Your stories are some of the sweetest things I've read. I always look forward to them.
I miss talking to you as much as we did before, and I'm so very sorry I haven't shipped stuff I want to get to you yet. I really hope things do improve for you and that bit by bit you can come to terms with the great person you really are.
You are awesome and you write wonderfully and deserve all the best things. You are also really great at roleplaying, which I always hope for more of.
You are awesome friend, even more awesome writer and great person. I'm glad you're here!
May you have a happy Valentine’s Day!
Keep your chin up; you're a beautiful person inside and out!
You are a wonderful writer, a courageous, kind, and giving person, who makes this fandom a better place, and I wish I knew you better than I do. I hope this is a really wonderful year for you, because you deserve it.
You do a wonderful line in sweet, lovely fics, and you've single-handlely made me love Red Alert/Inferno.
I love your courage and the way you face life. You're my inspiration!
Casha, you have to be one of the sweetest people here on LJ.
A comment from you always makes me smile. <3 I wish we could be closer friends!
Thank you so much for what you do with tfkinkweekly; not only do you keep me up with any requests/fills I might miss, but you're informing me of NEW kinks too boot! (Not that I need any more, but hey...)
Thanks for all the kind things you've said/ideas you've given me over IM. :) And I must say, your daughter is adorable! :3 ♥
You will always be my sparksis, and I love all of you, including that awesome pervy mind of yours.
You are awesome and I admire your strength to keep going even when life is thowing so much stuff at you.
You're such an amazing person, and I'm always amazed at how hard you work on your stories. Your love for the fandom and your care for the craft always shines through your writing.
You're such a great writer, and done so well to bear up under a hard year, and you inspired me.
I don't know you as well as I wish I did just yet, but I hope to soon. You seem like a great person.
You made me fall in love with Wheeljack all over the place. I don't usually go for epics, but you haul me right in. You've got more discipline for writing then most could hope for, and are truly talented at portraying view points from characters we may never actually see in their own point of view.
Talking to you is always such a pleasure and I love hearing from you and your projects. Thank you very much for writing inspiring things and for taking time to talk to me when you have the chance. I hope things begin to improve for you as well, and slowly but certainly you make your way towards your dreams.
Writer of great Scavenger fics and an inspiration! It’s lovely to have you as a friend. *Hugs,* You’re a wonderful artist too :-)
I love Finders Keepers, it's compelling reading and highly enjoyable :D Also, you're one of the sweetest people I've come across in this fandom (and your art is great).
Forever glad I met you. Words are insufficient for how much you mean to me. May you never be in doubt that you are loved. Thank you for everything and especially for being my friend. <3
For Jazz: You're the music in my spark and the sun that brightens my day. I will love you forever, come what may. <3
Thank you for the stories you've written for us.
Thank you for being such a good friend, and for reams of good entertaining writing. I hope that this Water Dragon year brings you much joy!
What wonderful story-lines. I am enthralled with your description of the characters and the magnificent backgrounds woven into all your fics!
is such a wonderful friend who always has an encouraging word when I'm down. Doesn't hurt that she also writes scorchingly hot, beautifully detailed fic!
You never stop inspiring and educating me, and I am eternally grateful for it. That you write utterly amazing fanfic is only the cherry on top. Thank you <3
You are made of pure win and awesome! <3
You are loved more than you know :) <3
I love your stories. Thank you for getting me hooked on so many characters I had never really considered before.
Talking with you is always an interesting experience. Thank you for the intellectually stimulating chats :)
You really are more awesome than you give yourself credit for.
You write the best Decepticons. Especially Barricade and the Lead Trine. Happy Valentine’s Day.
You inspire me with your incredible prose, and your patience. Thank you!
You are my favourite writer, I will forever squee when I see you have posted. You are awesome.
You always say what is on your mind. I hope I can be as strong someday. <3 And your comic reviews are the best!
I do not often enough express just how brilliant and inspiring I find your writing.
I'm loving your comments on the comics, and I really like how you look at TFs from an academic point of view.
Your talent is undeniable. I'm glad you write for us.
for spending so much time on the fandom. Always appreciated.
You’re one of my favorite people in fandom, and your writing never fails to stun and inspire me with truths both harsh and beautiful.
Thank you for being the fabulous person that you are.
You are an example of strength and grace that I sometimes wish I could match. Even when things are rough, you manage to pull yourself up and keep soldiering on. I adore that about you, and you're always in my thoughts.
