Stats post 16 February, Theme Day - Heroism!

Feb 22, 2013 18:18

Evening all! Another full set this week, so cool! And plenty of awesome fics to read.

Full set icon for exactly_what <3

Participation icon!

1. Noble self-sacrifice
2. A heroic last stand, the outcome of which will decide the fate of the universe
3. A good death
4. Fighting against the odds
5. An unwilling hero
6. An accidental hero


ayngelcat, Pre-Battle Jitters [Prompt #5]

Sacrifice [Prompt #1]
We Will Be Remembered [Prompt #2]
Honourable [Prompt #3]
Belief [Prompt #4]
Stereotypes [Prompt #5]
Crash Landing [Prompt #6]

Old Prompts

exactly_what, Energon for Peace [January 5, 2011]
silberstreif, [Prompt #1, 09 February 2013. Silberstreif posted this just after the stats went up last week, which is why it's in this roundup]

Our next writing day is tomorrow (Saturday 23th February)!

!stats post

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