Bluestreak x Red Alert - Out & About

Feb 01, 2010 23:46

Rare Pairings

Title: Pt 3 - Out & About

Series: Red & Blue

Rating: PG-13 and higher

Verse: G1, some G1 and IDW for time keeping.

Summary: If Red Alert ever had a nightmare this must be it!
A bold move brings about mixed results.

Pairings: Red Alert & Bluestreak

Notes: The Red & Blue extravaganza (??) continues. This has taken forever to continue, no thanks to Bad!Jazz, Shockwave's eternal rantings and the TFA bunnies that keep haunting me for some reason!.
Haven't forgotten about this rare pair (though I suspect everyone else has) and I hope one or two more chapters will be it for this "used to be a guest but decided to take over the couch" drabble.

Previous chapters:

Part 1

Part 2

Will post a wanted sign for a beta.

Solar cycle - One day

Astrosecond - .498 seconds

Red & Blue

Part 3 - Out & About

Red Alert paced frantically up and down his quarters, unable to comprehend the recent chain of events that had befallen him so soon after his arrival on Earth.
So far he'd managed to avoid... five or six practical jokes by the twins, two accidental explosions during Wheeljack's debatable "experiments" and one cave in when one of the ship's areas he'd been inspecting had suddenly given way. If it weren't for Trailbreaker he would still be pinned beneath the sharp boulders.
It made him wonder how many more bizarre situations he would have to avoid during his stay on this alien planet.

Exhausting! He thought.
He was already taxed by the effort it took to keep track of all security details from Teletraan, he didn't need any more problems.

His thoughts diverted to Bluestreak. Yes, so far he'd managed to avoid Bluestreak.
Why had the Autobot chosen him as the target for his foolery?!
He hardly knew him! Were all Autobots on Earth as odd?
Perhaps... perhaps something in the planet's atmosphere was causing their odd behaviour?!

'But...' he murmured, 'someone would have detected something, anything!'
He stood still, wondering if he'd come into contact with anything unusual apart from Bluestreak and his odd behavior.

He'd tried to put Bluestreak out of his mind but for some reason an image of the Autobot's smile kept creeping into his thoughts every now and then.
He was an odd one, Red thought, of that he had no doubt.

What time was it? Red Alert checked his internal chronometers. He'd promised Inferno he would take a break every now and then, but how could he?! There were so many things he had to see to, so many irritating situations that kept diverting him from his work!

Bluestreak's features came to mind again and he frowned in irritation.
What would Inferno make of all of this? He asked himself. He could ask him but-

'No no no!' He shook his helm as he paced. 'Why should I bother Inferno with this... this nonsense!! I-I can handle this on my own. Of course I can!' He nodded. 'Of course! Now... have I encountered anything unusual... what about the humans?! They might be contagious! They might carry-'

The perimeter alarm he'd placed outside the doors emitted a shrill warning and he jumped at the sound.

'Who's that?!' He rushed to the monitors where an image of Bluestreak looked up to the camera outside, his features distorted by the angle.

'Hey!' Bluestreak smiled up to the camera. 'Hi! Hello! Anybody in there? Red? Inferno? Guys? Hello-o! Bluestreak to Inferno or Red! Wakey wakey! Primus Shakey!'

Bluestreak looked up to the camera, wondering if there was anyone inside 'Hey!' He waved, 'anyone home? Guys?'

He hadn't seen Red Alert for days, not since he'd run off from the Rec Room.
Bluestreak felt bad for having lured Red to such a public place like the rec room but Red was always locked up in the Security Post and no one had the entry codes but him, Prowl and Prime, and he wasn't about to ask Prowl for a copy.
The SIC would make him fill requests until his hand shorted out. He could ask Prime but...just imagining the conversation was proving embarrassing:

"Prime, can I have the security code for the security station? Why? Well, I want to tell Red Alert I really like him and if he's interested in being more than friends, knowhatahmean? Nudge nudge, wink wink? What do you say?"

No, he grinned, already imagining Prime's astounded features, or what he could see of his features.

"What do you want?" Was the anxious inquiry from within.

Yes! Bluestreak exulted. Just the bot I wanted!

