2014 Valentines A-N

Feb 01, 2014 18:41

  • You're awesome and I hope things are going better for you.
  • Thankyou for writing so many wonderful fics :D
  • I adore you. ♥
  • I love to hear from you. <3
  • I miss you lots! You have no idea how frustrating is to see awesome Inferno/Red stuff and not being able to share and geek along with you. I haven't kept up with you as I'd like. Damn my lack of LJ in this phone
  • I like you so much... You are always there, a silent hug, or gentle words. Thank you.
  • I know you have your reasons for cutting ties, I just wanted to let you know that you are missed. I'm sorry I wasn't the friend you deserve.
  • you're so sweet, I'm glad I know you :3
  • *hugs* Your ability to care so much about those around you always makes me smile. <3
  • Thankyou so much for the reviews and kudos and support, and for being so awesome <3
  • You’re awesome. Hopefully one day we can meet in person and talk about Combaticons for hours!
  • Your fresh twist on AI and sentience always has me coming back to your writing journal for more.
  • Happy Valentines!
  • You are a very cool guy, I hope I'll see you at AA! And thankyou for making a dear friend so very happy :D
  • Long time, no see. I hope life is good. Happy Valentines's Day!
  • Thanks for being my NaNo buddy and cheerleader, and for all the lovely comments!
  • Love you, sweetie <3 *all the hugs*
  • You are adorable. I’m so glad we were able to meet last year. I wish you all the luck and good things you deserve, because you deserve many! :D
  • Thankyou for your work on the newsletter <3
  • You know everything already, I am always happy to remind you however; you're a pivotal rock in my life, I'm so glad you're in it. I do miss your stories though :p <3
  • I never tire of rereading your stories.
  • Cheers for all the fun times these last few years. Also, thanks :D
  • I miss seeing you around fandom and i miss hanging out online. I hope that sometime soon, our schedules mesh and we have time again!
  • I miss seeing you around online, you never fail to make me smile when you post.
  • *sends Valentine cookies and roses*
  • I'm glad that we became friends. Thank you for your kind and supportive words, I hope I can return the favour whenever you need them *hugs* <3
  • *sends all the hugs and hot robots* I'll keep my fingers crossed that some time soon we'll only need a train journey to meet up!
  • always enjoy your posts and comments and conversations! Gardens and kitties and life and writings and robots, makes my world go 'round <3
  • It was so great to see you again last summer. I hope you can make it this year. You’re a great person, and a good friend!
  • I'm so glad we started talking becauseI love hearing from you. You're such a nice person! <3
  • You're always so positive and fun to be around!
  • If there is anyone I feel safe with, it's you. You are so strong, full of life. You shine, and I adore you.
  • You are such a good writer, miss your excellent stories.
  • Whether you think so or not, I think you're incredibly strong to have gone through what you have. Happy Valentines!
  • You make me smile. Red/Ferno 5ever!
  • I still love the icons you made especially for me. Happy Valentines's Day!
  • You're just awesomesauce!
  • you are quite simply lovely. Thank you for all the enlightening chats and moral support. Looking forward to visiting :3 <3
  • Thank you for being my friend *Happy toothless snuggles*
  • Thanks for the fic squee and comments, and Happy Valentines to an awesome person!
  • ♥ I'm so glad we're friends! Happy Valentine's!
  • You are quite simply one of the most awesome people I know.
  • You enjoy life so much. Thank you for sharing that with us.
  • You’re such a strong woman. I’m always in awe. You’re as confident in real life as you are online, and I’m happy that I can call you my friend.
  • This goes to you and remnantmachine: You’re so great and sweet people!
  • You are a fantastic guy. I wish I could crawl inside your fics and purr.
  • Still some of the hottest porn in the fandom. You rock!
  • Hot damn, you write well.
  • New friend, but I adore you. Thank you, for befriending me.
  • I hope things are going well for you. Thankyou for the amazing stories :D
  • I admire you so much but I'm too shy to friend. Happy Valentines!
  • it's always a delight to hear from you! Many hugs and Happy Valentines <3
  • You rock :D
  • Rock on, you crazy woman!
  • You are an awesome person. I raise my glass and make a toast to you. *hic*
  • You're so laid-back and chilled, I love being friends with you. :D (You're actually the one reason I still keep my LJ! ;P)
  • I hope you're well, wherever you are.
  • You remain one of the best people I know.
  • You’re one in a billion. Your support means more to me than I can say, and often keeps me motivated to go on.
  • You're an amazingly strong person, and you're an awesome artist. Even though you don't see it sometimes, you never settle and are constantly striving to improve and to see what you can do.
  • I always enjoy your comments and thoughts! Happy Valentine's Day! *Hugs*
crazedwolf and cloud_sama
  • you and cloud_sama are my otp, you're both smart and quirky, and we share many opinions about fandoms, it's awesome to read your blogs and tweets. Both of you.
