Weekly request roundup and prompts

Jun 13, 2016 09:29

Sorry, guys! We painted my son's room yesterday and I was so tired I went to bed early, completely spacing out that I was supposed to post the new challenges. My bad…

Last Week's Responses:

None this week. *sad face*

Grimlock/Hot Rod or Rodimus: confused
BombshellxThrust, beloved
Bluestreak/Smokescreen - On track

Rodimus/Drift - Fighting the good fight
Brainstorm/Chromedome - Only I know
Tarn/Drift: "If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you pure?"

TF: Prime/Aligned (Including RiD cartoon)
Grimlock/Ser-ket--up from the depths
Megatron/Ratchet - Anything to end the War
Tailgate / Arcee - Old times

RatchetxJolt, manual instruction

Red Alert / Ratchet - student and teacher

New prompts, please!! Send to tfrare.pair@gmail.com. Thanks!

weekly request roundup, weekly request post

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