Title: Reason
Rating: PG
Character: Thundercracker
Warnings: Mention of a war torn landscape
Disclaimer: No, not mine
Prompt: 6. Scenario: visiting a place you haven't been for a very long time.
They didn’t know he was here. He had fled early from battle, knowing that there was to be a sure retreat, and instead of going back to the Nemesis, he went to the space bridge. He was thankful that Shockwave had been absent when he got there. It was much easier sneaking into Cybertron without any explanations. He immediately folded down into flight mode and streaked across the sky.
Vos was calling to him.
Who was he to deny when he hadn’t seen his home in millennia?
He was fortunate that no patrols spotted him as he flew over the barren wasteland Cybertron had become. He knew it would be much worse when he finally went to his home city.
It was a long time he flew, until at last the broken cityscape of Vos loomed. Although as beaten and battered as it was, Thundercracker felt some relief come over him. It was still here. All of his culture had not been totally erased.
He touched down, transforming into root mode on top of a high block of apartments. Each apartment was open to the air, perfect for the many fliers that had inhabited the city. It was just an ordinary apartment block to others. For the blue Seeker, it had been his home. He went down the stairwell, cautious of the blown away sections of the building, until he reached his old apartment. It was almost exactly as he had left it, save for the evidence of war. Datapads were strewn here and there, remnants of energon splashed the walls from when his energon convertor had obviously exploded. There was his berth, untouched by war, those soft coverings perfect for his wings.
And then his more personal items he had been forced to abandon. A holo cube displaying he and Skywarp when they had been friends as Seekerlings. The crystal flower received from a femme in hopes of winning his affections. A wing maintenance kit, a gift from his caretaker.
Sitting down in the middle of the floor, Thundercracker let the memories play. For this…this was the reason he fought in this war. For the loss of all that had been good and precious.