TF Valentines

Feb 14, 2009 01:28


  • You inspire me with your writing and your life
  • You're a true friend and great person
  • This'll be cheating because you know who I am, but I still want to let you know what an incredible inspiration you have been for me. Your kindness and your optimism are inspiring and worth of admiration, I consider you a great author, a wonderful friend, and I wish for great things to come your way. You're too sweet, thanks for everything. Care for a mug of chocolate some day?

  •  Well, um, this valentine's by proxy may be a bit corny, but you are in my thoughts! And yes, I'm still planning art for you! ;)

  • You are made of awesome, and I figured I should let you know. Thanks for the sparkling bunnies, I don't think my life would have been complete without them. XP
  • I love your sparkling fics and your stories make me laugh.
  • I love reading your angsty fics!(with a box of kleenex) :)

  • You deserve love for being so nice to me. So please, have some of mine. ^_^ <3

  • Keep smiling, bb. We think you're awesome.

  • I'm completely in love with your Constructicons' fics. Would be happy if you wrote more, but if you don't feel like it, I'll just happilly snuggle the ones that are already there. Also, a pinky bad girl is love. :)

  • Have I mentioned how much I like your writing (TF and non)? Coz I do ^_^

  • I really admire your wickedly delightful sense of humor, and your gift for vivid, very moving prose! I'm so sorry I'm not around much..!

  • You're still one of the best writers I've found, fandom or not, and that you like my own fics never fails to fill me with (kind of ridiculous) joy. Thank you for that! And then, I'm glad I've gotten to know you--we haven't talked often, but you're fun and funny, and very interesting, in the most complimentary way.

  • I heart your Red Alert so much it hurts!

  • You keep the light in all the dark, fluffy one. Thank you so much.
  • You are a sweetheart. Hugs!

  • Seeing a new installement of OBLA never fails to make me squee.
  • Thank you so much for all the talking we've done! You're tons of fun--it's great, getting to know you! I'm glad I've had the chance. You see things I never would have, too--you've given me some great ideas! I always love hearing from you.
  • Crazy woman... may you someday be able to gain a pair of Prime legs for your very own. Lol.. love you!

  • I AM SO GAY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Your comments always make me feel better about my writing
  • I'm glad we're finally friends on LJ! I've gotten to know you some from reviews, and you seem like a wonderful person--I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!
  • You always make me smile

  • I love your take on my OTP and you both write so beautifully it makes me happy every single time I see a story from you.
  • I wish I had half your talent when it comes to words.

  • You make Prowl and Jazz totally smexy as decepticons! <3
  • Your fics (or parts of fics) are some of the most intriguing I've read. You're my number 1 commenter, did you know that? Thanks for encouraging me to write ^_^
  • You are smart, funny, witty, talented and friendly. I can't say which of these things won me over, but I'm glad to be your friend.
  • You're such a wonderful girl, I consider you so successful and hard working. You're there when life gets ugly, and I hope life starts giving you a break. I thank you for your friendship, kindness and for sharing your talents with the world, you're a wonderful friend and sincerely hope things start looking up for you. Let's have an energon slush sometime, petal.
  • For encouragement, well-loved feedback, and comment that never fail to either cheer me up or make me laugh - here's some extra love for you! ♥♥
  • You are sweeter than any chocolate. *tacklepouncesnuggle*

  • You are such a wonderful fandom friend--you just make me so so happy with your absolutely incredible reviews and insight. And then I got to know you, and now, you're not just a fantastic reviewer, you're also one of the most supporting, helpful and inspirational people I know. I'm so glad to have you in my life! ♥

  • I go into glee fits over your art. It's adorable ^_^

  • Thank you for being my friend and for writing provocative beautiful thoughtful prose that stuns me every time.

  • You are an inspiration.

  • You have some of the best drawings EVER!

  • You are the best friend, I always wished for

  • Thanks for the vicarious life experiences and the chance to sneak peeks (i.e. beta) your wonderful stories.

