Oct 24, 2012 10:10

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Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 27 2013, 09:32:00 UTC
... society, culture, mental dissasociation, powerdynamics and the injustice that is not seen... gah! This does kinda push my buttons, but is it weird that it is all in the philosophy/psychology angle rather than the sexual one?

I have just too many intelligence and comprehension kinks.
Or no, I don't. Give me some more of those, please.

Hmm, I do have this image in my head now.

"Sister? What are you doing?"
"Making you safe. Keeping you safe from being hurt."
"Well, I kinda get why you have the armour plating for that then, but why is it so mismatched? And do I really need the extra armour?"
"It's not the armour you need, sweety. It's the angles and the bulk and the uneven paint. And I think it might be a good idea to make your face a bit more angular as well. Would you prefer a visor, a facemask, or more direct alterations?"
"Uhm... visor? And maybe a bit more edges to my jaw then if you had to, but, sis..."
"Hush now dearspark. Just lie still, and disable your painreceptors like I showed you."
The scarred femme smiled, slightly empty, but gentle, and picked up the weldingtorch.

Or, alernatively:

"So, doc, can you do it?"
"Well, yes, I suppose so, but this is a rather intense alteration to your frame, isn't it?"
"Just get rid of my interfacing equipment, doc, I'm not paying you to ask questions."


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 27 2013, 10:04:30 UTC
And now I've made myself think: Soundwave has a mask and visor and angles and subdued colours and a personality that is turned in on itself in spite of the arrogance.



Wanting the world as it is to burn and fall before you and be the most powerful, tolerating no leaders or higher powers that they didn't choose to follow (and possibly overtrow) themselves is kinda what Decepticons are about too. That would be a pretty agressive way of working out issues and making sure you're never hurt that way again.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 28 2013, 21:13:01 UTC

Now that is a very interesting idea. I didn't even think of Soundwave but it would indeed fit very well. And I totally get the fascination with the philosophy/psychology angle.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 27 2013, 15:09:41 UTC
Get rid off? Ad spikes on the inside, sawblades. Pointy and toothy and teary bits that will only deactivate if you are happy/turned on and fully aware. Or send a deactivating code internally.


All my inspiration is going towards "make it stop".
And societial implications.

Is this a reason why no-one is close friends with Mirage? (At least, sometimes I get the impression he's a bit... not looked down upon but kind of "not our sort of people/he'd only turn on us" vibe with the other Autobots from the fandom. Also the wiki. That he's kinda lonely and out of place and occasionally a bit snooty about it.

"And make sure you lose your seals early with someone you like. A friend or mentor, just, someone you'll know treat you right."

"Don't go out alone, try not to get attention, try not to look too attractive... you know this place is close to the good neighbourhoods."

Does that mean that lower ranking bots would rather live in the bad parts of town?
"Well, sure, it gets broken in a few times a year, we lose a handful of creds, but we still have enough energon to refuel and can affort the medic, so, it ain't so bad. No way we're going back to the good part of town. Little Bolt... well, he's kinda pretty, you know, and too young for upgrades to hide that or defend himself much. So yeah. At least here people don't try anything, and you're allowed to shoot the nutters that do."

"You were asking for it."


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 27 2013, 16:59:06 UTC
Not original anon, but this is... turning into something with the potential for a wonderful plot exploring the lower castes/classes and their efforts toward being NOT chosen. Mods, deliberately moving to tougher parts of town...

Maybe a story about someone who's taken, thrown back, gets mods so it never happens again, bonds, has a sparkling, moves to a bad part of the neighborhood when said sparkling gets older, then... Sparkling gets taken.

I could see this maybe being the start of the war... Megatron was taken advantage of, first? And then they take his sparkling....

Okay, sorry for running away with it. I'll put it back where I found it now, none the worse for wear. :)

Gah, why must people give such good ideas, and why must I have so little time?


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 27 2013, 18:42:54 UTC
The house was empty.

Very quietly, a mind went snap.

Very calmly, the mech stood up.

There were some things that needed breaking. And to make sure they never got back up again, there needed to be ruthlessness, and intelligence, and an army.

