"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster."

Sep 02, 2010 18:16

Character/s: Blurr/Vortex
Universe: poisontea's AU, where Blurr becomes a deep cover agent.
Prompt: #2. Pick a prompt from the Master List and write for it - chosen prompt: Task - End your story the same as how you began it. It doesn’t matter if it’s just the same word, or sentence or a whole paragraph. Just make clear how the meaning of this text element changed during the story.
Notes: ETA FOR CLARIFICATION: Vortex is actually the alias for Decepticon!Blurr, haha. JUST TO CLEAR UP ANY CONFUSION. 8|;;
Summary: As Vortex, he fears weakness. As Blurr, he fears capture. But they are one and the same, even if they deny it, and the walls between them begin to crack.
Disclaimer: The original idea for this AU belongs to poisontea; Blurr and TFA do not belong to me.

He'd never liked to fight.

He never killed; he incapacitated, or ran away from. Never killed, unless they asked for it, were too weak to move otherwise, and when death was a mercy rather than a punishment.

But Vortex could sabotage; he was tricky. He didn't need to fight, because he was cunning enough to twist the meanings of words, turn an enemy against his own and sow doubt in any mind he could talk his way into - and he could talk.

He'd never been a diplomat, not really. He talked far too fast; he was built for speed, information processing, not public speaking. He never liked publicity.

He was cruel, in a subtle sort of way. Sharp as a knife and just as liable to stick one where it would hurt most, and then twist. He used words as weapons; he didn't talk slowly, not at all, but somehow he phrased it in just the right way so it was the tone and the key words, not the whole thing, that really got through to some hidden path in the subconscious.

He'd learned, long ago, that it was the tone of voice that got through to people and not the words. It didn't matter what you said, as long as it had the right ring to it; he'd developed specialised tones to deal with Sentinel, who needed calming down on a regular basis, because half the time Sentinel, if handled improperly, blew up in your face.

He carried a knife on him at all times. It was just one of those odd things he did; compared to everyone else, his quirk was relatively normal. Sometimes, he had more than one, and through words he convinced people to look him in the optic for just a few nanoklicks, and by then you'd taken your optics off his servos and it was far too late to do anything when he carefully slid a knife into sensitive wiring and - still talking - started to cut...
Really, he never killed anyone. He toyed with them, mocking with sharp words and sharp blades, and in a way that was almost worse, but he never killed anyone. Not unless he had to.

His saw was more of a one-use weapon; it would take people by surprise, but it only worked once. He'd babbled on, yes, but it had distracted them enough that he could end it with one wild swing across the face, or cut them down at the joints - just to disable them, not to kill, never to kill...not even Decepticons who were trying to kill him, threatening to take him apart if he didn't stop moving. Not unless he had to.

He'd never liked to fight...

au, character: vortex, author: blitzbrained, continuity: animated, character: blurr

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