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here! acidgreenflames- Such a lovely person. I hope to meet you at a con one day :3
- You are one of the most happy fun people I've ever had the pleasure of hanging out with! <3
- Thank you for being such an awesome writer! <3
aeroferret- Happy Valentine's Day!
- You're awesome and I'm glad I know you! Love to all the furry and feathered family.
ante-luce- You've made me laugh so much over the years.
- You're an amazing friend and person. You're stronger than you realise and make more of a difference than you'll ever know <3
- I hope you are doing well.
aprilraven- So glad to have you in my life, even if only online :3
- You're a very sweet person. Thank you for being my friend.
- You are great! Keep on keeping on.
ayngelcat- Thank you for reaching out to me and offering comfort and friendship. I hope I offer you the same. You deserve every happiness :3
batchix- Thank you for being awesome!
blackandtandogs- Happy Valentine’s!
- OMG, you're so sweet! Never stop being awesome. All the love. *hugs*
blkntandogs- Happy Valentine's! I'm so glad we've become such close friends!
- You're so sweet and adorable. You've been so kind to me since we met and I don't think I can ever thank you enough.
bluebirdsoaring- You're a wonderful friend!
- I love your comments. They are thoughtful, attentive and helped me to become a better writer.
bookworm_faith- You help me see things in ways I hadn't considered nor understood before, for that I am grateful. You are wonderful person <3
- Happy Valentine's! :3
boreal_forest - I'm so glad we're still friends! I wish you all the best and support I can give.
- Happy Valentine's Day! May your family and friends dwell is love and light!
- You inspire me.
- I miss talking to you so much! You are the very best and a constant source of strength to me, even if we're out of touch right now.
- I'm really glad I met you, even with the glitch in communication we had in the beginning. You've proven to be an incredibly sweet and understanding person. Don't ever change. <3
casusfere- No one writes the Combaticons quite like you do and I love every word of your stories!
cave_cat- You are a delight!
- Hugs and Happy Valentines Day!
cazcatharsis- You're so cool, I'd love to meet you one day!
- Rock on, girl!
cmdrtekk - You are such a good friend to me. Thank you.
darkness_rising- My fellow brit. I always enjoy chatting with you on various online platforms and often multiple ones at the same time xD hope we can meet one day. You're a lovely person :3
- You are awesome and so much fun to talk to. Your adoration of robots makes me smile and your foray in cosplay was a smashing success! I'm very glad to have gotten to know you.
- I’m so glad I got to meet you, both online and in RL. Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day filled with Lambos and Combaticons!
darthneko- I wish I had the courage to talk to you beyond random LJ comments. I always enjoy reading your posts and hope life will finally give you a break so you can enjoy fandom again!
dellessa- Your prompts make me smile.
- Your enthusiasm is wonderful and you rock!
- Happy Valentine’s!
dracoqueen22- You are an inspiration to me! Thank you for all you do.
- you are an amazing writer and I'm always so happy to see that you've posted something new or an addition to something older. Much luck with your new job!
dragondancer515- You are a delight and awesome! Hugs you tight!
- You are wonderful and generous and caring and funny and wonderful!
- You have a heart of gold. Never change. <3
eaten_by_bears- You are awesome and fabby - keep on rockin!
eerian_sadow- You're an unwavering steady presence in my life. I could not be without you <3
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- You do so much for this fandom! You are a boon to humanity and must be protected at all costs!
- You're the glue in this fandom. Thank you.
- thanks for all that you do, awesome lady!
- What would I do without you, seriously. Love you lots, it's always a delight getting to talk to you!
- You are super awesome! Can't wait for the next time we can meet up and watch movies all day. <3
femme4jack- You are a light in the darkness and I am very fond of you!
- You're such an amazing person - I'm so glad I know you!
- A lovely person without parallel! Love your writing, love your friendly and caring nature, love seeing you around!
fuzipenguin- You deserve a break from all the Real Life chaos and I hope you can get a chance to breathe. *hugs* Your stories grip my heart and give me feels every time.
gatekat- Your stories are wonderfully complex, and I always get a thrill reading them.