'Red!' Bluestreak waved to the camera. 'Did I come at a bad time? I can always come back later.' He began. 'Oh wait, no I can't. I guess I can't come back later since I need to talk to you now. Wouldn't be much good if I tried to come back later. I could, you know! Maybe if I-'

"Will you get to the point?" Red insisted.

'It's patrol time!' Bluestreak announced, opening his arms wide, 'off we go!'

'Patrol?!' Red Alert asked. 'If you’re looking for Inferno he's not here!'

'Inf-wha? NO!' Bluestreak tried to slide the door open and knocked when he found it still locked. 'Have you even checked the roster? It's you and me tonight, all right? Get out here before I get in there and drag you out here for not letting me in there in the first place!'

'That's not possible!' Red began. 'I've checked the roster! Your patrol doesn't begin for another solar cycle, and you're partnered with Hound. Why would Prowl change the roster without informing me?!'

'Blame Prowl not me.' Bluestreak threw his arms up. 'It's his roster not mine!'

'But I-I've never been on patrol! What purpose would it serve? My place is in the security-'

From behind the door Red Alert abandoned the screen and began to fidget nervously.
Patrol on this alien planet? Why hadn't Prowl informed him?!
He knew almost nothing of this planet, why would Prowl send him away from his post to patrol an alien world?!

What should I do? He pondered anxiously.
He considered contacting Prowl directly but decided against it, recalling Prime's second in Command regarded his attention to duty as excessive. Excessive!!

He probably assigned me to patrol duty as punishment, Red thought. That had to be it! Punishment for his lack of attentiveness during the last weapons test.
But that had been Bluestreak’s fault!

Red looked to the door with wariness.
Why had Prowl partnered him with Bluestreak? Why Bluestreak?!
His hand strayed to his chest casing and he felt his spark fluttering nervously.
The chattering Autobot was going to send him to repair bay with fried logic chips, he was certain of it!
If only Inferno were here! He fretted madly.

But Inferno had been assigned to accompany Prime during one of his meetings with the human leaders.
Red had to deal with this on his own.

'Hey, Red?' Bluestreak's image peered closer into the security camera and tapped it. 'You gone into recharge in there or what? We'd better get going! There's a lot of ground to cover and Earth nights aren't as long as Cybertron's!'

Bluestreak waited, wondering if Red Alert was ever going to open the door.

'Very well!' The door finally sprung open and Bluestreak tripped inside.

Bluestreak could feel Red Alert's optics following him as he regained his footing and performed a few stretches. He turned to look, finding Red staring after him with a mixture of processor frazzling suspicion and poorly guarded curiosity.

'I will be ready in a moment.' Red Alert checked his weapons.

Bluestreak had never been inside Inferno's quarters since the Autobot shared quarters with Red Alert, and the high strung Red never allowed anyone within except Inferno.
These were large quarters, nice and spacious but then again Inferno was no Bumblebee and the large Autobot required much more space. Highly polished weapons were positioned on a gun rack above what Bluestreak presumed was Inferno's berth and work console.

'Don't touch anything!' Red snapped. 'Those are Inferno's!'

Bluestreak emitted a loud electronic whistle.

'Will you look at that!' He chirped. 'All those nicely polished rifles all in a row.' He shook his helm and crossed his arms. 'I betcha Ironhide would love to see this. Is that a Mk-III ionic displacer?! Neat! I thought they were impossible to find after the Decepticons took over the manufacturing plant, never imagined Inferno was a collector! Wait, let me get a picture!' He winked at the rifles, storing an image of them before turning to a confounded Red Alert.

'There!' He smiled. 'So, what's your place like? Is it over... that way?' He made to rush past Red. 'I bet it's as nice as Inferno's-'

'Yes!' Red Alert stood in his path. 'Now let's go! We'd best get on with the patrol before any Decepticons decide to cause trouble.'

'Sure thing!' Bluestreak danced after him, barely managing to jump out of Red and Inferno's quarters as the doors slid closed behind him.

Bluestreak was overjoyed to learn Red had a berth and an area of his own.
It meant he wasn't bunking with Inferno.
Mine for the taking! Bluestreak couldn't help but smile widely, looking after Red as the nervous Autobot checked and rechecked armour and weapons, averting the gaze of his fellow Autobots as he walked alongside Bluestreak towards to main entrance.

