PrimexRatchet, SwoopxFirst Aid. Untitled One Shot. (Awesomely Betaed!)

Feb 05, 2010 07:21

Rare Pairings

Title: Untitled

Series: None. One Shot.

Rating: NC-17.

WARNINGS: Language, pnp, voyeurism, smut! (Mods do please let me know if this is tagged correctly and if the warnings are appropriate)

Verse: G1 (G1 and IDW for time keeping)

Summary: Swoop and First Aid take advantage of an awkward situation

Pairings: PrimexRatchet, SwoopxFirst Aid (rare pairing?)

Notes: This appeared a few days ago. Prime and Ratchet were very... insistent I should write this down. Swoop and First Aid decided to join in and I'm glad they did! Can't recall where I saw this pairing, someone please remind me, it's great! 
Betaed by the awesome uptherabbithole !! Thank you o wielder of the wicked editing whip!
Amy mistakes that pop up are mine, alas.

Mods, might there be a chance to add tags for betas so they can be given proper credit as well? Please?
Just a thought.

Comments always welcome, because that is the only way I'll learn!

Cycle - 1 hour 25 minutes.

First Aid emerged from recharge beaming.
Why shouldn't I smile? He asked himself, burrowing further into the comfortable hollow made by Swoop's frame as the Dinobot curled around him.

The Dinobot's frame was warm, and First Aid felt the calm pulsating of Swoop's spark within the Dinobot's large chest casing.

It had been Swoop's idea to take a break in the unused recovery room; the one that Ratchet had set aside for times when he couldn't leave a patient.
It had everything he ever needed for keeping watch: A large, comfortable berth, a diagnostics console, a re-energizing unit and...

First Aid almost burst out laughing.

Was that a... yo-yo?

He reached to the console and picked up the curious object, just to make sure he wasn't mistaken.
Sure enough, it was an Cybertronian sized version of a human toy.
How Ratchet had acquired it wasn't nearly as interesting a question as why Ratchet kept it in here of all places.

'Mmmm...' Swoop stirred, emerging from recharge and granting First aid a smile and an embrace. 'Aid recharge well?' He whispered, still dazed in recharge lag.

'Yes,' First Aid delivered a gentle kiss to Swoop's chiselled cheek, 'Thanks. It was a great idea. All of these late hours, they take their toll.'

He sat up and rose, stretching, ensuring all joints and systems were in order.
Still had so much work to do, so much inventory and unsorted items they had to shelve.

'Wanna finish inventory?' Swoop smiled and sat at the edge of the berth. 'Me Swoop reach tall shelves for Aid. Finish quicker.'

'Sure.' First Aid smiled and turned to his companion. 'I-'

And that's when he heard a commotion outside, like objects being thrown around.
First Aid froze, and listened intently. Who'd have the bearings to vandalize Ratchet's domain?

He heard something crash to the ground and shatter, followed by more items that clattered, flung noisily, rolling across the deckplates.

'Aid stay.' Swoop offered. 'Me Swoop go, kick aft.'

First Aid was about to speak when he heard something even more disturbing.

"Right here!" Ratchet's voice sounded muffled, the medic panting. "C'mon! Let's see what you've got!"

First thought on First Aid's processor was that Ratchet was in trouble.
Being closest to the doors he was ready to dive out and help the veteran medic.
Then he heard something doubly disturbing.

"Uhhn!" Ratchet uttered, his voice much too delighted for someone under attack. "Oh yeah, that's it!"

First aid couldn't help but cringe a little, retreating from the door, quickly coming to grips with what was going on just outside.

"Just..." Ratchet murmured, his groans accompanied by the clattering of armour. "Like that! Yeah, OH yes..."

A loud, rhythmic thumping began, accompanied by the dull crashing of metal against metal. First Aid's jaw hung open as he listened as the noises starting to crescendo. This wasn't exactly something he wanted to wake up from recharge listening to!
The noises shifted, footsteps shuffling across the medical bay, kicking objects aside and sending them clattering out of the way.

First Aid jumped as the thumping and the sound of joints and plating clanking together went on, right against the recovery room door!

'Oh Primus...' Ratchet groaned in agonized delight, accompanying the yells of 'Oh Primus! Oh Primus! Oh Primus!'

First Aid was appalled at such blasphemy at the desecration of the Medical Lab and... against his common sense, slightly aroused by Ratchet's cries. He couldn't erase a mental image of what was going on outside.

"Aauhhnn!!" Ratchet groaned, "AAahh! Ya fragger! Yes Yes! YES!!"