- You are one of my favourite writers ever. I keep returning to your fics again and again and every time an update lands in my inbox my day is brightened considerably. Thank you so much! <3
genre_savvy- Your comments are inspiring and make me smile...and grin, and chortle, and cackle, and think up more ways to get a reaction out of you...
gilded_orchid- I admire your stories and their sheer brilliance.
goodnytegunmaxual- Your writing is amazing! Even though we don't talk like we used to, I always look forward to seeing what you've written next.
hopeofdawn- Happy Valentines to a delightful writer and artist and person!
ithilgwathjigsaws231- Thank you for being awesome!
joules_burnkageokami666- Keep on being the sweet & amazing person you are!
keelywolfekellendraysia- You're very sweet :3
- Thank you for being my friend.
- You've been a great friend over the years and I look forward to many more years to come. <3
konora- Happy Valentine's! ~from me
kookaburra1701- I wish I had the courage to talk to you beyond random LJ comments. You seem like an awesome person and are one of my favorite authors in this fandom.
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- You are my role model.
lady_katana4544- Happy Valentines and hope you are doing well!
ladydragon76 - I love reading your stories, and while I may not always like where you go with your stories but they always make me feel something and that's a real testament to your writing ability. You are an excellent writer!
- Thank you for putting up with me all these years and for being there when I need someone. You're an amazing person.
- I love looking at your knitting creations! So much awesome!! :D Thanks for being my friend!
- You are amazing. Your fics are great and always make me smile. Or squeal. Or laugh out loud and scare my cats. XD
- Ilu. You're such an amazing person and the best big sister ever. You've kept me sane and been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement since we met.
- I haven't had a lot of in depth conversations with you, but our brief exchanges of head!canon in the past have always stuck with me. To take that much time out of your day to respond to comments makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)
lady_katana4544- You rock! Thank you for being you!
lb82- I love you! Happy Valentine's Day!
- You're so sweet and funny and even though we don't talk much you're still an amazing friend. You've always been so generous and kind to me and I just don't have the words. Stay awesome.
lyricalitymadripoor_rose- I always enjoy your comments and posts - Happy Valentines Day!
masqueadrift- Happy Valentine's, bb! Love you!
mdnytryder- Happy Valentine's Day!
- You are the coolest! I enjoy seeing your posts.
- You're great! Thanks for helping me get addicted to dragons. ;D
mewsing- A true delight to read your updates.
mininise28 - You're such a strong person and have achieved so much for yourself. You are not alone <3
- You put up with so much crap and I'm sorry you have had to deal with the shittiness of human kind. You're very talented and each one of your creations and the love you have for your plush children always puts a smile to my face and I thank you for that.
- You are a dear treasure to humanity and must be protected at all costs!
- Thank you for being my friend and being awesome. I appreciate you and everything you've done for me since we met.
- May I have the strength you do. Thank you for being my friend.
missmaryr- Thank you for all your support this past year. You were an awesome voice of incouragement
miss-paw-prints- Happy to have you in my life.
mmouse15- You continue to be someone I admire and I care for a lot. I'm sorry I have such a hard time keeping up with everything lately. I still want to have that cup of coffee with you.
- To my kind, dear, generous, and funny BFF: You're the best. Thanks for being my friend and for all that you do, not just for me, but for everybody ♥
- You are a dear, dear, fabulous presence in this community and we would all be much poorer without you! Hugs tight!
- You're a great friend and wonderfully supportive. You never fail to bouy me (or your other friends!) up when I need it, and I deeply appreciate it. Thank you for being there for me.
- all the hugs and Happy Valentines Day to a wonderful person!
- There are no words for your awesomeness! Your many contributions to the fandom and your ever-level head are greatly appreciated.
naboru - Having only started speaking to you recently, I find you to be a really nice person :)
naboru_narluin- You are a wonderful person. <3
naggingfishwifeneverminetohold- I like your writings. They are always a little poetic. And the geeking out in our language, natürlich. ;)
- Seeing your updates brings a smile to my face. Glad you keep coming back! <3
ninjatomomi- You're an amazing person! I love watching your twitter feed. Keep on being awesome!
niyazi_a - Always in my thoughts. <3
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- Your insights and comments are important and I value your thoughts greatly and I love your fics and thank you for your service and thank you for all your work - and give the kitties a headskritch for me!
- miss you around LJ & DW! Happy Valentines and hope you are doing well.
- I always love seeing you around! I hope you and the cats are doing well.
- For: Antepathy -- Happy Valentine's to one of the most powerful writers in fandom. I love the emotional complexity, passion, and humor you so adroitly incorporate into your fanfics!
nkfloofiepoof- Happy Valentine's. Thank you for all you do for me!