The patrol began as scheduled: The day patrollers arriving on time, one irritated Gears and a not so pleased Brawn, both taking a second look, wondering if they really had seen Red Alert transform and follow Bluestreak away from the base as the sun began to set.

Red Alert, having spent little time on Earth, was unused to the flat terrain or the strange sights the alien planet had to offer.
The planet seemed to have no metal on its surface and what the humans called cities were minute compared to even the smallest of Cybertron's provinces. He'd also never seen other humans apart from Spike and Sparkplug, so he'd assumed humans, like Cybertronians, also came in different sizes.
Red had been disappointed and had made a note to tell Inferno of everything he saw, if only to amuse him.

It amazed him that Bluestreak had managed to contain his usually pointless chatter to a minimum, perhaps to make him more at ease since this was his first patrol on Earth.
He found it a very considerate gesture, and it made him feel badly for thinking so poorly of the chatty Autobot.

Still, Red couldn't recall ever being in any patrol that involved such a convoluted route.
It made him wonder if Bluestreak really knew where they were going and he was about to ask when he recalled Prowl had organised every route.
Red decided to remain silent instead but couldn't help but wonder what value, if any, these facilities held.

Red kept wondering why the patrol was taking them so close to the humans.
He held no animosity towards them. Instead, their small size and lack of armour or weapons made him wary for them should the Decepticons attack.
He couldn't help but run scenario after scenario and in each one the human casualties were always high.
It concerned him greatly and he'd already drawn up a list he would present to Prime, improved security of human facilities and warning systems so they would be better able to defend themselves.

One of their many stops was a strange open area before a large screen, full of human spectators in vehicle mode, watching other humans in some sort of recorded broadcast.

It had been a long drive and Red Alert didn't enjoy remaining in vehicle mode for longer than necessary so he'd been glad when Bluestreak had led him to a concealed area from where they could overlook the broadcast and watch over the human facility without being seen.

'It's called a drive-in!' Bluestreak spoke as he took seat on the tall grass and indicated for Red to do likewise. 'Quiet down, the movie's about to start. Just tune up your audio receptors and we'll be able to watch.' He chuckled. 'And before you ask no, that's not their vehicle mode. It's just transport. Humans can't transform.'

'But-' Red Alert fell silent. Had Bluestreak just told him to quiet down?!

'Energon goodie?' Bluestreak held out a metallic cylinder overflowing with the hard to find treat Wheeljack prepared every now and then, a little something to remind them of home.

'What exactly are we guarding!?' Red Alert asked testily after managing to hold his questioning for almost a quarter cycle. 'This facility doesn’t seem to hold anything of value.'

'We're...' Bluestreak began, looking for words, 'mostly keeping things safe. You know, making sure-'

'Ensuring the unarmed native population is safeguarded from Decepticon hostilities. I see.' Red nodded. 'From what I've seen so far they certainly seem to need help.'

'Er...right!' Bluestreak spoke. 'Took the words right out of my mouth there!'

'I wish.' Red sighed, hoping against hope Bluestreak would manage to remain silent, or as silent as possible.

'Energon goodie?' Bluestreak smiled and offered again as the broadcast began.

Red paid little to no attention to the human broadcast, his central processor still in contact with Teletraan I's warning systems and Sky Spy.
He was so absorbed in scanning the security feed that he failed to see Bluestreak had also stopped paying attention to the human broadcast and was looking to him instead, almost dropping the now empty energon goodies container in fright as Red turned briefly in his direction.

'Red?' Bluestreak asked.

Red Alert didn't reply, optics dimmed as his processors were thoroughly absorbed by the information Teletraan provided, lips moving absentmindedly as intermittent streams of information raced across his optics.

'Red?' Bluestreak dared to raise a hand, waving it lightly before Red's face. 'Hello?'

Nothing, he thought. Looks like the headlights are on but the motor's gone.
It gave him an incredible yet insane idea.
Do I dare? Bluestreak asked himself, a wide grin spreading across his features as he moved slowly, drawing closer to the unaware red, eager lips almost upon Red's whispering lips, optics focusing and refocusing nervously upon Red Alert's dimmed optics.