I miss Rumble, that little punk, and the hilarious things that happened way back when we played together. I've always loved the things your amazing brain comes up with, so keep it up~
One of my first fandom friends, you’ll always be special. We’ve had some wonderful laughs and times. Loved meeting you last year and hope I will again!
I cross fingers for your future and all the tests. *hugs* We really should meet again soon! :)
You're so good at building atmosphere in fics, and at inventing new Cybertronian curses for RP ;) Also, you're wonderful, so there :D
Never, ever, ever give up. You are one of the most talented people I know, and I will always be here to support you in everything you do. I know you have so much to look forward to!
You're not around fandom so much anymore, and I really miss seeing you. <3
You are always so nice. Seriously. I also love your writing.
Thank you for all of the fun times on the MUSH together! You're awesome! It's been so wonderful getting to know you! Keep being awesome, and have a wonderful day! ♥
You are simply a fantastic friend who I want to know even better. Thanks so much for all of the support you've given me both in life and in writing. Your writing totally rocks me in the best ways possible.
RP with you is so fun! You’re such a great friend. I’m always a little sad that we don’t leave closer to each other. I still hope we can meet again this year. That’d be great. ;)
I hope we get to meet up again some point soon. I truly value our chats, and I'm loving the RP. Also, your fics rock, and you write some of the hottest smut I've ever had the pleasure of reading. :D
Happy Valentine's Day, Swin!
I'm glad we became friends. TF fandom wouldn't be the same for me without you.
Hey cutest bird. There's someone who really likes you in here and thinks it's great to have you in the fandom
You are so sweet and kind <3
I'm so happy you are part of this fandom. You are so much fun on twitter and crack me up on a daily basis. Don't ever stop being yourself, because you are awesomesauce.
I’m always wary around new people, but I’m so glad I added you! You’re such a sweet girl. :D But damn, you need to take better care of yourself!
You're such a sweetie, and your Red alert is adorable!
Looking forward to getting to know you better - you seem like a really fun, sweet, interesting person!
You are seriously my life rolemodel. I am not even joking. You are fucking awesome.
You are a wonderful, wonderful person and great friend who I consider most lucky to have in my life. I hope I do get to meet you this year. And Haven still ROCKS!
You are dear friend to me! I keep our talks in my heart and am really honoured you deemed me worthy to trust me.
You’re a great person, and always seem to be so strong and confident. I wish I had only half of your strength!
Much love to you (and Dev), and thankyou for making Haven the great place it is.
I love the way you think
*hugz* I'm really glad we're friends!
Your infectious enthusiasm is adorable and I love our conversations. Thank you for being my friend.
Such kink do you write, yet such characterization do you put into each story. I wish you had time to write more, but you're doing awesome with just what you've chosen to give us from your pressing life.
Your opinion matters a lot to me and I will read all of your season three fic to death.
You are a talented writer, and a wonderful person that I've had so much talking to through various forms of media! I love your characterizations, and while it may take me a while to get around to reading things, I always mentally kick myself for not getting around to your stuff sooner! Have a wonderful day, and eat lots of chocolate for me! ♥
You're amazing. Your writing is gorgeous and hot and you are a wonderful person. Thank you for everything.
You are single handedly responsible for turning me into a rabid season 3 fan. Everything your write wins the internet, and on top of it, you are just such an awesome person.
Your Motormaster and Breakdown fics are the best!
Your Unicronians have shaped my headcanon. You're a seriously great writer, and I'm so grateful to know you.
Your writing is smoking hot and you throw the best porn parties. It makes my day whenever you post something.
You write with so much conviction that I've actually picked up details from your stories as headcanon, forgotten the source, and tried to find references in canon. Go you.
I never would have thought of turning ponies into TFs. They are so incredibly cute!
Essays. All the essays. I re-read them all the time and I just discovered one I hadn't read the other day and actually squealed. You're an intelligent, amazing writer and I love all of it.
You encourage every single one of my weird kinks and I think you are awesome. <3
Love your stories!
Thankyou for hooking me on a certain character several years ago, and for writing such great fics. Every time you update, especially the pre-war AU, it brings me such joy. your crafts are really cool too, and you're one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure to meet online :D
Hope life is treating you well - always so fun to hear from you! Hm, I think I said pretty much the same thing last year, but it’s still true XD *hugs!* Also, if you ever decide to write more stuff, I shall shriek with glee.
Thank you for Wednesday night chats (even if I can't make them as often as I'd like) and for running the Flesh and Steel community. You're one of those people who make my day.
