Hi there :)
I’m a week late with the stats and the round-up post. I’m very sorry. ._.
Thank you all for participating in the Advent Calendar event, and for being so active and creative here during the whole year. You’re awesome, and we’ve got so many great fics this year! I can’t describe how happy I am that this community is still so lively and creative, and that we can welcome so many new authors! *glomps all* :D
Also many thanks to my three co-mods
ultharkitty! Without your help, I wouldn’t be able to run this comm. Thank you! :D
Okay, and now back to business. Round-up.
Under the cut is the participation banner. I hope you like it. :)
Made by
ultharkitty And here the Advent Calendar List. Many people posted more than one fic, so I linked the entries on speedwriting. It’s so great to see so many stories, and what you come up with for the prompts! :D
I’m again sorry that it didn’t work with the Calendar Icons. RL will hopefully be more merciful next year. v.v
mmouse15 -
Day 01antepathy -
Day 02lady_katana4544 -
Day 03merfilly -
Day 04ultharkitty -
Day 05laurus_nobilis -
Day 06femme4jack -
Day 07artemis10002000 -
Day 08dellessa -
Day 09ayngelcat -
Day 10requiem_revista -
Day 11yesterdaze_news -
Day 12renegadewriter8 -
Day 13zatnik -
Day 14metallikirk -
Day 15jarakrisafis -
Day 16caiusmajor -
Day 17antepathy -
Day 18merfilly -
Day 19neverminetohold -
Day 20xianghua -
Day 21zatnik -
Day 22eaten_by_bears -
Day 23eerian_sadow -
Day 24 And here, eventually, the stats post for our last writing day, which was also the last writing day in 2011. Theme was “Winter”, and we’ve got a full set! :D Congrats to
dellessa! Yay! *shares cookies with everyone*
The full set icon. Congrats!
The Prompts
#1 Winter on an alien world
#2 Absolute Zero
A Picture#4 Snowflake
Winter Wandering (Prompt #3)
Falling (Prompt #4)
The Nature of Space (Prompt #2)
Tesseract (Prompt #1)
And a last important note: Due to LJ’s last major changes, many people consider leaving and joining Dreamwidth. Speedwriting has a mirror community there for a while already:
tf_speedwriting After this post, all entries will be imported there. Also, if you decide to post your fics there from now on, please still post a header and a link to your fic here to the LJ community. :)
Thanks in advance! :)
The next writing day starts Saturday, 07 January 2012
naboru :)