'I...' Bluestreak whispered as softly as possible, wishing he could silence Red's lips with his 'I...I want to tell you...'

He was so close now, so close he could feel the warmth radiating from Red's features, see the myriad data stream racing across the jumpy Autobot's optics.

'Red...' He whispered, optics offlining.

'Oh!' Red Alert uttered suddenly, turning away and taking a hand to his face, optics coming online, 'what...AAHH!' He jumped back, shocked to find Bluestreak so close to him.

'You all right?' Bluestreak asked, trying his best to keep Red from panicking. 'I thought there was something wrong! Last time I saw someone so out of it was when Soundwave zapped Sideswipe's helm. It was a good solar cycle before Sideswipe snapped out of it. Sunstreaker didn't take it well and Ratchet kept insisting he was going to be all right but you know how Sunstreaker freaks every time-'

'I...' Red Alert took a hand to his face again. 'I'm sorry. It happens sometimes. Teletraan's satellite feed carries a coded sequence to keep vital information from the Decepticons. Decoding it takes a lot out of me.' He smiled weakly, 'Being away from my security post makes things even more difficult.'

'Oh.' Bluestreak uttered. 'I-I thought it was just monitoring the base. The security stuff I mean.'

'The base, the surrounding quadrants, Teletraan's transmissions. So many other things but,' He looked to Bluestreak, 'I'm sorry! I'm supposed to be paying attention to our patrol.' He looked to the drive-in screen in the distance. 'The broadcast seems to be finished.' He offered.

'How do you know?' Bluestreak looked to him as he rose.

'The humans are gone and we're the only ones here.' Red indicated the now vacant drive in lot. 'I hope whatever was broadcast was worthwhile.'

'Er... I'm sure it was.' Bluestreak jumped to his feet. 'Listen Red,' he didn't know how to say it, 'I'm sorry, I mean, about you being out here when it's such a strain on the processors and-'

'There is nothing to be sorry about.' Red Alert spoke. 'I have a job to do and so do you. It's unfortunate this patrol has taken me so far away from my post.'

'Yeah.' Bluestreak tried to cheer up. 'Yeah! On with the patrol then!'

They continued their patrol, driving for a long time.
Red Alert sense something was wrong with Bluestreak. For one the usually chatty Autobot was even more silent than before, indicating landmarks and points of interest but nothing more.
Red wondered if his company was affecting the Autobot.
He'd never been a great conversationalist and, because of his duties, had very little to talk about outside his duties.

Their last stop was an observatory set among a lightly forested area overlooking the city from a mountainside. No humans out here as far as he could tell and it made him glad. If the Decepticons attacked he calculated the two of them would not be able to defend the facility without human casualties.

'Isn't it beautiful?' Bluestreak spread his arms widely. 'Look at it!'

'It's...nice,' Red offered, 'I suppose.'

Even he had to admit, the sparkling lights of the city far below was pleasing to his optics. It had been a very, very long time since he’d experienced such a peaceful scenario.
He took a moment to study the area, take in the cool of the nigh breeze washing over him and the stars glittering high above.

'I love it out here!' Bluestreak spoke and took seat on a sloping area close to the observatory walls and looking out to the city. 'Sorta reminds me of a deep space mining outpost I visited once with... with...'

'Bluestreak?' Red asked, wondering why Bluestreak had fallen silent mid discourse.

'Eh?' Bluestreak looked to him. 'Oh! Oh yeah... Anyway, it was amazing!' He gestured. 'The refining spires, the bright lights of the processing plants, the raw meteorite ore being processed! I'd never seen anything like it!'

Red detected movement and drew his rifle, scanning the area immediately.
Why didn't I do this sooner?! He scolded himself, running scan after scan, detecting nothing more than Earth wildlife, a small rodent scurrying across the grass.
Red tracked it, wondering if it was dangerous or endangered, or both.

'Don’t be so tense.' Bluestreak beckoned to him. 'I picked it up too, it's just a squirrel. C'mon! Take a look at the city. Say!' He smiled as Red drew closer, 'those are nice.' Bluestreak offered, admiring Red Alert's reinforced armour panelling. 'Haven't seen too many of this style outside Cybertron. Do you mind?' He looked to Red.