  • Your posts and comments are always entertaining and thought provoking, even if they do sometimes send the bunny hordes a-calling.

  • I hope you know just how awesome you are.

  • You are awesome! Please write more of your stuff, and also, I'd like to get to know you better as a person.

  • Thank you for the wonderful AU world you've created and your fun attitude toward life.
  • Your fics have so much depth to them. I'm helpless with envy and admiration.
  • Love, you make me worry from halfway across the world and one day, I'm gonna come give you a huge hug.
  • You are an angel
  • I love reading your PxJ fluff! :D

  • Beloved friend, I'm so glad we met.
  • I don't know you as closely, but I've always admired your wonderful works, and the essense of love you transmit through your written works. Through whatever hardships you might face, I hope you always come through victorious.

  • Your TF photos always make my day! :D

  • You've overcome so much and I am so proud of you.
  • You are a real angel

  • Your Red Alert/Inferno stories are a joy to read! X3
  • Partner in crime XD... glad to share the 'sette love and cant wait to see what the ponies give us.
  • Ever since I first read your stories, I've been hooked.  And I never want to stop!
  • You're one of the sweetest, most generous and kind people I've ever met. Words are not enough to describe how much your kindness and compassion has touched my life. You're a wonderful author, a hard working individual, a wonderful person and I wish you the best, I consider you one of my greatest friends and I would love to get to meet you in person some day. I hope the snow stops soon!

  • Happy Valentine's Day to you! Thank you for sharing your rich inner life with us, and forgive me for not commenting very often.

  • I think I know you from reviews you've left me on FFnet, and you're a wonderful reviewer. What I want to say to you, though, is that you are writing an incredible fic--I am hooked on Never Did Run Smooth worse than I am on any other fic right now. I'm always absolutely ecstatic when I see the next chapter pop up on my flist! You are fantastic when it comes to characterization, tension and plotting--I'm on the edge of my seat with every update, and you play with my emotions, seemingly effortlessly. Thank you so much for writing and plotting! Maybe some day I'll get up the nerve to leave you a're so good it's intimidating!

  • GUESS WHO! I ♥ you~

  • Thank you for defending me

  • Your talents consistently amaze me!

  • You introduced me to the utter love that is Soundwave/Starscream, and your bunnies got me writing fanfic again. Thanks for existing. ^_~ <3

  • I wish all the nasty illnesses would stop bothering you. As in, right now. Also, here, have a heartshaped cherry muffin :)

  • You're amazing, I hope you never forget it.
  • I'll keep it short. You pervert, I love you.
  • You are an amazingly talented writer and so incredibly nice, too! Keep up the good work... we'll keep reading!

  • Love and hugs to you and your headspace, and one day I am coming down to Auckland.

  • Everytime I think of you I smile.

  • Love your fics, OCs, pairings and style, here, let me kiss you. *Mwah*

  • Screamy misses yelling at Prime to leave his feet alone!
  • Keep up the great fanfics... they're amazing!

  • You are an amazing writer. I wish I had half your talent.

  • You're always so encouraging and I love talking to you. It always makes me smile to hear from you, so please don't stop! <3

  • You've been a great friend for longer years than I care to continue counting. I wish you all the best in your new life.

  • Thanks for all the comments, and all the work you do for the Cybertronian.
  • You always manage to pick me up when I'm down.
  • I adore you, simple as.
  • You are such a wonderful support to me, and your words of encouragement (and correction!) are a never-ending source of inspiration. I respect your opinion deeply, and I feel better about my own writing because of the help you give. Thank you.
  • For all the wonderful bits of encouragement and feedback that you've left, this is perhaps a paltry return on it - but thank you so very much for them! Happy Valentine's!
  • Your comments and reviews always lift my spirits
  • You are a saving grace in the insanity of this universe
  • We've know each other for a relatively short time, yet it feels like I've known you for much longer. You're a wonderful person and great friend, and I admire your kindness, your determination and your will to fight against any adversities. You're a wonderful author, and one of the most wonderful friends I have. Thank you so much for letting me get to know you, and I hope one day we can meet in person.
  • I really admire your inner strength and the wisdom you show in your entries. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • I'm really enjoying RPing with you and all the gang in your head. It's alot of fun, especially with all the RL talk thrown in between.