The constant thump thump thumping and clamouring against the door was making First Aid's internals strangely and uncomfortably hot. He retreated as quietly as possible, wondering what Swoop might have gathered from the commotion outside.

He heard something strange, and turned around to find Swoop... panting?

Swoop looked to him, and the junior medic failed to disguise his shock as he exchanged a glance with his companion. He turned back to the door, unable to offer any words.

"Yes!" Ratchet groaned loudly, ignorant of the two in the adjacent room. "Like that! Don't stop! Primuspleasedontstop!!"

Every thump caused Ratchet to moan, his cries sometimes met by a deeper rumble of his engines.

"How long has it been since-" The first voice began to ask.

"Shut up!" Ratchet yelled. "Shut up! Just. Shut. The. Frag. Up. And. Do ME!!" He ended in a loud moan.

Primus! First Aid recognized the familiar tones of the first voice. It was Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader uttering completely unfamiliar, tantalizing sounds.

First Aid, not knowing what to do, turned to Swoop for advice, when he saw the Dinobot's larger frame loom closer to him.

'Swoop?' First Aid, whispered, examining the Dinobot in confusion.
Swoop held a digit to his lips, a human gesture First Aid had come to recognize as "be silent".
First Aid wanted to inquire, to say anything, but within moments the Dinobot had dragged him back to the berth, underneath the 'Bot's larger frame. Swoop gently caressed First Aid, kissing him softly, repetitively.

'Me Swoop want Aid...' Swoop whispered. 'Now...'

First Aid didn't argue as the Dinobot's hips grinded lightly but insistently against his, the movement making him lose all fear of discovery.

He wanted Swoop... Now!

The constant noise from the two lovers outside, the passionate clamourings from Ratchet, and every noise he and Prime made caused First Aid's and Swoop's sparks to flare, their energy fields expanding, reaching for each other, bringing their bodies together.

Swoop's gentle, large hands caressed the junior medic's helm, threatening to evoke a groan as loud as the medic's outside.

"C'mon Prime!!" Ratchet growled loudly, his voice laden with lust. "Gimme all you got!!"

Ratchet moaned as Prime growled, armour screeching as it met metal, the thumping against the recovery door becoming louder, threatening to break the door down altogether.

"In there!" Prime spoke, panting, his voice low and full of need. "More comfortable."

"Where?" Ratchet asked, panting fiercely as Prime temporarily ceased his assault.

"The recovery room." Prime spoke, his voice low and husky. "I know you keep a large berth in there."

"Now, how would you know that?" Ratchet chuckled, apparently interested.

Primus! First Aid and Swoop Froze. First Aid looked down Swoop's torso and saw the Dinobot's dorsal panel had already been opened, one hand poised above First Aid's panel.

They looked to each other, their need on hold as the two outside threatened to barge in and discover them.
First Aid's thoughts were to lock the door and he motioned for Swoop to try.
The Dinobot shook his helm quickly, pointing to the two outside.

He's right, First Aid realized.
If Ratchet found the doors locked he would know someone was inside, but... but if Prime and Ratchet walked in on them he was sure they'll never hear the end of it.

"C'mon," Prime spoke in uncharacteristic tones. "Let's-"

"Oh no!" Ratchet ordered, "You're not getting away that easy. If you want me it's here, right here, NOW!"

"Doctor's orders?" Prime asked with a brief laugh.

"Frag yes!" Ratchet replied. "I recommend a long hard session, to ease your tension." He chuckled lustily. "a long... hard... session."

"You're the doctor." Prime growled.

"AAauughh!" Ratchet cried out in abandon, groaning even louder.

The thumping resumed, harder than before, both Swoop and First Aid cycled a sigh of relief, Swoop showering kissed on First Aid's nervous features, one large hand teased the medic's umbilicus from it's housing, the link slender and fragile in the Dinobot's grip.
Swoop pressed on it gently, causing First Aid to stifle his cries, using both hands to muffle his pleasure.

Swoop took him in his arms and placed First Aid's helm against his armoured shoulder.

'Bite Swoop,' Swoop ordered, 'When good feeling come.'

Swoop teased the link a little more and First Aid bit down on the Dinobot's armour, not managing to stifle his groan of pleasure completely.

Swoop linked them together, granting the junior medic a quick pause as the two of them exchanged a glance. Swoop caressed First Aid's flushed features, eager to dispel the fear he saw there, offering his lips as a gesture of trust before sending a pulse through their link.