  • Thank you for all your comments on my stuff :)
  • I was so happy to be able to meet you in 2013. You’re great and so kind and open to new people.
  • Hi, darling! I hope all is well for you! Happy Valentine's!
  • You, sir, are wonderful <3
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Never stop making such wonderful fics, art, and robot dildos.
  • Aw, man... You know I love you, right? You better, because I'm not about to stop anytime soon.
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • I'm so glad I got the chance to get to know you :D
  • I like you. I freaking love talking to you. Stay proud, stay strong, and if you can't walk, I'll be there to carry you.
  • You are so talented. Please keep sharing your wonderful projects with us. Happy Valentine's Day.
  • ♥ I love your writing! Happy Valentine's!
  • I admire how you manage to write near constantly, especially with pairings I would have never imagined together. Your War Without End fic has gripped my heart and I thank you for writing such a superb story from the tatters of the movie <3
  • Everything you post inspires me to be a better writer.
  • Happy Valentines to one of the most talented artists I know.
  • I do enjoy your stories, they make me smile. I hope we can meet again someday. Happy Valentine's Day.
  • Thanks for sharing your bright spirit! *hugs*
  • *ecology nerd fistbump* Happy Valentines!
  • your life courage is an inspiration, and also writings!
  • You're always there for me, never wavering, thank you for being you. I never tell you this but I love you lots. <3
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Thankyou for all the work you put into keeping the fandom active on LJ and DW. You are 100% win and awesome (and I love your OCs).
  • Your stories make me cry. In a good way. You are legendary.
  • thanks for sharing your wonderful fics, and everything you do for fandom!
  • I know it's been a rough start to the year, so hang in there! Here's all my luck and best wishes that the year to come will be a good one for you!
  • Chins up, lady. You've put through a lot during your life and if nothing else, it makes you a fighter and good friend. I wish we had a chance to talk more often.
  • You are such a tease. You're a great friend and you do very nice work! Can't wait to get my next custom from you. Keep on being awesome
  • If I had the money, I'd pay someone to design and build Recline for you. You deserve the very best of everything <3
  • I hope life is treating you well, you are such a strong woman. So glad I did get to meet you.
  • you are a delight and an inspiration, and I fondly hope I get the chance to glomp you in real life some day <3333 Also, Recline! \o/
  • You’re wonderful, and I enjoy the pictures of your kids and animals. Never change.
  • You are glorious.
  • I never told you how much your comments meant to me, and I guess I’m still too shy to say it directly - but your enthusiasm over something I’d thought was forgotten rekindled hope for me.
  • Happy Valentines to my favourite Megatron <3
  • You're such a neat person, I wish I could get to know you better. Happy Valentine'zzzz Day!
  • you're such a great friend.
  • I absolutely adore your Ratchet/Twins fics! I hope RL for you settles a bit because you deserve a much needed break <3
  • To fuzipenguin, who writes the hottest RatchetxTwins smut on this side of the internet and whose updates always turn me into a grinning fangirl.
  • I will forever love you for writing such superb fanfics.
  • It was awesome meeting you last year, Happy Valentines! :D
  • Have I said I adore you? Not? I do! Everything about you is good, and sunshine, and gorgeous art.
  • ♥ You are the most awesome cup of writing coffee ever! Happy Valentine's!
  • You're an amazingly talented writer. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with!
  • Happy Valentines Day you super duper badaft sweetie pie <3
  • I adore your writings, and your art rocks my socks, and thank you for all the comments and squee! <3
  • I love your art so much, your style is beautiful.
  • You draw the loveliest, loveliest femdom.
  • Happy Valentines!
  • You’re a very sweet person. I didn’t forget your letter.
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Haven't seen you around for a long time but I hope all is well. Happy Valentines!
  • hope things are looking up for you this year *many hugs*
  • you are quite simply epic. I'm so lucky to know you :D
  • Coolest person I've ever met. You rock, man.
  • You're a wonderful friend.
  • Yo! ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • thankyou for the encouragement, it means a lot.
  • Your wit's so dry you could use it as a desiccant. Always a pleasure.
  • I admire you so much, your principles and attitude as well as your skills.
  • Ever encouraging, you're a great friend! <3
  • I am very glad we became such good friends and I always look forward to hearing from you. My life is richer for knowing you <3
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Yo! ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • You are so wonderful.
  • Happy Valentines! <3
  • Happy Valentine's Day, to a sweet person. I will always be grateful for the small favor you did for me at TFcon.
  • so happy to see you back around! Happy Valentines!
  • I’m always happy to read something from you, both fanfic and RL entries. :)
  • So much I could say, but I appreciate your friendship very much. Thank you.
  • Thank you for being there during my darkest times as well as for simply being around to geek with.