Someday you'll get past your writer's block. And I will be waiting, all stalker-like, because your writing is as awesome as Malena is. XD
I haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you're okay. You're one of the people I'd really love to get to know better. I hope you're doing well, even if you've left fandom.
We never talk, and your life is tough right now, but I still think of you and hope you're well. ♥
Greatly enjoy your transformers writing. More Light Dancing verse anytime you want! Happy Valentine’s Day
Thanks for always sending a little "pick-me-up" gifts my way. They help :)
I enjoy both your pictures posted and the stories you have written. The longer fics leave me hanging on the edge of my seat, and I feel the characters.
I know you don't read this thing but nonetheless, thank you for the wonderful friendship we have even if we butt heads often. I'm glad I can call you a close and true friend of mine.
Thank you for your stories and encouragement. I hope this year goes much better for you.
So glad you have become a part of this fandom. You have a wonderful, pervy imagination and I really enjoy your writing. Heat is one of my favorite "special alone time" fics.
MOAR FIC. And we should RP too. :D
Believe it or not, you inspired me to write smut. I’ll be forever grateful for that. :)
Dear lord I love you. You are smart, funny, love cats (especially the chirpy kind :P), and your dolls are awesome! :D I could read/listen to your headcanon and your timelines for ages. :D I could talk to you all day. I hope things work out for you, and have a very happy Valentine's Day! ♥
Happy Valentine’s day! May it be wonderful!
I love your mind. Seriously. I want to take your mind skinny dipping because it is just so fucking awesome.
You don't know me because I moved and changed and never let you know who I became where I am now. And it's alright, because the two times I met you, you were one of the coolest TF fans and people to exist. You proved to me that I didn't need to be "normal" to be normal.
You're translating my story into Chinese, and that's just awesome. I sometimes skim your posts, even though I can't understand a word, trying to guess which scene it is. I never can, but thank you for all you do!
I love you so, so much. The thought of being with you forever is what keeps me going, sunshine, and I thank you for that.
I wish I were half as cool and talented as you are when I was your age. (Also, I totally ship you with Risamitsukai, have you considered getting together?)
Hot damn, you got some talent going on there. And the fact you draw my favourite characters (and things from my fics <33333) makes me so happy. Thankyou! :D
You are awesome. I loved hanging with you at two different cons last year.
I love talking to you :D It's awesome how we both can ramble on & on about stuff. LOL! Give Slipgear a hug for me!
Happy Valentine’s day!
I am giving you a big hug via your Wheeljack plush right now. You are awesome, and meeting you in person was a total blast. The picture you gave me travels with me everywhere I go in my wallet. *HUGS*
Because the internet needs more Wheeljack and you provide.
Your fic was one of the major things that got me into this fandom. Thank you so much.
I know I can only tenuously call you my friend, but I want you to know that I love your writing and think you are one of the most talented people I know. <3
Your fics absolutely melt my heart. Please, never stop! You've given me so many warm and fuzzy new kinks :D
The world needs more fic from you. Also, more meta. And I'd just like the chance to get to know you better, because you're quick-witted and funny and serious at once.
Your Roddy & Danny fic plays entire concertos on my heartstrings.
I love your journal entries. Your meta makes me giggle, and your observations as well. <3
#Twitsquick was the most awesome idea ever, which doesn't surprise me at all, because you are awesome. I'm so glad to be getting a chance to hang out online, and would love to know you better.
I love your comics, your art and your awesome fics (you write so beautifully <3), and your sense of humour is epic.
Love your writing, and your discussions and posts are always a treat.
You're the best friend and confidant I could have ever asked for. You've seen me through good times and bad - this past year has been so much less awful thanks to your friendship. I love you <3
You're a class act through and through, with a big heart and a great talent. I'm so glad to know you, and I hope your year gets better: you deserve it!
is just a great friend all around, and writes some cute fics to boot!
I know times are hard, but things will look up. No matter what you'll always have me around :) <3
I've loved knowing you online, and it was an utter delight to get to meet and hang with you at BotCon last year.
You are a lovely person to know, and I always enjoy your writing. I hope this new year brings you joy and good fortune!
First and foremost: thanks for being a kind and merciful mod! *bows* You have been so kind to me! Thank you so very much for all the supportive things you say, and the fics you link me to. :) I would never notice without you, and I'd be missing out on so much! I've enjoyed the talks we've had, and hope there will be more in the future! Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♥
the posted-oneshots are simply amazing. While I do wish some where added to, they leave me gasping for air. Excellent and much thanks.
