Weekly Request Round Up and New Prompts!

Jan 08, 2017 22:53

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first Rare Pair prompt post of 2017! *confetti* Everyone, we made it through 2016 and we have a lot of great TF stuff to look forward to, from the new movie to the comic books and the anniversaries of TF: Animated and Beast Wars! Woot! (I know which continuities this mod will try to do more fills for! ~_^)

Getting down to business, though!

The last prompt post gathered no responses. :( Hopefully this two week run will be better for all of us, including me.

And now for the prompt post!

Skywarp/Skyburst - clash of ideals
Roadrage/Overlord - destruction on wheels (wings)
Cosmos/Chromia - long-lost siblings
Slipstream/Thundercracker - Stormbound

TF: Prime/Aligned
Ultra Magnus/Moonracer - Truth or Dare
Nightbird/Soundwave - Dusk
Optimus Prime/ Airachind - what might have been
Arcee/Optimus Prime - new beginnings
Ratchet/Airachnid - time honored requests
Arcee/Ratchet - Time heals
William Fowler/June Darby - milk run

Shockwave/Rosanna - Outliers
Prowl/Red Alert -medical necessity
Blackarachnica/Sentinel Prime - never forgiven
Blackarachnia - Shockwave - nevermore
Ultra Magnus/Chromia - once upon a time

IDW comics
Chromodome/Path Finder - Axiom Nexus
Prowl/Howlback - minicons (mini-con)
Megatron/Moonracer - forgotten allies
Rodimus/Shadow Striker - unseen assassin

Sideswipe/Fracture - forbidden
Drift/Shadow Striker - lost memories
Starscream/Perihelion - different choices
Mirage(Dino)/Arcee - captive together

PS: we always need more prompts, for all TF continuities! Please send your pairings and prompts to tfrare.pair@gmail.com if you think of any!

weekly request roundup, weekly request post

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