  • Because of you I know the world is a better place.

  • Your art is always a delight to see
  • Thank you for being such a great friend. You make me laugh, and I love your art.
  • Your art always makes me smile :)
  • Your art astounds me to no end
  • Sometimes I feel you're unfairly harsh with yourself as artist and person, but I understand we're all our worst critics in many aspects. Through this I want to let you know what a wonderful person you are, open and kind, striving for the best you can make and trying to make a difference in one way or another. I consider you a close friend, and I sincerely pray for all your objectives to be accomplished. Let's have tea one of these days.
  • I really admire your compassion for people, and how you love cats, and the innocent playfulness in your delightful TF art!

  • What can I say other than thank you for all this time. You're a better person than you give yourself credit for, and a great writer, and an incredible friend. Through the hardships you no face, remember there's always someone out there that cares and cares a lot.

  • I miss you! I hope to see you online soon!

  • Not much to say  just a lot of penguin hugs and snuggles for you! :)

  • Your stories are my secret delight!  But I'm not ashamed, just too scared to say so.

  • You're a wonderful beta, hun, and a great person to talk to. I appreciate the time you take to help others fine tune their work.

  • You're always so nice when you review. Thanks for sharing fandom with me. XD

  • Thanks for pushing me as a writer and exposing me to new and different authors.

  • You have the remarkable talent of always making me smile.

  • I'm just getting to know you, but I'm really glad I am! You're intelligent and insightful, and I'm happy I've gotten to know you a little better.

  • I can't tell you how delightful your comments are! I love your sweet sense of humor, and the beautiful animal posts you share with us on your LJ! Thank you!

To all those atprowlxjazz who keep the creativity flowing, my hat off to you.

  • I blame you for my addiction to ProwlxJazz. Much love for that. <3
  • I love reading your TFA stories! X3
  • There is a folder on my HD with nearly 100 files that are your fics. I return to them often. I hope you do too :)

  • I love your take on my OTP and you both write so beautifully it makes me happy every single time I see a story from you.
  • Your Ironhide and Ratchet are love.  You write them so well.
  • For everything - absolutely everything - from crack convos and sounding boards, to RP and drabbles, for that extra eye over fics - *salutes*. ♥

  • I'M THE ONE WHO FAILS! And here's Jazz a pass for 1 full day of no-fail*Screamer!

  • I love you, you crazy girl. You
  • You are a sweetheart. Snuggles

  • Your username always puts a smile on my face and your ficcing does the same for my heart.

  • Thank you for throwing me a lifeline and offering me the opportunity to come out of my shell. You're wonderful.

  • Your fics rock!


  • Your jewellry!! Thank you so much for the wedding stuff. You have a talent for this and I hope it takes you somewhere good.

  • Your stories I would search all over the net for!
  • *CLANG!* here's a Valentine wrench of wild muses with love, from Ratchet. ;)

  • You made me smile during a very bad day, and every time I think about that I smile again. Thankyou, the fic you wrote for my bunny does more than just entertain. <3<3<3

  • I love your fics and all the other stuff you come up with!

  • It seems we are birds of a feather (or, well, whatever)- keep writing that adorable story and may your Valentine's Day be full of images of Starscream holding sparklings!

To those at seekerslove  Happy Valentine's Day! Keep the love flowing... post more stuff!!!

  • You're warm, caring and thoughtful, and I know that i can count on you to let me know if I've written something really bad; this is more valuable than all the gold in the world.

  • You are a wonderful person, and I'm glad I've gotten to know you. I wish you better health than you've had--you deserve it!

