Title: Immortal tales
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K
Characters: Will Lennox, Annabelle Lennox
Summary: Some stories last a lifetime - they appeal to all ages.
Prompt #2 - Reading Aloud
Immortal tales )
Title: Back-to-before
T-Verse: TFPrime
Rating: K
Characters: Jack Darby
Summary: After running into the Autobots, no summer break will ever be the same again -
Prompt #4 Lost time is never found again - Benjamin Franklin
Back-to-before )
Title: Waterwars
T-Verse: Bayverse
Rating: K
Characters: Ironhide, Lennox
Summary: A hot summer day demands cooling off - anyway possible.
Prompt #6 Dancing In The Rain
Waterwars )