Genocide might work.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 27 2013, 19:28:25 UTC

You are all BEAUTIFUL people. Keep going with the wondrous snippets, please?


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 28 2013, 21:28:31 UTC

"Maybe a story about someone who's taken, thrown back, gets mods so it never happens again, bonds, has a sparkling, moves to a bad part of the neighborhood when said sparkling gets older, then... Sparkling gets taken."

Ahem.. yes please! YES PLEASE!

No, don't put it back when you found it, grab it and keep running! XD


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 29 2013, 05:09:59 UTC
Me? Oh... I'm not usually one to write smut, but... I could give it a go, maybe? No promises, but... We'll see. :)


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 29 2013, 05:32:48 UTC
Then it grabbed me and ran away, as soon as I started contemplating for real. I think I've got it started... We'll see how it goes.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 30 2013, 12:25:53 UTC


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 29 2013, 15:37:35 UTC
(Maybe a story about someone who's taken, thrown back, gets mods so it never happens again, bonds, has a sparkling, moves to a bad part of the neighborhood when said sparkling gets older, then... Sparkling gets taken.)

"What are you making?" said the youngling.
His carrier, a somewhat angular mech with dull dark navy blue plating who consistently ate too little to get that plating to shine, showed what he was doing.
"Purifying energon for dinner."
"Okay. Are you going to add metalsalts too?"
The carrier nodded once.
"Awesome. I love those!" said the youngling, smiling, and the carrier patted him on the head.
The youngling bounced away, little winglets fluttering. Both the carrier and the sire had some flier ancestry, and it showed in some parts.
Truth be told, the youngling wasn't very young anymore, and coding showed, and the deep blue of his carrier combined with the carmine red details of his sire didn't help, but they had almost saved up enough for mods from both their jobs, and they lived in a fairly bad part of town, and the chances of it happening normally were already fairly low, so it would probably would be alright.
All would be well.

The sire got home from his job a small while after the carrier left for his. The carrier got home shortly after the sire finished recharge. It was a bit busy, with less time together than they liked, but it worked.
Blue fingers pressed gently to a faceplate, gritty workers claws the only thing that ever got under a facemask in return. The press of a helmet to the join between neck and shoulder.
Jagged metal thorns meant to rip and tear retracted from the parts of a red detailed mech. A gentle smile, hidden from the world. A joining.

"Do I have to? Yeah, I know, I have to, but it's kind of annoying, you know." the youngling said as the grit was rubbed gently in his armour plates, and a few superficial scratches were added.
"I know we're a bit more cautious than most, but we just want you to be safe. We'll have enough that you can get mods soon, and then you can leave this out."
"I know sire. I was just impatient, I suppose. Hey, did you know they sell new energon goodies in a stall between the library and the park? They're this really neat shape, like all sorts of mechanimals. Don't you think that's cool?"
"Well, I suppose it does sound interesting, bitlit."
"Hey, uhm, so, I was wondering, this orn, maybe, after you or sire get paid, can I get a glitchmouse shaped one? Just one! Please?"
"We'll see. Maybe. I'll mention it to your carrier."
"Thanks siri! I'll be going now. See you in a few joors!"

Life continued. There was some happiness and comfort between being apart. Some gentleness in a world that didn't care.
A grit-stained somewhat overly serious worker, a quiet, dedicated carrier, a curious, bright offspring that saw wonder in the whole world.
There was care there, in each one, and a love that made all bearable.

And then

there was

a wrongness.

Don't be seen, don't be noticed.

That isn't always something you can control.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 29 2013, 18:14:07 UTC
"Stop it! Let me go!"
"Insertion? Shouldn't we, you know, get a bigger one for that?"
"Nah. Contrasts you know. Makes it hotter. Plus, without the grime, this one's pretty cute, don't you think?"
"I guess so."
"Hey! Let me go! I don't want this! Stop!"

The house was empty when it shouldn't be.
"Can you reach his com?"
"Can you track where he's been?"
A nod.
"Let's find him then."

Sorting trough camera feeds without simbionts and a full set of equipment was doable, but slow. Almost too slow. Knowing what you were looking for helped immensly.
"Found. Here."
"Right. Let's go."
A nod.
And they were off.

