Dead End's Not-So-Awesome Tryst (weekly request response)

Apr 09, 2010 19:11

Title :  Dead End's Not-so-awesome Tryst
Verse: G1 (ish)
Rating: R (I just don't see pnp as NC-17, is that just me? dub/con possibly noncon depending on your squicky. It's not hateful)
Pairing: Dead End/Blast Off
Prompt: Dead End/Blast Off "frag you," "exactly what I intend to" (or something like that. Close enough.) 
Summary: Dead End finds his body hijacked and he's taken on a very, very strange ride.

Warning for possibly non-con and apparent canon!fail. But...hey, it's me.  Par for the course.

method: pnp, dead end, blast off, author: antepathy, weekly request response, continuity: g1, rated: r/m

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