Thrust & Ravage - Assumptions. One Shot.

Apr 17, 2010 19:09

Rare Pairings

Title: Assumptions

Series: None. One Shot.

Rating: PG, for violence.

Verse: G1, some G1 for time keeping.

Summary: Thrust is home alone, but not for long.

Pairings: Thrust & Ravage.

Notes: Written in response to one of the weekly request:
Ravage/Thrust: "assumptions"

Egads! Work has devoured everything!
Time, space, my sanity at one point.
Still, I intend to write on and jump back aboard the Astrotrain of drabble.

This pretty much wrote itself (or two thirds of it anyway), after a dreadful, dreadful day.
WARNING - unbetaed since I haven't had the chance to pester... Er, disturb my most excellent and awesome Beta, uptherabithole.
Most awesome Beta! Forgive me!! (offers traditional scented soaps, flowers and Starscream wearing a bow). Have mercy!

I promise to have this betaed and upgraded, as soon as my Internet connection stops being an utter bas...Er, stops being irritating and I manage to open more than one window.

Full of spelling and grammatical errors, alas.
Nevertheless, I hope its an interesting read. Comments always welcome.

Side Note: Had debated between "Casseticon" and "Recordicon".
Transformers Wiki says... Recordicon.
All Hail Transformers Wiki!

Astrosecond - from G1. Not defined (approx less than a second?)


The base was quiet, a rarity for Decepticon Headquarters.
Megatron had taken a large strike force and the combiner teams, leaving only Thrust at the command post, to keep watch on the base.

Thrust thought this was the perfect opportunity to enjoy a nice cube of high grade or two, by himself. Megatron could take care of himself after all, and if he didn't, too bad for him, Thrust reasoned.

He left the main console unguarded and headed for the commissary, eager to get his hands on the nicely refined batch of high grade Starscream kept aside for himself and any of his temporary favourites.

‘Slagger won't be any wiser if I take a cube or two.’ Thrust chuckled, rubbing his hands together in expectation.

He was so glad to find himself in this situation that he did something he’d never do in the presence of another: He began to dance.

No one, not even his Trinemates, knew about it.
He didn’t know if he was a good or a bad dancer and he didn’t care, all he knew was that when a song played he wanted to move to the beat.
With a big grin he replayed a recording he’d made earlier, after intercepting one of the humans’ transmissions while flying over one of their cities.

’”Thank you very much-oh, Mister robo-toh!”’ He sang along while dancing down the corridor, performing a ridiculous mimic of a primitive Earth mechanoid. ‘”Domo!”’ he chortled. ‘”Domo!”’

He knew he was off key and his voice was completely unsuitable for the song, and he didn’t care about this either.
Megatron wasn’t here, neither were Starscream or Skywarp.
He sang as badly and as loudly as his vocaliser allowed, accompanied by the rumbling of his turbines, thrumming and rumbling to the tune.

‘”Thank you very much-o Mister robo-toh! Domo! Do-“’

And that was when he encountered the stranger, just around the corner leading to the commissary.

Thrust fell silent immediately, freezing on his tracks and utterly mortified as he stood right before a slight, delicate looking dark grey and silver mech exiting the commissary, carrying one energon cube with both hands.

The stranger was small, approximately the same size as Rumble, looking stunned for an astrosecond before dropping the energon cube and producing two large shoulder mounted rocket launchers.

Was it a femme or a mech? Thrust asked himself.
He couldn’t really tell. It looked delicate and frail enough to be a femme but then again this could be another Starscream, beautiful but deadly.

In pre-programmed instinct Thrust raised his shoulder mounted weapons and aimed at the stranger. Thrust froze and so did the strange Decepticon, both priming their weapons, staring at each other in a dangerous standoff.

'Who're you?!' Thrust asked, his turbines rumbling loudly in a show of bravado. 'What are you doing here?!'

The dark grey and silver stranger said nothing, only growled.
Thrust was taken aback by this odd response.
Definitely not a femme, he rued. Unless there was something wrong with her vocaliser.
For some reason the stranger’s colours looked familiar, he just couldn't pinpoint where he'd seen the scheme before.

Not in the base, Thrust considered, unless it was a new arrival from Cybertron. He spotted the Decepticon insignia etched on the intruder’s armour but couldn’t recognise any other feature. For all he knew it could be an Autobot spy!

'I said-' Thrust began.

'Bite my aft, Conehelm!' The stranger growled in a gravelly voice.

Thrust stood stunned for an astrosecond.
Now he was certain it was no femme and... That voice!
Where on Cybertron had he heard that voice?!

'Don’t try anything,’ The intruder growled, ‘or Soundwave'll shove your helm so far up your cockpit you'll-'

'Ravage?' Thrust asked cautiously. 'Is that-'

'Give the dumbaft a cy-gar!' Ravage growled. 'Slagger's got a central processor after all.'

Thrust had no idea Ravage had other transformation modes apart from the two he was familiar with: Recordicon and feline. He’d always assumed Ravage was Soundwave’s pet or a drone, not like Frenzy or Rumble.

Thrust found the situation so odd that only one thing occurred to him.
He lowered his weapons and laughed.

‘Primus!’ Thrust laughed. 'Never knew you could-'

'What you don't know could fill a black hole!' Ravage growled angrily. 'Let me pass!'

He retrieved the energon cube and made to walk past Thrust.
Apart from Megatron, Soundwave and his brothers no one else knew he could transform into mech mode. He knew the Conehelm wasn't very bright but could be malicious if given the chance, and in this form he was pretty certain the Conehelm would assume he was harmless.
Sure enough, Thrust stood in his way, a mean grin on his features.

