components. Lastly, the claws on his hands and feet can be used to slash at enemies in close quarters.
Preferred Generation: 2007 Movie
History: Shol’va was once an Autobot by the name of Turbine. He and his trine mates, a femme named Slipstream and a mech called Venture, were a tight-knit trio that served as aerial spies and saboteurs in the Autobot army during the war. That is, until Turbine was captured by Decepticons while on a mission and spent a considerable amount of time in their possession until finally being rescued by his friends. During his long imprisonment he was tortured and violated by a sadistic femme who warped his mind to the point where pain became synonymous with pleasure, and he eventually gave up thoughts of escape or of being rescued. Cut off from the outside world Turbine formed a twisted attachment to his tormentor and the other ‘Cons who frequented his holding cell. By the time his Autobot comrades were able to free him Turbine had lost his identity, and spent his first vorn of freedom crying for his former captors.

(His history ended up being five paragraphs long, so for the sake of length you can find the rest of it here.)

Alt. Mode References: Death Glider
Weapon References: Staff Cannon; Active Staff; Gauntlet.

ref: shol'va, shol'va, poster: copperdaisy

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