First Aid imprinted his dentals on Swoop's armour and moaned softly, as digits pressed into Swoop's heavily armoured shoulders. The Dinobot held him in his arms, sending pulse after pulse of energy, exciting their sparks as the two began to resonate in unison.

First Aid's back arched, overcome with pleasure, Swoop's hands muffled his cries as First Aid reached over his head and clung to the berth's edge for support, his back arching at every involuntary thrust. Swoop tried desperately to muffle his own cries with his lips.

The junior medic couldn't help himself, moaning softly to every pulse; legs wrapped tightly about Swoop's narrow waist, desperate for every touch and caress the Dinobot offered. Swoop felt his internal heat rising as his spark flared brighter and hotter.
Swoop growled low, the energy between them stimulating every sensor, sending waves of maddening pleasure through them.

Almost there, First Aid wrapped his arms about Swoop's neck, bringing the Dinobot's lips to his. Almost there and...

'Aahnn!!' First Aid groaned loudly, bordering on overload.

"Hey!" Ratchet spoke outside, "you hear something?"

Swoop and First Aid froze again, the two of them panting madly in an attempt to cool down their systems. They were almost there, their sparks reaching for each other, the link between them throbbing violently.

"I didn't hear anything." Prime offered. "Only your foul mouth."

"You didn't think it was so foul an astrosecond ago." Ratchet chuckled. "Really, something sounded an echo." Ratchet spoke.

"We're alone here." Prime affirmed.

"Guess you're right." Ratchet spoke with a brief laugh. "Now, where were we? Oh yeah!" He caused Prime to groan. "We were interfacing like-"

"You talk too much!" Prime silenced him.

"Says the speech maker!" Ratchet chuckled and groaned. "Primus! Yes! C'mon Prime! Show me what you've got!"

The thumping resumed, Swoop and First Aid pausing for a little longer, making sure the two outside remained ignorant of them.

"Me Swoop want..." the Dinobot's words vanished in a low growl as First Aid seized their fragile link and squeezed it gently, stimulating the two of them, their sparks blazing fiercely as Swoop's hips thrust harder against First Aid's.

'Together...' First Aid gasped into Swoop's audio. 'Almost there...'

Swoop emitted a low groan, unable to contain himself much longer, his spark reaching through its casing, through his armour, finding First Aid's at last.

The thumping outside, the noise was maddening.

"Prime!" Ratchet uttered desperately, his words bleeding onto a loud, pleasured groan as both medic and Autobot leader overloaded, their bodies seizing, sparks exploding within their casings as their energies entwined, becoming one.

Swoop clutched First Aid tightly, lips silencing First Aid's cries as their sparks flared and their bodies overloaded.

A heavy silence fell across the repair bay as the two outside and the two in the room recovered from their mutual pleasure.

"Prime..." Ratchet uttered. "You all right?"

Prime groaned.

"I'll take that as a yes." Ratchet chuckled. "Phew! That was fun!"

In the recovery room Swoop and First Aid lay in silence, Swoop's systems recovering first, lips showering First Aid's features with kisses.

'Aid wonderful.' Swoop whispered. 'Better than sorting inventory, yes?'

'Understatement.' First Aid smiled and returned Swoop's kisses. 'I...'

'Aid alright?' Swoop asked, concerned.

'I think... I need to rest,' he smiled weakly, 'just a little.'

'Me Swoop guard.' Swoop offered, clutching First aid above him as he lay down on the berth.

First Aid was too weary to argue, and his recharge sequence initiated before he could formulate a reply. Swoop held him closely, deciding to recharge.

Neither heard Ratchet as the medic rose from Primes side, gathering up scattered objects and deciding to put them away in the recovery room until he could straighten everything out.

'HolyPrimusfrag!!' He uttered in shock, finding the junior medic in the Dinobot's arms.
Had they heard everything?! Ratchet asked himself, utterly mortified.
Their optics were offline and to all intents and purposes both were in the secondary stages of recharge, their central processors oblivious to external stimuli.

Ratchet wasn't sure and was about to scold them when Prime placed a hand on his shoulder.

'They're in recharge.' Prime offered. 'I don't believe they heard anything.'

'You think so?' Ratchet asked with uncertainty. 'What if they did?! I mean-'

'If they did they will attribute it to an involuntary unconscious thought process.'

'I hope so.' Ratchet spoke, suspicious but unable to offer Prime an argument.

He looked back, wondering, granting them one last suspicious glance before the door slid shut.


method: pnp, rated: nc17/ma, ratchet, optimus prime, author: v_for_vincent

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