Title: Solemn Remembrance
Rating: K+
Continuity: Bayverse
Characters: Optimus Prime
Warning: Tragic anniversary
Prompt #1: Silence
Solemn Remembering )
Title: New-hires
Rating: K+
Continuity: Bayverse
Characters: Maggie Madsen
Summary: Maggie Madsen didn't leave NEST - she simply found a new nitch that catered to her talents and abilities.
Prompt #2 Scenario: A Job interview
New-hires )
Title: First Memory
Rating: K+
Continuity: Bayverse (pre-series)
Characters: Ratchet
Summary: As a newspark, Ratchet was not the easiest baby to deal with.
Prompt #3 TASK: tell a character’s earliest recollection
first memory )
Title: Scary-good-times
Rating: K
Continuity: Bayverse
Characters: Sam Witwicky, Miles Lancaster
Summary: Summer camp is almost as good as Halloween for scary-tales to be told (and heard)
Prompt: 4 “Be Afraid. Be very Afraid …”
Scary-good-times )
Title: Disarming
Rating: K+
Continuity: Bayverse
Characters: Robert Epps, Sideswipe
Summary: Shrapnel-filled objects may not be a cause for concern for the Autobots, but not everyone is willing to take the risk.
Prompt # 5 Soft Touch
Disarm )
Title: Kite Flying
Rating: K
Continuity: Bayverse
Characters: Will, Ironhide, Annabelle
Summary: Flying kites is a challenge business: without the right conditions, the kite stays grounded.
Prompt: #6 Setting: A High, Windy place
Kite flying )