"Ah, sir? There's a disturbance. Two mechs... I think they know our star."
"How did they find... nevermind, just knock them out so they won't bother us untill we're done. You have gas and some of the knockout blasters, right?"
"Yes sir. We'll get to it."

"Slag, what a mess. Who knew that a bunch of brutish paupers could do so much damage."
"Almost reaching the set too. Wel, lucky we put a stop to that, yeah?"

Waking up.
Finding your bondmade beside you, damaged, unconscious, edges of his plating faded almost gray.
(underfueling was just not a good strategy. It left one's other systems weaker too.)
Not knowing if he was going to wake up again.
Knowing that your sparkling was somewhere, being hurt, that you were unable to stop it, and that you might lose your bondmate because of this too.
Carefully, carefully trying to feed someone not awake.
He was going to wake up again.
He was going to look at you again.
He was going to live. He was. He was.
He wasn't. He was going to die and your bitlet was hurt and somehow it had to be your fault, except that it wasn't and those monsters had dared to touch your family and your bondmate was going to...
A small cough. An exvent.
Your bondmate was going to live.
A slight relief.
Keep focussed on him.
See how well he is. Can he move?
"Can you get up?" You ask gruffly.
A nod.
He got up.
"Go. More careful."
"We will. We won't be stopped this time."
Another nod.
He gulped down the energon, all of it, and moved as fast as you did.
Natural mirror bright finish making one a target didn't matter if it gave a chance to save what was held dear.

"Alright, pack up."
"Sir? What about..."
"Well, it's a pity, of course, but it's not like we killed him, right? He's still alive."
"Note to self, next time, don't insert objects that big in a mech that small and inexperienced if you want him to last?"
"No. But at least he was good for the virgin kink thing."
"Oh, yeah, that was kinda unexpected."
"I just wish they wouldn't cry and scream so much, you know? It's inevitable anyway, so why not enjoy it? I mean, it's not like those lower caste can expect anything better than this anyway. I mean, we're experienced and high ranking. Who wouldn't want that?"
"Yeah, I know. Where do we put this guy anyway."
"Heh. I've got an idea."

They found their bitlit in the trash, bleeding profusely, optics offline, armour beginning to gray due to lack of energon.
With damage that invasive, there was no chance for them to get him to a medic fast enough.
It was Soundwave that acted.
Certain blue hands reached out, disassembled the upper body and began attatching parts of his own internal components.
The energon cycling system towards the lower parts of the body was shut off.
It was crude. It was a hackjob. It needed aftercare to fix things up to ensure the bitlit would be a fully functional mech. But he'd live.
"Are you turning him into a cassette?" Megatron asked, quiet and distant the same way that a mountain with very symetrical sides that only sometimes let out some smoke might be.
Soundwave nodded.
"Imperfect process. Might lose some memories. Might be more dependent with casette coding. But sparkling will live."
A big gritty hand rested on Soundwaves shoulder, as Megatron watched. His optics slipped to the lower half of his offsprings body, the ruined wounded part. His helmet tilted a bit as he looked at the studio nearby, and the rich streets beyond that.
He bowed his helmet.
"This place has got to go." he said.
Soundwave stilled from where he was patching his sparkling's vital systems and bodyparts into his chest compartment.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 29 2013, 18:15:21 UTC
Laserbeak, red and dark blue, was a casette that didn't really speak, except perhaps to Soundwave and Megatron. He did have this habit of perching on the Decepticon leader when he wasn't on missions or near or in or on Soundwave.
The casette never really asked for an upgrade to a bigger frame.
This one was far more suitable for hiding.


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 29 2013, 23:21:47 UTC
OMG, the part starting "Alright, pack up" was just... wow. So very wrong and totally awesome. <3

(BTW, shouldn't this be posted in the thread for fills?)


Re: REQ: G1 AU/prewar – any/any – noncon, angst, humiliation, unwilling porn star, messed up soc anonymous November 30 2013, 06:36:52 UTC
Truth be told, I just started writing some drabbles. And then didn't stop.
I guess I'll post the link in the fills?


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