Monthly challenge: Celebration

Mar 21, 2010 15:19

Title (which sucks):  Celebration
Rating: PG 13
Verse: TFA, Inamorato AU
Pairings: Lugnut x Strika, Barricade x Blackout, Bonecrusher x Brawl
For the March 'double date' challenge, prompts yearning  and unprovokable.

A/N: What wicked3659  forgot to tell youis that we decided to collaborate a wee bit: both of our stories take place at the same party, same night, same place.  Because it's crackier that way.

And look, I threw in the extra pairing just for the hell of it.  

barricade, rated: pg 13/t, lugnut, bonecrusher, continuity: animated, author: antepathy, brawl, blackout

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