- I hate that our lives have become so busy we have so little time to talk. You're one of my dearest and most important people in the world. One day I shall cook for you and make you fat.
- Happy Valentines Day and headbonks!
- You're a cutie!
okami_myrrhibis- You are fun as hell and great to talk to!
- Thank you for all you do.
pellimusprime- I miss you lots! Hope you are doing well.
pjlover666- I love you bugging me. Don't ever stop.
- I love the contributions you make to keep pj love alive and you're a sweet person :3
playswithworms- I don't know what I'd do without you. You are one of my top inspirations! You are amazing and wonderful!
- I really do not know you all that well, other than I adore your fic with First Aid budding off a sparking. But I also think your username is awesome. :)
pl2363- You're a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so glad to call you friend. <3
poptartodoom- Happy Valentines Day to an awesome person!
purajo- It's always fun to hang out with you. We have the most interesting chats xD
- I love your enthusiasm.
- Happy Valentine's Day!
prowlxjazz- I'm proud to be your mod for another year still. You guys are what fandom is about. Respect, fun and supporting each other. <3
quidamling- Thank you for being an encouraging friend! Keep on being awesome!
- I always learn something from your Tumblr - keep being awesome!
rageairagnarok_08- Your love and enthusiasm are appreciated - keep being awesome!
raisedbymoogles- Sweet googly moogly and Happy Valentines to you!
renegadewriter8- Thank you for making me smile with your stories.
rose0mary- I really liked your drabbles for the tf_speedwriting community. They made me smile.
- thanks for your detailed comments, and Happy Valentines Day!
rusty_chevyryagelle- Keep your chin up and focus forward ♥
- Happy Valentine's Day!
saesama- I love you, man. Thank you for your service; and for your awesome stories!
sakon76- You are downright flat-out jump up and down amazing!
- You inspire me to be a better person.
sammy_phoenix- You have a lot of courage and I hope things start working out for you. *sending lots of hugs and tea* <3
senna_chan- I hope you’ll have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
shibara_ffnet- Your art is a joy in this fandom! I wish I had the courage to talk to you more. ♥
shiome- Happy Valentines Day!
- I love your art and your sense of humor!
- You are an amazing artist. I am happy we are friends.
silberstreif- I love your fanfics, thank you for sharing them with us!
- Please keep sharing your stories, I love them!
skylar_matthews- Thank you for all your encouragement
- I'm happy to have met you online. Let's chat a lot more in 2015!
- I absolutely adore your fanfics, you are an awesome writer! *hugs* Happy Valentine’s!
tainry- I always love how spunky your posts are! Keep on being amazing!
- your posts and comments never fail to brighten my day! Love, yer biggest fangirl :)
- Your posts are always cool and interesting and your writing is wonderful!
taralynden- I loved "Story of a Lifetime". You write incredibly well.
- I hope you're okay and happy with your new growing family :3
therixkeycopy- hope you are doing well; Happy Valentines!
thousanth- You're awesome!
- You're strong and wonderful and I enjoy your picture posts whenever you have time to post them. Your keen and agile mind is a delight!
- You are a wonderful, supportive friend even when life throughs you your own curve balls. I'm glad that the fandom gave me the chance to know you, and I hope someday we'll manage to meet IRL.
- always enjoy your thoughtful posts and comments - may you have a wonderful 2015
- I love your writing and your thoughtful posts.
- I demand that life start treating you better, like, right now! You are such a kind and thoughtful person and it's great to see you around.
tiamatschild- You're the awesomest. The most awesome. That is all.
toyzintheattik- I'm glad to have known you and been friends for as long as we have been. I admire your views on life and living, stay positive! <3
- You're super cool and I'm glad we're friends!
- For: Jezebot/monarch -- it's a beautiful day to send beautiful you tons of hugs and smiles! I'm super excited for the neat stuff we're going to do this year and love having your unique perspective in bookclub, Happy Valentine's Day <3
tf_valentines- Thank you for doing this again this year. You bring fandom love every February. Happy Valentines and I hope your year is wonderful and filled with great things.
ultharkitty- Your Transformers works are marvelous and dark and I love them all!
- You have a good heart :3
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- I wish you a lovely Valentine’s Day filled with Combaticons! =D
- Happy Valentines to you!