  • You're so easy to talk to! We haven't had many conversations but through comments, but I always enjoy each interaction. Also, your snail-mail Valentines are adorable!
  • To ladydragon76, whose comments encourage me to keep on writing despite my hesitancy and who writes the only TFs-Turned-Human fics that I find interesting.
  • Writing some of the best stories in the fandom, I eagerly devour your postings. You've kept me up past 1am way too many times. And, I love you for it.
  • All I can say is happy Valentines’ Day, and thank you for being you. I don’t make much contact, but that doesn’t mean you’re not appreciated.
  • And to think I never thought we would be friends. How wrong I was. You are wonderful. Thank you, for being there.
  • You are such a sweetie, I wish I could give you a hug in person. Happy V-day!
  • I love you! ♥♥♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Damn, you're one hell of a fine artist.
  • I love your triple!fic. So sad and well characterized.
  • I enjoy your posts and comments and thoughts about everything from robots to household repairs very much! Happy Valentine's Day :D
  • You're the sweetest!
  • I love you, bb! ♥♥♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • I love you to bits. And I'm so glad we spoke, that first time. You are worth waiting for, always.
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Happy Valentines!
  • You've been having a tough time, but remember we are all sending you our love and support. The Lord will take care of you.
  • I always look forward to your comments, and thanks for enticing me to dip my toe into some LOTR fandom, too!
  • You're so lovely and skilled and wonderful, I wanna build you the most awesome blanket fort and send you cute robots to wait on you hand and foot.
  • Hope life is treating you well - Happy Valentines!
  • Your headcanons are such an awesome playground. You've got a great imagination.
  • I think you're so strong to be the person you are with all you have been through. I'm glad to call you my friend and I hope that you'll always have people you can turn to. *hugs lots*
  • You're an amazing person, despite what you might think. I hope you remember that people like me deeply care about you. <3
  • ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • Your talents know no bounds. You are strong and firm in your convictions. I am grateful to have been able to give a home to some of the pieces of your heart that you could part with. Happy Valentine's Day to you and The Troops.
  • You amaze me with your inner strength that shines through in all that you do. <3
  • Thank you for comforting me when I need it, for being there, offering wise words, and hugs. Thank you...
  • thankyou, and Happy Valentines! <3
  • You are an amazing and fabulous person. Thanks for being in the fandom. Happy Valentine's Day.
  • You're wonderful, stay strong <3
  • Thank you so much for sharing your kind heart and hard-won wisdom with us, and for everything you do for fandom. You're an inspiration and a wonderful friend <3
  • thank you for being such a constant part of my life. I don't get to talk to you as much as I'd like, but you really have made a huge impact in my life and I'll endeavor to talk to you more often. You're my go-to source of Ironhide/Ratchet love, you're one of the greatest mothers I've met and I'm truly thankful I got to know you. You and your hubby are the otp.
  • There’s never been anyone like you, ever. You’re got more selflessness and compassion in your toenail clippings than the rest of us have in our whole bodies. I miss our conversations.
  • You are such a good person. I wish you everything good in life.
  • I am so lucky to know you. Thankyou for everything <3
  • You are such a good person. Humble, respectful, friendly. I admire you.
  • I miss you.
  • miss you! <3
  • I miss you and your great personality and outlook on life, you'll always be my Hound/Mirage inspiration. I hope life is going good for you and I still would love to have that cup of coffee or tea.
  • You’re awesome.
  • You are so kind, I'm really glad we're friends. <3
  • You're a very sweet person. Don't be afraid to talk more. *hugs*
  • You are the reason I'm in this fandom. You deserve good friends and happiness. I miss you <3
  • You rock! Love your writing. ♥ Happy Valentine's!
  • I've always enjoyed your writing.
  • Putting out some of the best writing in the fandom, you inspire me to do better.
  • I've learned so much reading your posts and from your courage in sharing your own stories. Don't ever stop! *all the hugs* (also, kitty love forever <3)
  • Whenever I'm down I go through your archive of fic. It always helps. :)
  • ♥♥♥ I'm so happy we've grown closer this last year! Happy Valentine's!
  • I love love love your fics, you write so well and your characterisation rocks.
  • You are such a nice person and you make such wonderful stories and crafts. I hope this year is a good one to you.
  • You are such an amazing person.
  • You are a sweetie and I have always enjoyed your writings. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Happy Valentines to a sweet, strong, wonderful person! May your 2014 be as marvelous as you are <3
  • How many years is it now? I honestly stopped counting them because what matters is that you're one of those people who have stuck with me for a long time. I wish I lived closer so I could be more support for you, and I wish our schedules weren't so on/off. I miss playing with you and we totally need to pick back our chatting for real. Love you.
  • You make me not want to be invisible. Thank you always, always for helping me not to fall away. Those sexy claws of yours doesn’t hurt, either.
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