OLD PROMPT March 16, 2013 Kreon Bio

Dec 16, 2013 18:24

Title: Chapter Thirteen of For a Few Upgrades More
Warnings/content advice: Traveling montage
Rating: PG
Continuity: Transformers Animated
Characters: Lockdown, Slipstream, Soundwave, with supporting Laserbeak and Ratbat
Disclaimer: Transformers belongs to Hasbro et al, not to me
Prompt: March 16, 2013 Use a Kreon bio as prompt (Starscream and his favorite passtimes.) With inspiration from the curiously upbeat Duran Duran - Hungry Like the Wolf

"They'll run for the border! That's what you said!" Slipstream shouted at Lockdown as she fired back on the Torkulons.

"Argument irrelevant. Retreat necessary."

"I'll hold them off," Lockdown growled, readying a sleep grenade.

Slipstream shoved at his right shoulder, causing a blaster bolt to scorch his pauldron, as she rolled to avoid another. Blast would have hit him dead in the spark.

"Captain necessary to pilot ship," Soundwave reminded him.

Lockdown transformed and hauled aft for the Death's Head, as Slipstream shouted commands. "Soundwave, rock their world. I'll give you cover fire!"


So, the three bounty heads hadn't gone for Torkulon. He looked at the star maps and idea webs on his forward display. Why anyone would want to stay with the head-shrinking monkeys Lockdown couldn't fathom, but it had seemed a good target at the time. The kinda place only a mad mech would think to follow. It had been that or the freaky alien-morphers.

"Where would they go?" Lockdown asked himself. "Octavian's ship couldn't travel far with out refueling."

He manipulated his idea web, putting a picture of a spaceport and fuel along a string connected to the ship in question.

Behind him, something clattered, like his mod parts hitting the floor. "Kids!"

"Unintentional collapse."

Lockdown spun his chair around and saw the two replacing assorted parts into an intricate and vicariously balanced tower. He groaned and rubbed his faceplate. "Oil house games are usually played when one or more parties are overcharged."

"It would be more challenging that way," Slipstream conceded, optics on Soundwave. But, when she turned her gaze to Lockdown she glared, "Not that we're so bored to the point of stasis lock that we're inventing new and thrilling ways to kill time."

"Thought you did that while I was out finding the trail!"


"Juvenille native is sniffing my tires," Soundwave reported.

"Shoo," Slipstream said to the little canine-form Delta-Pavonian.

"But they were here?" Lockdown asked the feline native through the hospital window.

Nearby, the locals were marveling at the all the metal birds.

"It is required after an accident," the cat said, "But they waived further care and paid up-front in galactic credits. I suggested they stay, given the girl looked so pale."

"Fits the description," Lockdown said, "Any indication where they were headed."

"The one of them speaks without a strong accent, but aside from translating for the others, all I heard was some talk of politics."

"Much obliged," Lockdown said and passed the nurse a packet of nip. "For the clinic."


Lockdown studied his charts again. They hadn't run for the border after all, but headed deeper into Republic Space. There were a chain of systems they could hit making small jumps. But, where were they really going?

wobble wobble wobble

Grand Central? If they knew mechs were on their trail. But they could just as easily get a ship or commercial transport on Nebulos itself.

wobble wobble wobble CRASH

If he plotted his course carefully, the Death's Head might just arrive ahead of them.

wobble wobble clink CLASH

The sound was driving him crazy! Lockdown rose, stretched, then walked toward the aft section.

wobble wobble hiss

"In the gutter!" Slipstream whooped, then with mock sympathy, "too bad, really."

"What is it this time?" Lockdown asked.

"Bowling," Soundwave toned, "modifications to archaic weapon make an excellent ball."

Lockdown saw it then: heavy, metal ball with new shiny spots marring the beautiful old patina. "My flail! You two disassembled my flail!!?" He roared and kicked the wall. "You don't do that to an antique cyber-ninja mod!"

"Please, you had two," Slipstream snapped, holding up as many talons.


"Slaggin' bureaucrats!" Lockdown cursed. Eurythman embassy was silent on matters of who may or may not be on their watch lists or granted asylum. He walked back to the Chip Shack where Slipstream and Soundwave were chatting all friendly like with some of the greenish squishies.

"They'd be similar to me, one darker blue, the other black, nice silver and violet detailing." Slipstream was gesturing while holding a spindly graphite cookie in one hand.

"Haven't seen mechs like that in a while. Seekers, right?"

Slipstream nodded, still swallowing part of her cookie.

"If they do show up, I could give you a call."

Laserbeak skwalked and Soundwave tossed him another silicon wafer.

"Unfortunately my officer and I are in the market for a new tachyon transmitter."

"Those are hard come by. Pricey."

"Those embassies must have some," Lockdown said, "What with needing to stay in contact with their homeworlds."

The Nebulan shrugged.

"They didn't let you in," Slipstream guessed.


"Guard controlled," Soundwave reported. The Eurythman swayed at his station murmuring something about clearance. Soundwave lifted his keytar overhead and Ratbat transformed to land on his shoulder. Slipstream was borrowing Laserbeak.

"You really gotta tell me how you do that," Lockdown whispered, stalking behind in stealth mode.

Ahead, Slipstream, bedecked in plush red cape and holding the condor on her arm spoke to the doorman. "Ambassador Commander Slipstream of the Vosian Protectorate on behalf of the Decepticon Empire," she said in her haughtiest tone.

The Eurythman doorman asked for a moment.

"A klik," Soundwave translated. "Likely conducting scans."

"Let us hope everything checks out, as it should," Slipstream whispered. The mission would fail if Lockdown's stealth mods didn't hold up to the embassy's scans.

Soundwave detected whispered, lyric speech within. "She looks like a Decepticon leader. Bird and everything; that's how I always heard them described."

"But how do we know? Do they carry ident cards, or do you look for an engraved model number?"

Soundwave quietly gave the translation. At that, Slipstream powered up one arm-mounted blaster and aimed it at the door the two Eurythman's stood behind. "You count how long it takes before we shoot. The Empire is not known for dispensing of mercy, or patience."

"Welcome, Ambassador."


"We're lucky that worked," Lockdown said as they regrouped in the Death's Head's cargo bay.

"Not luck," Slipstream said, "If we know anything it is dramatics." The slight evidence suggested she was speaking of Starscream. "Besides, I read a book on how to command-"

"Transmitter?" Soundwave asked.


"Take it to the bridge until we can test it," Slipstream said, as she swung her cape from her shoulders. "Just a book."

"Well, you both did your parts, I can admit that. Not usually one for teamwork."

"Really? It's one of the Autobot's more intelligent strategies. Works out well for Optimus Prime, anyway. And Starscream was just beginning to get the idea."

Autobots, Lockdown thought. Not a subject he felt like discussing. "You really still looking for them?"

Slipstream's glare said this should be obvious, but she answered all the same, "Not bounty hunting for the thrill of it." Then she laughed, "Keeps you off my tail, at least." She walked into the corridor, dragging her cape.


She looked back. Lockdown wasn't sure what he wanted to ask.

"Nevermind. I mean, It's different not working alone. I should tell you, this next stop is likely to be trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"They're not mech-friendly. Actually, the place is downright robophobic."

"On all the colonized worlds, when has disguise ever been a problem?"

author: karanseraph, character: slipstream, character: soundwave, continuity: animated, character: ratbat, character: lockdown

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