Help Needed!

Jun 16, 2015 12:27

Hello everyone!

As you may have noticed, we've not had a Graphics Wizard here at the Transformers Rare Pairing Community for a while now. Our current Wizard is on hiatus due to real life intruding on the fun stuff, and we've now got a bit of a backlog of graphics that need made.

If your graphics skills are better than "I downloaded this clipart online!" then they are better than mine and I need your help!

Rare Pairing is looking for someone (preferably two someones so that no one person is doing all the work) to make Weekly Request Icons and someone to make Challenge/Contest banners.

The Icon position will require no more than five icons per month (but usually only four) turned in on Saturday night or Sunday morning before the Weekly Request post goes up.

The banner position will require no more than one banner every two months, due the day before the challenge closes.

Both positions have a backlog, though, and will require making some graphics dating back to the beginning of 2015.

If you are willing and able to help, please fill out the following short form and leave it in the comments!

Name: (Lj/Dw username is fine)
Position applying for: (I'm down if you want to apply for both slots!)
Availability: (Evenings, mornings, etc. if the mod team needs to get in touch)
Notes: (anything extra you think we need to know)

mod post, topic: approved advertisements

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