Have a very happy Valentine’s day!
You do so much hard work to make this fandom even more awesome through the comms you mod, and I want you to know that I notice that in addition to your awesome writing.
You do so much for this fandom, thankyou seems a bit paltry. But thankyou anyway <3
Thank you for all your kindness and support.
Thanks for sharing your writing talents, and for all of your hard work as a moderator!
Thank you for being the fabulous person that you are.
*Hugs* Thank you for everything! The fic recs, the links, the late-night chats, and the daily cooking lessons I get from reading your feed! I am so happy to have been able to get to know you! Stay classy ;) Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♥
Sometimes you are shy about your writing, but I was shocked and delighted and how truly good at it you are. You always have a kind word for people, and are such a support in the fandom, even when you're feeling a bit shit yourself, you go out of your way to make people feel good about themselves. Thank you for being you!
I find you incredibly brave, active, and I wish you the best.
I've only just started in TF fandom, and you've been one of my biggest supporters/commenters since my introduction last summer. Hearing someone genuinely enjoy my stuff has been an amazing confidence builder.
I love that you write smut that's different and creative. You have great, unique ideas and you seem like an all-around interesting and nice person.
Wonderful woman; amazing fic writer. You’re kind, open minded, really interesting and an inspiration! I love having you as a friend :-)
Your fic! Your fiiiiiiiic! <33333333
I am an utter failure at anonymity, but I couldn't ask for a better Autobot cuddleslave than you. XD Or a better friend. You've listened to me through so much. I only hope I can give back half the attention and love you've spared for me over all this time.
You are such a creative person and a good friend. *hugs*
You’re a warm, welcoming person and you always manage to make me smile.
You are so strong. No matter what life throws at you, you are still here, supporting us. I take a lot of my strength from yours. You help me get the confidence to write things I never thought I would ever write, and while most of my stuff is still unposted, it will get there eventually. I love all of the research and emotion you put in your fics, and the little pieces of yourself. Through your posts, I've learned little things about myself. :) Have a very happy Valentine's Day Femme! ♥
You keep being my best online friend since I met you. You keep my days bright and my mind sane in the insane reality around. Wish we could meet face to face to trully see if our sparks beat with the same rythm.
You are the nicest person I know! Never change.
I love reading about your femmlings. :3 And your Jazz/Daniel fic just blew me away! I still owe you a comment!
Your sexy crackfics bring my much joy, and you're a truly wonderful person <3
for simply being awesome and always taking the time to review.
I love your posts and fics - they make me laugh and cry and think. I’m so happy to know you!
I think you are incredibly brave for posting about some topics that others can openly critique you on. You are awesome!
You're a great friend and a very admirable and inspirational person.
You're the kindest, most caring person I know. <3
Thanks for always listening when I need to talk, and for never judging me for my views on religion and sexuality. You're awesome <3
You always inspire me to be a stronger person and stand up for myself. Thank you.
Out of all the people I’ve met in fandom, you have been the most consistently welcoming and supportive. Your work has challenged me to examine my own in new and interesting ways.
I'm so glad that we started to talk! You're so much fun, and I love listening to your ideas.
I am so glad we are lj friends. Your posts always get me thinking. <3
You are the best Decepticon overlord Autobot snuggle slave could ever ask for. Seriously, I respect you so much, and feel privileged to be your friend.
I have a hell of a lot of admiration for you as a person, and damn but your fics are great.
I always admire your strength and spirit. Your perspective on matters is always invaluable to me.
A little slice of mech/human heaven, you guys gave me a little part of LJ to call home. Thanks to everyone there for making me feel so welcome this past year. <3
Your Giant is the best! I love your writing, and it’s been so fun getting to know you a bit this year. Here’s to the start of a beautiful e-friendship!
Your fic-writing is inspirational. I don't mean the fic itself (it's good, but I'm not a big Iron Giant fan -- although I'm digging your crossover!), but your METHOD. You track your word count, and you don't give up. 300 words is 300 words, right? You always push for more. I love you for recc'ing my stuff, but I check back for how you're always getting more words out. I wish I had the guts to just friend you.
Even though you're not really active in fandom anymore, I just wanted to say that your artwork is beautiful! It never fails to cheer me up.
I am happy to have gotten to know you better. You might not have chosen it as a proffession, but you are one of the most naturally gifted artists I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, both in more serious and silly styles, and your sense of colour is breathtaking.
