Feb 16, 2004 19:19
Well, as predicted, I rock at predicting things. However, if I had predicted that I wouldn't rock at predicting things, and then I turned out to rock at predicting things, then they would cancel each other out and oh no i've gone crosseyed.
What did I predict, you ask? Good question. I predicted that my valentine's day would be full of almost anything but love and good romantic times. I awoke on valentine's day around noon, and proceeded to mope around the house for several hours. Some time later I went to the mall with carrie, walked around, went to marietta square, went to the park, and then carrie dropped me off at my house.
I then went to Elyssa's for a wild'n'wacky valentine's fiesta in the hot tub. in the tub shwas me, elyssa, graham, kerri, kent, laura, stephanie, and brett. i'm pretty sure it was about 2300 degrees in the tub itself, but us, geniuses that we are, waited to chill in it until it was raining and 38 degrees outside, so it pretty much felt perfect. we forgot that harriss carlos and peej were downstairs the whole time cuz they forgot bathing suits...whoops. i had to leave at 9:45 anyways, because of my awesome 10:00 curfew, so i left, came home, and watched TV till i fell asleep. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning real hungry and confused. so I ate, got re-oriented with what, exactly, my name is, and why I was sleeping on the floor in the dining room. Weird. For the record: no hookups, nothing coming close on valentines day.
Then on sunday i went to megan's with anna, graham, kent, david, megan, elyssa, and laura. it was cool, but again the 10 o clock curfew came around to bite me in the arse.
I have been grounded until I graduate from high school. If you find this idiotic, tell your friends, and...i dunno, kill my parents or something. It would help me out.
Current Mood: Like a prisoner, i'm pretty sure i'll be sharing my bed with an inmate named Bubba tonight. Pray for me.
Current Music: They don't let you have music in prison, silly goose.