Title: Stopped
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K
Continuity: Bayverse/Movie-verse
Characters: Annabelle Lennox, Ironhide
Prompt: Digital Divide
Title: Personification
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K
Continuity: G1
Characters: Narrator, Ratchet, Sideswipe
Prompt: Task: Tell a story from the perspective of a non-sentient object
Title: How to Take Over the World - the Fun Way
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K
Continuity: G1
Characters: Sparkplug, Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker
Prompt: Corrupted
Title: Homonym Problems
Warnings/content advice: None
Rating: K
Continuity: G1
Characters: Ratchet, Hound
Prompt: Setting: a waiting room
Communal Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.
Here is the link to the post on my profile:
http://ladyanatar.livejournal.com/3376.html Enjoy!