ATTN: missusmandy!

Jan 31, 2009 09:59

Wire? What wire? *clotheslined* Oh. That wire.

Title: Ambush
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Universe: G1
Summary: Nightstrike's peaceful jaunt over the Atlantic is interrupted by Screamer's scheming.

Nightstrike knew something was wrong the moment the two seekers dropped out of a cloud bank and fell in behind her.

“Looky, TC, what do we have here?” Skywarp gunned his engines, puling closer to mock-examine her.

Nightstrike growled a warning, uncomfortable with his sudden proximity. “Back off, Skywarp.”

The black seeker ignored her. “It's like someone strapped a kite to a rowboat and is pretending it's a jet!”

“Does this have a point, or can I get to the part where I shoot you?” she snarled, banking suddenly to try to get him off her wing.

“Oh, there's a point. See, Starscream thinks you're a liability, and I get to do something about it.” Skywarp stuck with her, radiating smug superiority.

“And here I thought you two were too smart to get caught up in Screamer's scheming.” She paused. “Alright, I thought that Thundercracker was too smart. You, on the other hand...”

“We know something you don't know,” he sang back, ignoring the slur about his intelligence.

“Shut up and shoot her, Skywarp!” Thundercracker broke in, loosing patience with his wingmate's antics.

“Oh, fine,” Skywarp huffed, cutting back his engines and drifting behind her. “Say goodnight, Strikey!”

Nightstrike was rolling before Skywarp even finished the sentence, twisting in midair and accelerating hard as a missile dropped from under Skywarp's wing.

Slag! She knew wasn't going to be able to outrun the missile, so she didn't even try. Leveling out, she triggered her stores of chaff. A fine silver mist of tumbling metal fragments spread behind her, glittering in the sunlight and fouling the missile's radar.

It was a textbook maneuver, perfectly executed... except it took her focus off the real threat.

Nightstrike looped back around, scanners focusing on the blue jet cruising above her.

Skywarp was gone.

Frag it! She rolled, searching the sky for any sign of the other jet.

“Lose something?” Thundercracker radioed her smugly.

“Just wondering if your little friend decided he couldn't bear the sight of you crashing and burning.” She lifted her nose and climbed, intending on taking the opportunity to acquire a missile lock of her own and take out half the opposition.

Thundercracker held his course, seemingly oblivious to the cross-hairs lining up on his tail.

It took Nightstrike a matter of seconds to complete her loop, coming up on Thundercracker's tail with a beautiful clear shot. Unfortunately, it took significantly less time for Skywarp to teleport in off her starboard wing and open fire.

Pain exploded along her wing and fuselage. I'm going to rip out his actuators and shove them up his exhaust! she swore, struggling to keep her wings level.

“Aw, did that hurt?” Skywarp mocked, looping around her.

Nightstrike growled, cutting back her airspeed and concentrating on staying in the air and waiting for Skywarp to do something stupid.

With the black jet, it was simply a matter of time.

“Skywarp, knock it off!” Thundercracker looped around to growl at his wingmate. “Stop playing around! Starscream's waiting,” he reminded Skywarp.

“Pfft, whatever. Let the geek wait,” Skywarp said dismissively, rolling again. “He's been waiting for over a week, he can wait a few extra minutes. Remember that mass-drive thingy from last week?” he asked Nighstrike with undisguised sadistic glee. “See, when Screamer said that it was destroyed, he may have fibbed just a teensy bit.”

“Warp...” Thundercracker started warningly.

“Hey, it's not like she's going to be around long enough to do anything about it. See, Strikey, Screamer's actually been fixing it right under Megatron's nose,” Skywarp snickered. “Megatron's lost super-weapon has been just down the hall in the deck three storage closet the entire time, and boy, is he gonna be surprised to see it.”


“Hey, TC, no raining on my parade! I'm trying to gloat over here!” Skywarp flicked his wings at his wingmate before giving Nightstrike another mocking roll.

Just a little more, Nightstrike thought viciously, watching Skywarp start to pull ahead of her again.

“Skywarp, look out!”


Nightstrike rolled sharply, biting back a cry of pain as the maneuver twisted at her injured wing. Painful as it was, it put the startled Skywarp squarely in front of her nosecone, close enough that she didn't even need to take the time to aim.


Skywarp didn't have time to finish the curse. A short blast with her magnetic disruptor ray sent him tumbling out of the sky, stunned.


Nightstrike gunned her engine and accelerated, trying to ignore the burning pain in her wing. “Deck three, storage closet you say? I'm sure Lord Megatron will be happy to hear that I found the mass driver for him. I'm afraid he might be less happy with you three,” she called back mockingly.

Torn between chasing after her and helping his wingmate, Thundercracker swore. “You'll get yours,” he growled, turning and spiraling down after Skywarp.

“Not today, and not from you,” Nightstrike shot back, turning her nose for the Decepticon base. She had a traitor to unveil...

story, nightstrike, poster: casusfere

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