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Pt 5!
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“Hnnnn…What do you want?”
“Your request-for a flight-capable combatant,” Soundwave intoned and at the corner of his vision he could see Starscream preen a little; Seekers were valuable soldiers if they were used correctly and it was no secret that their trine was the best of them. He and Thundercracker had been at the top of their respective classes in the Academy and Skywarp… well he was useful at least and could keep up; to them that was enough.
He saw the mech shift, nonchalant but with just a tinge of interest, “Hrm. You have one?”
“Negative. I present three,” the telepath stepped aside then and allowed Megatron full view. He didn’t miss the way those optics trailed over their frames, lingered on the sleek angles and flickered briefly over their wings. There was a slight recognition of their natural beauty and perhaps just a brief flash of desire; it was nothing new to any of them, they were used to being admired but he could tell that his brothers were standing a little straighter, a little more proud of their appearance-if possible-than usual. “Skywarp, Thundercracker and Starscream,” their trineleader flustered a moment, in the face of the violent mech that Thundercracker was sure he dreamt of.
“Mmm… uhh… Meg… Megatron! I pledge my allegiance undying!” the blue jet heard Skywarp snicker and he could have hid his face in his hands. Starscream had made himself as melodramatic as possible and it sounded ridiculous, a tad forced. There was no way that Megatron hadn’t seen right through it and he hoped the mech was the patient sort or at the very least didn’t find fault with eagerness.
“Heh… you can fly?” the gladiator seemed as amused by their trineleader as they were, a good thing because Starscream was… temperamental and the faster one got used to having him around the better. He didn’t particularly want his wingmate to end up offline either, he had been hard enough to convince into the trine bonding that Thundercracker would rather be short a member than ever try again; if Skywarp and he could ever get over the pain at losing a wingmate anyway.
Starscream adopted a rather arrogant stance, wings fluffed out proudly, “Beyond three times the speed of sound… all of us.” He couldn’t help but stand a little straighter, there were few Seekers that could hold to that boast and their trine was one of them. Megatron made a sound that Thundercracker could only take as appreciation and the way those optics lingered on them made him wonder if it was merely admiration for their talent or something more. Of course their trineleader wouldn’t stop at bragging, he had to attempt flattery, or really anything that might get him in the Gladiator’s berth, “Can I just say I am-we are honored by the opportunity to join you in the arena, to fight by…”
“The Arena? No, no. I have something much better for you and yours,” Megatron canted his head as Starscream slumped slightly, he had wanted this so badly, “Don’t look so disappointed. You will wear my badge and you will kill for me. In this time of change… we must all be flexible hmm?” Thundercracker wondered whether it was just his processor being faulty or if those words really did hold some sort of double meaning but he could feel Starscream’s glee faintly across the trine-bond and that must mean that there was something there.
He wanted nothing of that hinted offer.
“Yes, my Lord,” the red seeker smirked and returned the gladiator’s appreciative look, obviously interested in the mech and a quick glance to the side revealed Skywarp fluffed up proudly as well, wings spread wide to reveal their beauty. He had expected that at least, had known the two of them worshipped Megatron and he was unsurprised to see them react this way. Another look at the powerful mech and he decided then and there…Thundercracker would leave Megatron for his trine.
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