  • We're just starting to get to know each other, but you are such an absolutely incredible reviewer that I need three exclamation points!!! You just get so perfectly what I'm doing (or trying to do) with the characters that it

  • I am hooked to your stories! <3
  • Lots of love and hugs and wishes for RL to let up on you. And I love your writing style! :)
  • You've become an older sister, and you deserve the world.
  • Hey babe, I know you're going through hard times, and I hope things will eventually look up for you. We don't know each other too close, but you're a darling, a wonderful and inspiring author, and I'm glad I ever came across you.

  • I still hope you'll give me more Second Chances ;) I hope, and I wait. (because good things are worth waiting for)
  • I really admire your sharp, intelligent wit and outlook on life, and your creativity! Your entries always make me smile, and I just wanted to tell you 'thank you', and I hope to lurk less and participate more..!

  • I hope things look up soon, and I hope I get up the nerve to talk to you and quit being so fail!
  • You are one of the most amazing people i've ever met, even if it has only been digitally. You are smart, talented and strong willed; i am honored to know you.
  • You're an incredibly interesting person to talk to, about fandom or otherwise--I always love to hear about your views, even when I don't agree with them! Thank you for sharing them, along with your fics.

  • It was your stories and art that brought me to this fandom and for that I will be eternally grateful!

  • You are so cool! And I haven't even got round to reading most of your stuff yet. *blushes* I want to get to know you better!
  • Your enthusiasm and creativity makes me smile every time. You always show me a new side to every character. <3

  • I really enjoy talking with you and sharing ideas on the 'secret' comm, and I hope I can hear more of your opinions on the books you've been reading!

To those at tf_bunny_farm  I love you all!

To those attf2007fun andtf80sfun who keep the creativity flowing, my hat off to you.

To the editors ofthecybertronian - we really appreciate all the work you go through getting the newsletter out and you always provide us with such great stuff! We love you IMMENSELY!

  • One of the longest people I've known, and the only one I've met in person, and dude, you're freakin' awesome. Good luck in the navy and come see me again!

  • You are the sister I never expected to have, but I'm glad I do

  • For all our crazy times and internet breaking rants, I'm truly blessed to have ever started talking to you.

  • We dont talk much, but again, like Ti, you're one of those long

  • You have grown so much since I've met you, and yet you stay the same warm, caring person I saw initially. You really do make the world a brighter place for those around you.

  • You're the Yin to my Yang
  • Your stories and artwork never fail to bring a smile to my face. Your awesomeness knows no bounds. <3
  • You are such a good friend and I love your self-confidence in your abilities.
  • You got me hooked onto Prowl/Jazz love with your fanfics and artwork XD
  • Your work got me deeper into the TF fandom. Thanks ^_^
  • You have tons of talent and just as much potential to do anything you set out to do. May you be blessed in every aspect of your life.
  • Your art, your stories, you… are just wonderful!
  • For some of the sweetest, cutest - and sometimes crackiest! - fanart, fics, and pics out there - have some extra love this Valentine's! ♥♥
  • I love your art.
  • You have one of the most amazing art styles I've ever seen, and I hope one day you'll be able to make a career out of it.
  • You've made my day so many times. Even tired and sore, you do so much for so many, bless always.
  • You are an inspiration to me

  • Love your fanfics. Love your fanfics. Love your fanfics. Love your fanfics. I can say it all day round, love your fanfics, I really do. :*

  • You write the best smut-filled stories! XD

  • Happy Valentines day! Keep up the great writing!

  • I love you! And let's do the movie madness again this year, too!

  • You're an adorable person (or at least your icons are) and I hope this makes you smile. Have some love, cutie-pie! <3

  • I freshly fell in love with your TF:A fic, so I oh so selfishly wish you plenty of inspiration! :)

  • Thank you for being my first beta - I might never have gotten the nerve to write for this fandom if it weren't for your input

  • The only person for whom I worry has died because my Replicas Jazz has fallen on my head; I love you too much to ever think it could happen.

  • I always love talking to you. You're a great friend!

  • You have the most uncanny knack for making me laugh, no matter what's been going wrong. You make my life brighter by being a part of it and I thank you for that.

Prowl and Jazz  - The hottest mechs in the universe. Love from the Fly on your wall ^^
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