Title: Reliving History
Rating: K
Series: Generation 1
Characters: Kup,
Author: Rose0mary
Summary: Time is immaterial, stories are eternal
Prompt: 1 Story ends “… and that is the best memory of my life”
Favorite Story )
Title: Coping mechanisms
Rating: Teens
Series: Generation 1
Characters: Smokescreen
Author: Rose0mary
Summary: Talking helps, time helps with the loss of family and destruction of everything you once knew
Prompt: 2 some things are best not remembered
Coping, Not )
Title: Regrets
Rating: K+
Series: Generation 1
Characters: Perceptor, Starscream
Author: Rose0mary
Summary: The end is near.
Prompt: 3 “If I had the chance to do that one thing over again, I would, and thigns could be so (very) different”
If Only )
Title: Wake up call
Rating: K+/Teens
Series: Generation 1
Characters: Soundwave, Shockwave
Author: Rose0mary
Summary: What would a Cybertronian concussion be like? Full-blown memory loss? Or just bits and pieces forgotten for a time?
Prompt: 4 Amnesia
Wake-Up )