I'm so glad you decided to stick around. I love talking to you and reading your posts - even the non-TF-related ones.
Your art is stunning. I love your colour choices, and the muted pallettes you sometimes use, and your linework is a serious joy to behold. Thankyou for sharing your talent :D
I wish I had your skill in writing one-shots and the take on characters. They feel like interwoven pieces of a much larger universe that can be consistently added to. (well, coming from the Transformers Franchise, yeah, but I get the feeling you could be part of the official designers/producers)
I haven't spoken with you much, but you seem really cool. Much love for your fics <3
It's hard to explain to people outside the fandom... but you're my wingmate, and nothing can change that, no matter we call it any given day. You're more important to me than the sky.
Your fics make me laugh and think. Your posts are thought-provoking and achingly honest. Your writing style is epic. I wish I knew you better, or that I could help you more.
You're one of the funniest writers I know and I crave your stories like chocolate chip cookies.
We don’t communicate much, but I always love seeing your posts.
You don't post too much, but when you do, I fall in love with your writing all over again. You're such an eloquent person, and you've been such an open one this year too. May this year be a fortuitious and happy one for you, and good luck on all your new ventures!
I have nothing but admiration and respect for you :)
Thanks for all of your awesome fics, and interesting posts!
You are so strong. I admire you deeply.
I miss seeing you around fandom. :C Come back from the hamsteaks.
Aaah, the hedonistic artist. Here, we observe the wild--wait, this isn't right. Who gave us an awesome TF fan with a tendency to take her clothes off? This isn't according to the script!! Heh, okay, so more seriously. I'm going to build a pedestal just to put you up on for one of those "heroine" things people kept telling me I should have when I was growing up.
You are a fabulous person, inside and out. Keep rocking!
You're such an amazing artist, and have gifted me with so many beautiful illustrations for my story that I don't deserve. You're also one of the friendliest people I've ever known, and we haven't even met yet!
You are a phenomenally talented artist with a wonderful sense of humor.
I cannot even describe how awesome you are. I shall express it next time I see you by way of a hug that goes on for much, much too long, and I won't stop until someone removes me.
You are such a talented artist in both the broad sweeps, and the tiny infuriating details. Much as I love your art, I can't decide if it's that or your stories I love more. Truly nutty, and truly sweet tales from the house of justbutts.
You help me laugh. Thank you~!
Your posts are very insightful, and your art is beautifully constructed and a joy to look at. You rock :D
Our love is dolphins. Don't struggle.
You are so amazingly fabulous! I am delighted to be your friend. I still don't know how it happened but I don't regret a single moment of it.
We don't always see eye-to-eye, but you're an amazing talent and I love your Vector fics.
I still look up to you a ton. You're a wonderful writer and your book reviews are always a lot of fun to read (sometimes moreso than the books themselves). Keep being great!
You've always been wonderfully kind and helpful to me. I really appreciate it and think you're great.
You rock. You do so much for the LJ TF fandom, and it's just amazing. <3
I think I have been remiss in showering you and your fic with love. You’re awesome.
I have had so much fun on the MUSH with you! You are awesome! :D I haven't talked to you much outside of the MUSH, but I hope to talk with you more often in the future, on various forms of social media! Have a wonderful day, and eat lots of chocolate! ♥
Happy Valentine’s day! I enjoy your talks on books and getting to know you.
I am in awe of your writing, and feel shyly privileged to be among your friends.
You write beautifully, you're interesting, and your book reviews are epic :D
I love your wonderful writing - especially the ones with cities and deities. Sending cosmic scale Valentines love your way <3
Thank you for being the fabulous person that you are.
You work so quietly and diligently that I think most people overlook how vital you are to this fandom. You are a great person and you deserve recognition. Thank you for everything. ♥
Thank you for always having a kind word, and being so supportive of so many people. You're a lovely person, and one of the first to welcome me into this fandom. It's because of you I will always think of Transformers being a friendly fandom.
Though our stories are too close for comfort, you've been nothing but kind and generous with your reviews. Your own story, of course, continues to be fantastic, and I hunger for more of it.
I finally got up the courage to friend you this year, and I hope to get to know you better as time goes by. You're one of my favorite writers in this fandom.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement, and thanks for being my friend. (Also, MOAR JAZZWAVE PLZ.)
Your comments are often brief, but I can always count on you for a reply when I need it. Thank you for writing, and thank you for all the little snippets you leave us from your life- I have learned so many things about your job and life that are both harrowing and sometimes hilarious.