July 2016 State of the Community

Jul 10, 2016 10:44

Greetings everyone!

Boy, has it been a while since I've written one of these! But, to be very honest, there hasn't been a ton of need for a State of the Comm since my last one.

I have only one item on the agenda today, so I won't take up lots of your time. :) That item is this:

Participation in the Weekly Request Prompts (both for prompting and for filling) is way down. So, we're implementing a schedule change. The Weekly Requests will become Twice Monthly (the second and 4th Sunday of each month), with the first Sunday being brand new prompts and the second being Resurrected Prompts.

We are implementing this change to stay more in time with how and when responses were being posted (about twice every two weeks or so, on average) and to help give anyone working on a response fill more time to work. Hopefully, it leads to good results all around!

So, in closing, look for new prompts later today/tomorrow morning (depending on your time zone) and keep sending new ideas to tfrare.pair@gmail.com!

Thanks everyone, and keep having fun!

topic: state of the comm, topic: mod post

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