Hey, y'all! Here are your prompts for the week!
1. Culture shock
2. Task Click on your favorite news source (CNN, Reuters, Yahoo...whatever), and pick a story to become the basis of your fic. It doesn't have to be about the actual story, with the actual people involved, but the scenario or some aspect of the story that inspires you. For example, if your news story is about Ferguson, you could write about waiting for justice, or preparing to riot/demonstrate, etc.
3. Hangover
4. Genre Musical theater. Your characters either are seeing one, performing in one, or their life has suddenly turned into one. Have fun as random bursting into song occurs!
5. 'On trend'.
6. Pick a number from 1-216, then click on
this youtube channel The number you picked is the number of the 1980s throwback awesome song that will be the foundation of your fic. Of course, tell us what song you got!
As usual, only 120 minutes per prompt, till the stats go up on Friday.