Full set - Prompt Reply

Sep 19, 2013 22:08

Title: Troublesome Expressions
Rating: K
Characters: Chip Chase, Wheeljack
Series: Generation 1
Summary:  Bots and humans have deep discussions between the original sayings - what they once meant and what they now stand for.
Prompt: 1  Smells Like Trouble

TITLE: Standing Firm
AUTHOR: Rose0mary
RATING:  Teen - for previous acts of genocide
UNIVERSE:  Any/all (AU)
CHARACTERS: Thundercracker, Starscream, Skywarp
SUMMARY: Thundercracker is willing to pay the price his chosen course of action endures.  His teammates do not understand why.
PROMPT:  2 Scenario:  A character is forced to confront their biggest fear.

TITLE: Friendly Game
VERSE:  ANY (Generation 1)
CHARACTER(S): Autobot Ensemble, Decepticon Ensemble
SUMMARY:  Even armies need a break from constant warfare - a day off is just what the medics ordered
PROMPT: 3 “Crank it up to eleven!”

Title:  Isinglass
Rating: K
Character: Sparkplug Witwicky
Series: Generation 1 - Pre cartoon
Genre: General
Summary:  Anybody else wonder how or why Sparkplug knew about the ruby mines in Burma?  Seeing as how Mister Witwicky doesn’t have the same job for long, this is one possible explanation.
Prompt:  4 - Setting: A rural settlement on Earth

The Burma Mountains had nothing to offer.  At first glance, the mountains looked to be as worthless as the surrounding valleys - good only for the lumber and the space on which to build.

It wasn’t until a geologist had the odd colored rocks analyzed, did the dirt-poor inhabitants realize they were standing on a rich ore field.

The newfound wealth brought a sudden upsurge of workers - so many out-of-luck workers desperate, hoping to strike it rich by finding a solid vein of gems or metals that could be used to bring the miners into higher standing.

Almost overnight, a tent-town sprang up on a long-forgotten farm.  Most of the buildings were shanties, held together by little more than wire and twine.  Others, were simple tents, which would collapse under the first heavy rain, or be blow away in the first real gust of wind.

Not one of the men now working in the shadow of the mountain gave any thought as to the poor quality conditions of their newfound settlement.  They needed work, they needed shelter, and they didn’t have the energy to make it more visually appealing.  Not when every one of them struggled to extract enough ore and other valuable rocks from the unforgiving earth.

Along with the miners, others found themselves bringing life to this temporary encampment.

Miners needed tools, and the machines needed maintenance.  So, it was Sparkplug Witwicky found himself in the backwater part of the world, doing odd-jobs and helping out wherever, whenever the workers needed a hand.

Sparkplug Witiwkcy, a young man in his early twenties, wiped his brow.  Working under the hot sun was brutal, but soon, the evacuated mine would provide some shelter from the blazing heat for the miners.

Drinking deeply from his allotment of water, Sparkplug could hardly wait for the sun to go down.  These fourteen-hour days were strenuous and demanding.  He persevered, because there were hundreds of migrant workers scouring the countryside looking for a job, any job really.

The sun finally set, a weary Sparkplug heft his wrench, trudged down the well-worn path.  Right now the road was empty, barren of life, but soon, the miners would be walking down the road to their homes.  The spot where the townsfolk slept, ate, and lived when they weren’t being worked to death, wasn’t much to look at.

In this part of the world, only the rich had access to indoor plumbing, and everyone made due with a pit-toilet and outhouses, getting perhaps one bath or shower a week.  It wasn’t much, but Sparkplug considered the location home.  At least, until he decided to move on to the next opportunity somewhere else in the world.

When Sparkplug left, his work would soon be snatched up by someone else desperate to put food on the table.  As there was a surplus of workers available, there was almost no room to advance.  Employees with wanderlust might have learned enough to become a jack-of-all trades, but they remained masters of none.

Title: Doldrums
Rating: K
Characters: Tracks, Raoul
Realm: Generation 1
Summary:  Not all clear skies indicate smooth sailing.  Tracks learns that another human phrase also fits - aka ‘The Calm Before the Storm’
Prompt: 5 Petty Annoyances

( Doldrums )

Title: Unexpected Treats
Rating: K
Universe: Any - PreWar (g1?)
Characters: OC’s, Smokescreen
Summary: Food sustains the body - what sustains the mind and soul when everything becomes too much?
Prompt:  6 Taste

( Unexpected Treats )

character: autobots ensemble, continuity: g1, author: rose0mary, character: decepticons ensemble, character: starscream, character: thundercracker, character: tracks, character: chip, character: skywarp, character: wheeljack

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