Engines - Optimus Prime/Starscream

Jan 19, 2010 18:47

Title: Engines
Prompt: OptimusxStarscream - "Seeker heels"
Author/Artist: primusatemyleg
Rating: pg/k+
Warnings: None really

Art and fic together, what a surprise!

Starscream lightly flopped back against the inside of the Ark's thruster nozzle, "I never thought I'd end up here with you of all mechanisms," Starscream commented.

Optimus replied with a rather noncommittal rev of his engine. His attention was focused on Starscream's feet. Under normal circumstances he'd never really had a chance to see some parts up close, and of all of them Starscream's thrusters fascinated him most.

Without asking he got hold of one of Starscream's feet and pulled it onto his lap. Starscream responded to this by rather gracelessly jerking forwards

"Hey! What do you think you're doing with th-"

"Just looking Starscream. Nothing more." Optimus replied as he lightly batted away one of the Seeker's arms with one of his own.

Unfortunately for Optimus, he was lying without knowing it, as one of his fingers kept bumping against a small rarely used little cluster of sensor nodes. Sensors that were not designed to be touched that way and Starscream could feel it quite clearly. After a little squirming he realised his best option was to just stay still.

Eventually Optimus let go and Starscream quickly pulled his leg back before anything else could happen.

"Happy now?" Starscream asked, a hint of frustration present in his voice.

"Yes I am. Now," Optimus' expression was unreadable, moreso than usual, "It is your turn."

Less than a second had passed before Starscream had practically dived at Optimus with a rather devious smirk on his face.

Those of you who do know me know I'm not really much of a writer, so anything that strikes you as out of place or downright stupid/terrible/whatever, do say so.

method: tactile, starscream, artist: primusatemyleg, optimus prime, weekly request response, continuity: g1, rated: pg/k+

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