The Cycle Continues Rating: K
Characters: Jazz, Blades, Soundwave
Universe: Any - Prewar
Summary: A near immortal planet doesn't hang around for its sun to explode - it moves from system to system, seeking new, young stars.
Prompt #1 Unexpected Light in Cybertron's Eternal night
Title: Social media has noting on
Notice Boards
Rating: K to K+
Characters: Reggie Simmons and Tom Banachek
Universe: Bayverse, Pre-2007 movie.
Summary: Simmons thinks he's up-to-date on everything that happens in the Sector 7 bases. Alas, he learns that Tom knows more about the day-to-day stuff.
Prompt #2 Bulletin Board
Drastic Measures Rating: K to K+
Characters: Ratchet, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Smokescreen
Universe: TF Prime
Summary: Once or twice might be forgiven, but when allies make a habit of ignoring warnings and recommendations ...
Prompt #3 Misused Tools
Elimination of Potential Problems
Rating: Teens
Characters: Silas
Universe: TF Prime - Tag to Episode 'Human Factor'
Summary: New technology and new applications of old devices ususally have unforseen side effects, and may cause unseen glitches.
Prompt #4 Program Failure
No Evidence Rating: K
Characters: Seymour Simmons, Issac Sumdac, Silas, Buster Witwicky
Universe: Any - mix of G1, Prime, Animated, Bayverse
Summary: Potential interperations and meanings behind cryptic sentences can give everyone headaches.
Prompt #5 In the sign of ....
Title: Every action
Impacts Others.
Rating: K+
Characters: Originals and ??? surprise
Universe: Any Verse, PreWar.
Summary: Not every first encounter is a first meeting. - sometimes those encounters are remembered, sometimes the long-ago meetings are forgotten by all involved.
Prompt #6 Setting: a stowaway is caught