'I...I suppose not.' Red stood before Bluestreak as the Autobot stood up and studied his armour. 'It's a custom job. As part of the security detail on Cybertron I was sometimes required to check the outer walls for any incursions.'

'You needed all that armour to check a wall?' Bluestreak asked. 'Isn't it heavy?'

'Not at all.' Red smiled, proud of his modifications. 'Stronger, lighter alloys. I needed all this armour to keep Decepticon snipers from piercing my spark casing.' Red replied. 'Decepticon sharpshooters on Cybertron seem to be much more accurate than those on this planet.'

'Oh, you haven't met the 'Screamer yet.' Bluestreak offered. 'I'm sure he'll bring back some memories.'

'"'Screamer?"' Red looked puzzled.

'Never mind.' Bluestreak shook his helm. 'Mind if I take a closer look?' He asked. 'Been thinking about having some modifications done. Might borrow a few ideas.'

If it keeps you quiet I don't mind tearing them off and handing them over, Red thought, somewhat intimidated by Bluestreak's growing proximity.

'That's if you really, really don't mind.' Bluestreak held his hands up 'I's just...'

'No, I don't mind.' Red Smiled gently, suddenly feeling very humbled by Bluestreak's admiration. 'I-I suppose not.'

Red stood as still as he could while Bluestreak admired his armour.

'Nice!' Bluestreak offered, hands tracing the polished sheen of Red's armguards, moving to Red's armoured shoulders and lingering there, tracing minute details, armour joints, tiny nicks in the metal.

Suddenly Red's sensors issued a warning, picking up the same strange energy reading he’d detected before from Bluestreak. He couldn’t put it down to anything dangerous, anything specific.
It felt as if it were....pulling him toward Bluestreak.
Not only that, it was causing something within him, affecting his spark somehow.

'Its peaceful out here.' Red Alert offered, moving a little away from Bluestreak. 'It's been a long time since I've seen such a peaceful scenery.'

If Red had looked back for an moment he would have seen Bluestreak's look of utter disappointment, his hands still reaching for Red as the nervous Autobot moved away from him.

'If its so peaceful why're you still fidgeting?' Bluestreak offered, drawing closer.

'Fid... oh.' Red looked to his hands, clasped in his usual pensiveness. 'I...I must have been distracted. It happens.'

'Don't I know it!' Bluestreak laughed, standing at his side.

Yet another brilliant idea sparked through his mind and he decided to set it in motion.

'What do you mean?!' Red Alert asked startled, unaware of Bluestreak's plans. 'I-I don't-'

'Here.' Bluestreak beckoned to him, offering to take his hands. 'Try to relax.'

Red tentatively offered one hand, watching as Bluestreak took it, turned it over, studying it for a few moments.

Time to set the plan in motion, Bluestreak smiled.

'Hey look!!' Bluestreak cried excitedly, pointing to something in the distance 'It's Elvis!'

'Who?!' Red looked in the direction Bluestreak pointed and saw nothing. He turned to ask Bluestreak what he’d pointed to and was shocked as Bluestreak seized his hand.

Before Red could say anything Bluestreak's other hand cupped his chin and pulled him in closer for a kiss.

Red stood shocked, filled with utter disbelief of what was occurring.
For a moment, the briefest moment, he succumbed to Bluestreak's kiss, optics offlining, everything around him disappearing as he lost himself in the warm embrace of the one that held him.
Bluestreak's lips were warm upon his as the chatty Autobot's arms held him closely, their sparks reaching to one another for a moment.
The moment didn't last, Red Alert's warning systems demanding his attention as the same unidentified energy reading began to envelop him, drawing him closer.

Meanwhile, Bluestreak was over the moons!
Not the best of kisses but it's a start! Bluestreak cajoled to himself, yearning to share more, so much more with the nervous Autobot.

Red Alert's shock had paralysed him for a moment but only for a moment and he was struggling to break free the moment his shock had worn off.

'Why did you do that?!' Red Alert asked, his voice filled with terror as he backed away, finding himself with his back to the observatory wall. 'What do you want?!'

