Hey there :)
Here’re the prompts for next week. :) Remember, you can work on the prompts until the stats post goes up on Friday. *cheers everyone on*
#1 -
Go through the Master List of Prompts 2010.
Note: Please state which prompt you choose in your header.
2# -
Schwellenangst - (German, n.) Fear embarking on something new; fear of crossing a threshold.
#3 -
Go through the Master List of Prompts 2011.
Note: Please state which prompt you choose in your header.
#4 -
sturmfrei - (German, adj.) lit. “stormfree”; the freedom of not being watched by a parent of superior; being alone at a place and having the ability to do whatever you want.
#5 -
Go through the Master List of Prompts 2012.
Note: Please state which prompt you choose in your header.
#6 -
aischrolatry - (Greek, n.) the love or worship of smut.
Have fun! :D