‘Yeah?’ Thrust challenged him, his golden optics flashing. ‘Who’s gonna make me?’

Ravage growled angrily. He was loath to appear in this form but he'd had no choice.
Soundwave had been forced to leave him behind to undergo repairs and upgrades, but Hook had been unable to complete his work before being called away by Megatron, so Ravage had been left to fend for himself. With his energy levels low he'd ventured to the commisary, and found Thrust.

‘Hand the cube over, minimite.’ Thrust ordered.

‘Get your own, Slagger!’ Ravage growled dismissively and Thrust fired a warning shot at the Recordicon’s feet.

'Ravage or not, you're not insulting me and just walking away.' Thrust grinned. 'And Soundwave's not here.'

'Yeah.' Ravage grinned and threw the cube aside. 'No one to hold me back, eh?'

Thrust was unprepared for the barrage of micro missiles Ravage fired.
He was also unprepared for the sudden darkness that fell as Ravage's missiles struck the overhead lighting, plunging the corridor in darkness.

'You picked the wrong Decepticon to mess with, dumbaft!' Ravage growled.

Thrust heard the clicking and whirring of transformation before the attack.
In the darkness Ravage was vicious, biting and tearing at the Conehelm's wings and limbs. Thrust Screamed as pieces of him were bitten or torn off by wicked fangs and claws. As a mech Ravage appeared small and inoffensive, but in his beast mode he was proving lethal.

Thrust tried firing into the darkness but struck nothing, Ravage’s attack unrelenting, shredding Thrust to pieces as he shrieked with every bite.
He tried grabbing Ravage, desperate to stop the attack.
It was a stroke of luck when he managed to seize one of Ravage's limbs, threatening to tear it off the enraged Recordicon.

Ravage growled in pain and bit down hard on Thrust's arm, causing the Conehelm to cry out in pain.

'Let go of me or we both lose a limb!’ Ravage warned him, jaws clamped tightly on the Conehelm’s arm, steel fangs piercing through armour and into components.

‘YOU let go first!’ Thrust cried.

‘Yeah!’ Ravage’s voice was gravelly and full of spite, ‘Like I’m going to fall for that one. Do I look like a slagging Autobot to you?!’

‘I swear!’ Thrust begged. ‘No more making fun of you!’

‘Truce?' Ravage asked.

'Yeah!’ Thrust nodded quickly.

Ravage released the Conehelm’s arm and Thrust let go of Ravage’s limb, falling on his aft, trying to recover from the almost lethal assault.

They were silent for a while, Thrust’s engines rumbling as he recovered from Ravage’s attack.
He scanned into the darkness and saw nothing but he knew Ravage was nearby, he could feel it, and it sent a shudder through his spinal structure.

‘Don’t tell anyone.’ Ravage spoke from the darkness.

‘Tell what?’ Thrust asked.

‘Slagging dumbaft!’ Ravage’s optics flashed in the darkness. ‘About ME!’ He snarled. ‘Don’t ever tell anyone or...’ Ravage laughed, ‘I’ll show Soundwave your little song and dance session. I’m sure he’ll have a good laugh before broadcasting it planet wide.’

‘My-‘ Thrust fell silent, remembering his impromptu performance. ‘Oh.’

‘Never knew you could dance so badly.’ Ravage offered. ‘I thought Thundercracker was bad but you...’

‘It’s worse.’ Thrust half smiled despite his ordeal.


‘I was really trying.’ Thrust snorted.

‘It looked like you were having processor failure.’ Ravage chuckled.

‘You look pretty cute as a mech.’ Thrust offered. ‘Almost took you for a little femme for an astrosec.’


‘Sorry!’ Thrust laughed. ‘Sorry! I, well, it’s the truth!’

‘Well’ Ravage grumbled. ‘You’re a lousy singer.’

‘I like to sing anyway, when I can.’ Thrust shrugged.

‘Always thought Conehelms had slow processors.’ Ravage offered.

‘Always thought you were Soundwave’s pet.’ Trust offered in return.

‘We’ve assumed a lot about each other, haven’t we?’ Ravage smiled.

The tone of the Recordicon’s voice put Thrust on guard but he relaxed, realising Ravage’s anger had abated and he was actually smiling somewhere in the darkness.

‘Guess so.' Thrust shrugged. ‘Well, it’s not like we spend much time together, is it?’

They were silent once more, the corridor lighting flickering as the base’s drones repaired the damage.

Thrust was able to spot Ravage seated close to him, the feline’s tail wagging languidly as the Recordicon looked pensive.
And not angry, Thrust thought in relief, taking a moment to study all the damage Ravage had inflicted. He'd need a good explanation for Hook and a few sessions in the repair bay.
A little more and Megatron would have been one flyer short.

‘So...’ Thrust ventured.

‘What?’ ravage snapped.

‘Thundercracker dances?’ Thrust asked.

‘You could call it that.’ Ravage nodded. ‘Let’s have a nice chat over one of Starscream’s cubes. I’m sure the slagger won’t miss one.’

He rose and remained in feline mode as he headed for the commissary.

‘My thoughts exactly.’ Thrust rose and walked after Ravage, picking up the energon cube Ravage had dropped earlier. 'You left this behind.'

‘”Domo arigato.”’ Ravage looked back and chuckled. ‘”Mister Roboto.”’

Thrust tried not to look mortified once more as the Recordicon laughed, granting him a toothy grin.


ravage, thrust, weekly request response, continuity: g1, rated: pg/k+, author: v_for_vincent

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