'Hey, easy Red.' Bluestreak tried to calm him down. 'I... I like you.' Bluestreak confessed, crossing his arms behind his helm, looking rather sheepish. 'You're neurotic as frag but... nice.'

'I am NOT neurotic!' Red Alert shouted. 'And...'

Suddenly it all made sense, the reason why he'd been dragged away from his post.
It had nothing to do with Prowl or the patrol roster.

'YOU arranged this!' He gasped, pointing an accusing digit at Bluestreak. 'You... bypassed Prowl's orders! And-'

'Well,' Bluestreak confessed, 'I thought it would be good for you.'

'Good for me?!'

'To see a little more of Earth,' Bluestreak began, 'instead of being stuck in the security post all the time.'

'WHAT?!' Red Alert asked 'WHY?!'

'I swear I didn't know it was so much work, you know, all the security stuff you do. I thought you just didn't like being around me and the others and... And I'm really really really sorry!'

Bluestreak hadn't expected Red Alert to lose his temper so quickly.

'You tricked me! Dragged me away from my post! I...' Red struggled for words. 'The Decepticons! They might attack at any time, any time and I'm out here in the middle of nowhere on this alien planet!'

'Hey!' Bluestreak tried to calm him down. 'Easy Red, take it easy!'

'Can't let the Decepticons gain the upper hand! NEVER!' Red Alert wasn't listening, wringing his hands frantically as he paced aimlessly. 'And you drag me away to-to-to waste my time and-and play some cruel joke on me and...AAGHHH!!'

Red Alert's warning sensors overcharged and sparked brightly, the scent of ozone and electricity filling the air as he crumpled to the ground, struggling to calm down and ease the painful feedback coursing though his logic chips.

All the data, all the information racing through his processors scrambled one into the other, the disorder causing even more painful feedback as he struggled to regain some sense of control, his systems threatening to shut down at any astrosecond.

'Red!' Bluestreak rushed to him and enveloped him in his arms. 'What's wrong?!'

'Let me go!' Red Alert cried, struggling to break free as his sensors issued warning after warning due to Bluestreak's proximity. 'Let me go!'

'I won't let you go until YOU CALM DOWN!!' Bluestreak shouted, unable to keep the frantic Autobot from struggling.

Bluestreak froze as Red Alert's rifle barrel was suddenly pressed against his chin. Hadn't expected this! He thought in shock.

'I said let me go!!' Red Alert repeated, optics flickering madly.

Bluestreak looked directly into Red's optics and saw billions of data streams flickering out of control now that Red's logic chips were overcharging.

He saw something else too, something else besides data streaming out of control. He saw pain, he saw fear.
Yes, Red wasn't angry but in pain and terrified!
Not of him though, it didn't feel like it. Red always acted like that but this was the first time he'd ever drawn a weapon on, well, anyone as far as Bluestreak knew. He really had to get on the grapevine; maybe Jazz would let him in on a few bits here and there.

'Didn't you hear me?!' Red's voice snapped Bluestreak out of his reverie. 'Let me GO!'

Bluestreak released him and stood back, granting Red some space, watching silently as Red managed to gain some control of himself, the sparking of his warning sensors growing less and less as the Autobot gasped for air, intaking as much as possible to cool his overtaxed and overheating processors.

'Red?' Bluestreak asked.

Red Alert took to his feet, standing unsteadily as he granted him an angry, questioning look mixed with hurt.

'If you didn't like me all you had to do was say so,' Red spoke, 'not trick me away from my post and jeopardise everyone's safety.'

And with that he walked away as best he could, furious that he'd fallen for Bluestreak's idea of a joke. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had nothing on him. He'd report him to Prowl the moment he returned to base!

'But-!' Bluestreak called to him. 'Please listen, I-'

'I'm going back to base!' Red Alert spoke without turning back. 'This so called "patrol" is over!!'

'Please wait!' Bluestreak called after him but Red had already transformed and left him behind. 'I do like you!' Bluestreak called after him. 'A lot! A really really lot!'

Too late, Red Alert was gone, disappearing into the darkness.

'Damn!' Bluestreak grumbled, sitting down and looking miserable. 'So much for a first date.'

To Be Continued

red alert, bluestreak, continuity: g1, rated: pg/k+, author: v_for_vincent

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