The Continuing Thought Journal of T'S'Jin Ost

Dec 16, 2007 13:58

[First, I think I should provide some perspective to the Players on the Character of T’S’Jin Ost, of the Fourth Circle of Fantassin, the Nomarchs’ Personal Guard and Assassin.  In general, when creating campaigns, the campaign is structured such that the characters from the end of the very first session have a strong reason to stay together going forward, if they didn’t already ‘know’ each other prior.  In this particular campaign, as far as I can tell, only Atticus and Galen know each other.  As such, we have to find a reason to become a team, we’re in that process, but we are certainly not there yet.  While it is obvious from our perspective that we’re going to be an ‘adventuring group’ T’S’Jin isn’t quite there yet, he’s still only self-interested, he needs to leave the city, Atticus seems to know how to leave the city so he’s useful.  Galen and Atticus seem to know how to travel the wilderness, they’re useful.  J’Haran knows how to manipulate people and gain access to places the rest of us might not, he’s useful.  J’Haran doesn’t know how to fight and T’S’Jin needs a sparring partner, therefore T’S’Jin is ‘training’ J’Haran.

To be clear, this was a conscious decision on my part as I thought the growth of friendship with the rest of the group would be fun as we learn to survive as a group.  So if any of you thought T’S’Jin was a ‘wanker’ in the last session (thinking specifically to the rifle issue), he was, but he’s not going to continue to be, he just has to realize that this is a) in his best interest and b) totally aligned to his Beliefs (see below).  To address the rifle issue, it wasn’t a group decision from T’S’Jins’ point of view, so even if everyone had said “we have a MUCH better way to do this”, he wouldn’t have changed his mind.  That won’t always be so… he’ll eventually (probably soon) learn to operate as a group, he’s just been an independent operator for so long, it tough for him to consult with those who he doesn’t view as ‘wise in the ways of death’.  So, while for now, T’S’Jin is a bit… adversarial, he certainly won’t continue to be so, he just has to learn to be in a new group.  I’m looking forward to the fun of that, especially now that we’re outside the city and totally beyond anything T’S’Jin has ever seen, he’s still martial, but the forest is as alien to him as the surface of Mars would be for any of us.  Finally, as we were supposed to publish our Beliefs in this community, here are mine:

I am loyal without question to the Nomarch, if he commands, I obey to the best of my ability.  (This sort of goes with being Fantassin)

It is better to sacrifice an innocent than to let a real threat gain a material advantage.

The Nomarch is surrounded by traitors and those loyal to other powers.

With all that said remember that there are things in here your Characters wouldn’t know , but I think the Players knowing will make for a more interesting game… The Continuing Thought Journal of T’S’Jin Ost…]

We awoke this morning at the Inn… which I have learned is named The Inn of the Lost Loaves… and appropriate name when one surveys the lowlife diaspora that inhabits this place, though it seems no different than the rest of this Nomarch forsaken place.  We are 10 floors up, 8 above the nearest other residents of this long abandoned building.  I needed to get somewhere safe, as I was sure to be hunted at this moment, but I needed some information.  Were there Fantassin who were no longer loyal to the Nomarch?  As he has personally tasked me with making sure nothing happened to Malrubius, even in the event of a Malkoin, it seems like Fantassin would not have been involved in his death, yet they were.  Yet if the Nomarch had reversed his position on Malrubius, surely I would have been told personally, those were my original orders.  By any Logic path I can take (another gift from Malrubius, this Logic, somehow derived from The White Logic, though we never progressed to him explaining the derivation to me), the Fantassin involved in Malrubius’ death, and indeed in the raid on the party, must be rogue, no longer loyal to the Nomarch.  Or perhaps I simply don’t understand Logic.  I can trust only myself at this point however, so I must make myself safe until I can understand what needs to be done next.  To this end I have decided to escape the city, it is too dangerous for me here and they will not expect me to brave the wilds, having never left House Absolute before my time with Malrubius, and even then for only short periods. Atticus and Galen seem to know how to deal with the Wilds beyond the Walls of Avaris, so I will travel with them for now, and I am bringing J’Haran along.  His life here is likely ended and his skills will no doubt come in useful with minor functionaries of some of the smaller Burghs we may take refuge in.  First however I needed information.

The opportunity came when Atticus mentioned he had to go to his Koinon, one I’ve never heard of and seems to be outside the official Koinon order and thus unsanctioned, to retrieve some information that would help us find a passageway through the Walls of Avaris.  Surely there would be someone watching this place for I have learned that Atticus is every bit the Faber that Malrubius was and I may be fast becoming.  With some helpful information from Soban we left at night to try to cross back from the Dead City using the same tunnels we came through.  I was able to Shift into the White Logic somewhere near the tunnel we came out of and again, as if I’d walked the path every day for the past Chiliad, I saw the route we must take to the Bibliotec Populi, exiting in a park a short distance away.

Some initial reconnaissance exposed three of what looked like Lustrals, I selected what I thought would be their commander and sent Atticus and Galen to subdue him, knowing I could likely incapacitate him from afar if need be.  I settled in a tree with J’Haran as a spotter and sighted on the first of the Lustrals.  Disposing of them in short order, Atticus and Galen showed themselves to be worthy adversaries by subduing the Lustral.  While Atticus did his business in the Bibliotec Populi, Galen, J’Haran and I hauled our captured Lustral back to the Tunnels.

It was quickly apparent that we could not get much from the Lustral, he kept telling me that one Idas had all the information but that he was ensconced at the Lustral Koinon in the abandoned Palace of Chanyu on Daneistes Hill.  I disposed of the Lustral quickly, to the despair it seems of Galen, the old man must quickly learn that enemies of this caliber can not be allowed to live.  Though he expressed interest in how to silence a rifle shot, whose only purpose can be Silent Death, perhaps he is less averse to killing than he at first seems.

On our return Soban informed us that the Lustrals were spreading rumors that the Starvling Cult had returned, a pathetic ploy to dupe the ignorant populace to their search for us, and perhaps the other Fabers they are searching for, sowing fear for no reason.  She implied that the other koinon were working with the Lustrals, but Soban isn’t nearly as well informed as she would like us to think, she was easily convinced that all Fantassin are assassins, the reality that we a small hidden sect was unknown to her, so I don’t know how much to trust what she tells us is truth, versus her inserting her own perception.

We left shortly thereafter for the wall.  I was feeling uncomfortable, my morning training consisted of teaching J’Haran not to get hit so much, something which he failed miserably as but seemed to have some aptitude for.  Perhaps, eventually, he will become a worthy sparring partner, until then I will need to develop a new training regimen.  Upon reaching the wall the White Logic enveloped me again.   I found the door quickly, and to disperse any questions allowed J’Haran to open and close the door.  Best they don’t know everything yet, there will be time later, for now they attribute my knowledges to either Fantassin training or knowledge from Malrubius.  Inside the White Logic was thick, I felt I was walking through a soup and at times even felt ill.  I tried to remember my training, but was overwhelmed in the Battle Room.  The raw power there was beyond my meager skills, but I quietly filed away its location, knowing that it may be useful in the future.  Shortly thereafter we exited the wall, into the wilderness beyond Avaris.  I know from my training with Malrubius that the White Logic is rare beyond Avaris, but frequently powerful.  I only pray to the Nomarch that I have the strength to do what needs to be done.

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