- thank you so much for running crack_the_wip. Running any community is time consuming but I feel like myself and many others get so many good things from partaking, so I really appreciate all your hard work.
Vejiraziel- Always thinking of you even if we cannot talk as much. You're so hardworking and strong <3
- I wish we talked more often. Here's hoping this year may finally be the year that gives us both a break!
- Thank you for being a good friend.
- You are so amazing as a person and as an artist/writer. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us.
white_aster- To a beautiful writer of beautiful pron; thank you!
wicked3659- Thank you for writing such great stories.
- We've been through a lot, and I adore you. I miss you and I really wish we had more chance to talk more often again. Love you lots, my dear. I look forward to the day I can see you in person. Love you lots. Thank you for being there for me, and I'll do my best to be there when the time zones don't get in the way.
- You are awesome, thank you so much for all you do!
- Who knew when I randomly emailed you we'd end up so close? It's been a wonderful friendship to share with you, and I adore you. I look forward to this friendship growing more as time passes and cherish the things we share publicly and in secret, too. ^.~ <3
- You are an amazing writer and a wonderful person. All my love. <3
- Things are hard, but you are so strong in the challenges you go through. I admire you.
- You are wonderful and I love you so much.
- You are a wonderful, incredible, amazing friend. You are an incredible person and I often marvel at your strength and bravery. My life would be so much less without you in it, and I am grateful every day that I know you.
- Thank you for all your energy and enthusiasm. You are the best.
- You are just wonderful <3
- your 'Psychology' TF fic is wicked intriguing: I just found it and can't wait for more!
- Thanks so much for all your help! I couldn't have done it without you, for reals. You're the best :D *skishes you*
- Wow! Just, Wow! How you do the psychological voodoo that you do I'll never know, but you are my favorite PxJ author. Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you have an extra special holiday full of great tea and smiles.
- Thanks for being my friend :3
_wilderness_- Your works are sweet and sexy and wonderfully imaginative, and I'm always happy to see that you've posted.
wildernessfan- You have a sweet, beautiful mind and I hope you never stop writing!
wildernesstales wyntir_knightxxsomeoneelsexx- You're such a good person with a heart of gold <3
- You write some of the best Transformers fics I have ever read and that you are a great reader only adds to your charm. You are a fantastic support to the community and receiving your encouragement is a balm to my soul.
- You are an awesome friend, and I am so grateful to know you. <3 Seeing you always brings a smile to my face and your brightness never fails to infect me and bring me up when I'm down.
- For: Rovingrobot/fernweh -- What to say and where to start . . . there isn't enough room here to count all the amazing things I love about you. Suffice to say, you are incredibly funny, quirky, adorable, and utterly addictive. I love everything you bring to our Transformers community, to your beautiful eclectic Twitter account, and humanity as a whole is better for you being part of it. Happy Saint Valentine's Day!!
yeaomi- It's been great to see you again on LJ this past year. I missed your face. <3
zea_taylor- Jazz/Prowl isn't my favorite. Except when you write them and then they are :)
the-wardens-vermin: Happy Valentine's Namiluv!!!! Every day I think of you and want you to know how much I value your passionate and beautiful soul (even when you may not see it yourself) /Snugglehugs
shiome @ twitter It's your fault I have shippy feels for Starscream at all. I'm glad I know you and I hope some day we can hang out in person.
predacutie @ twitter You're one of my most important and dearest friends and you mean a lot to me. I value your friendship and the fun we have together, and I'm glad I have you to talk to and know I'll be there if you need me. Love you lots.
carnalsnail @ twitter I'm so glad we're still friends and hope things start looking up for you. You're so dear to me and your friendship is so important. It sucks we have so little time to talk due to my hours lately but you're very important to me and love you lots.
weeformer @ twitter I really admire you and the way you push through everything that comes your way. You're very talented and I hope I can some day really earn the right to call you a friend.
daughterofMyou @ twitter Wishing you a productive and fun Valentine's Day! I love your writing; intriguing characters, purple prose persuasion, and dynamic flow, ftw <3
To all my Twitter friends (if I listed them all this post would be a mile long!), it's always a delight to catch up with all of you and get to hear your thoughts on all kinds of stuff, and it's a privelege to be able to spam you all with my stray thoughts and dragon obsession and occasional pretty pictures. Thanks for putting up with me, you're great! Love, Eel.