Title: Trust Issues
Prompt: Crossing the line
Rating: K
Characters: Glen, Maggie, Mirage, Simmons, mentions of others
Summary: “You crossed a line and because of it we cannot afford to openly trust your kind.”
Time written: 5:15-6:58
Warnings: I do not think there’s a need for any but correct me if I’m wrong.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, ideas, plots, etc not mine.
It wasn’t a noticeable thing. It wasn’t very unnoticeable either if you actually looked. A couple mechs were a bit more open about but that was brushed up to their solitary personalities. A majority simply carried a polite attitude tinged with indifference while minority couldn’t be any friendlier. Those of the “original team”, as Lennox’s group and any other of first contact were dubbed, however, could see the difference.
Glen decided to ask a question.
“How come you guys act like that?”
The other occupants in the room, Maggie and Mirage, looked up. Maggie’s brow furrowed and she asked, “Who acts like what?”
Glen points at Mirage, “You guys. You’re nice to people like Lennox and his team, Sam, Mikaela, Keller, Salazaar, Maggie, a few others, families of theirs, but then to everyone else you’re either just polite or just acknowledging.”
Mirage opened his mouth and began, “I do not believe all-“
“Well, no,” interrupted Glen, “not all of you are like that but most of you are. I mean, there’s a few of you guys that are like toddlers, friends with everyone, but then the rest of you seem to be keeping a grudge against someone the way an old man does. So, what’s the grudge?”
Both Glen and Maggie were now looking expectantly at the silvery blue Autobot. Mirage stared back formulating a response.
He started to speak then sighed. There was silence for a moment more before he answered softly, staring at the ground, “There are few of us left now, and because of it everyone has a connection, a friendship, a bond, or family through everyone else. So we stick up for each other, even those who we quarrel regularly with or just generally dislike when they need it. So…”
“So as soon as we strapped your friend to the table and gave him a little shock treatment humans lost your trust, right?”
The three glanced over to the doorway where Simmons stood. Then two back too Mirage as the mech nodded saying, “A line was crossed and because of it we cannot afford to openly trust your kind.”
“What about us, then?” asked Maggie. “What about the ones you…you trust? What makes us trustworthy?”
Mirage turned his optics on her explaining, “You fight beside us, risk yourselves for us. Even before you knew anything about our war, Autobots, and Decepticons, some of you were willing help us without questions and hesitation,” he looked directly at Simmons now, “or hostility.”
Where there would have been a moment of silence to think about words said Simmons asked, “And? What of it? What if people decide “crossing that line” is in our world’s best interest? What if the ones you trust like Madsen and Whitmann here think that too? What then?”
Mirage said, tone empty, “Whether or not Maggie and Glen or any others agreed that it was best would not matter. That any of the humans would even consider it best would lead me to believe that, perhaps, your species wasn’t something worth saving.”
The silvery blue mech then got up and left, leaving even Simmons silent.
A/N: Guh, I don’t really even like this much…but here you go anyway. Hope it provided some entertainment. Correct me on my tags or if I didn't follow any rules it'd be appreciated. Oh, and we need a tag for Simmons I believe.