Tracks/Sunny makes me happy.

Dec 26, 2009 00:02

Title: Glamorous
Author: Galvy/Rin mightygalvatron 
Verse: G1
Rating: NC17
Prompt: Sunstreaker/Tracks - "Forcing you." I got the pairing, not sure about the prompt. I just went with it.
Warnings: STICKY. ffffff.
Summary: Sunny pisses Tracks off. Be gentle. It's my first stickyfic.

Sunstreaker sat, perched on a rock. He grinned and pulled a tub of wax and his favourite chamois out from his subspace. As he unscrewed the lid of the wax, a familiar, very annoying voice spoke up.

"What, pray tell, are you doing with my wax?" Tracks stood before him, arms crossed over his chest.

Sunstreaker turned the tub over in his hands. "Hmm, I don't see your stupid name on here..."

"You know very well that is my brand. Raoul gets it for me at a specialty shop."

"Psssh, getting your pets to buy you trinkets."

"Like you don't get everyone on the Ark to give you stuff." Tracks took a step forward.

"Oh go frag yourself, Prissbot."

"Such a witty comeback, Sunshine."

"At least I don't have to fool around with organics to get laid."

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Tracks lunged, Sunstreaker fell backwards onto the rocky ground.

"You stupid son of a glitch!" The golden warrior sputtered, "Now I'm going to get scuffed!"

"I'm going to scuff your skidplate so bad, it'll take weeks to get the scratches out."

Sunstreaker kicked with rage and clawed at Tracks's wings. "I'm gonna frag up your paint job so bad your little meatbag boyfriend won't be able to fix it."

"I highly doubt that. Raoul can beat out any damage I have," Tracks took a jagged rock and slowly scraped it down Sunstreaker's chest. "You, on the other hand..." He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"YOU FRAGGING BASTARD!" Sunstreaker snarled, then bit down on one of Tracks's neck cables.

Tracks yelped and fell on top of Sunstreaker, his knee landing between the golden warrior's legs. "Your panels are hot," he noted. "You're getting off on this?!"

Sunstreaker bent the tip of one of Tracks's wings. "Shut up."

"You are. Oh ho ho," Tracks laughed and moved a hand down to Sunstreaker's codpiece. The panels popped open immediately. "Just like a filthy little pleasure drone, aren't you."

"You're going to be slag when I'm done with you," Sunstreaker growled.

Tracks's fingers danced over Sunstreaker's valve. "In your dreams." His fingers slipped in easily. "Such a whore."

"You expect me to enjoy this?" Sunstreaker glared at Tracks with narrowed optics.

"You are enjoying this, Sunflower." Tracks pulled his fingers out and slowly licked them clean. He smirked and pulled Sunstreaker closer, holding his legs open wide. "You'll be screaming my name by the time I'm done with you."

"And you'll be screaming for mer-nnnnnnh!" Sunstreaker's words were drowned out by a loud moan as Tracks's tongue traced around the edge of his valve. His hips arched up, and Tracks cupped his aft. Sunstreaker reached for Tracks's helm, gripping it tight.

Tracks looked up at Sunstreaker's face as his tongue brushed against a particularly sensitive sensor node. The golden warrior tightened his grip on his helm, causing Tracks to bury his face in Sunstreaker's valve.

Sunstreaker purred, grinding his hips against Tracks's face. "You fragger...mmmm you're good at this."

Tracks felt his own panels open as he lapped up the lubricant flowing from Sunstreaker's valve. He managed to free his head from the vice-like grip, and held Sunny's hips. "I'll show you what I'm good at." Before the golden one could respond, Tracks lowered him on his spike.

Sunstreaker gasped. Of course he would have never suspected Tracks of all mechs would be doing this to him. They hated each other, constantly battling to see who was the prettiest Autobot on the Ark. But yet here they were, miles away from any prying eyes, 'facing like a pair of wild petrorabbits. His optics met Tracks's, and with a growl he pushed the Corvette on his back.

Tracks hit the ground with a grunt. "Tired of being on your back?" His answer was Sunstreaker smashing their mouths together. His hands slid down to Sunny's hips, holding them as he thrust upward into him.

Sunstreaker tossed his head back, moaning loudly. He looked down at Tracks, a grin spreading over his faceplates. He rolled his hips as best as he could, causing Tracks to dig his fingers into his hip plates.

"You like riding my spike, don't you," Tracks panted, "you like being fragged like a dirty pleasure drone." He lifted Sunny up, leaving the tip of his spike buried in the golden warrior's valve.

Sunstreaker's hands were tightly gripping Tracks's arms, leaving dents. "Nnnnh! Sh-shut up and frag me!"

"As you wish." Tracks thrust up sharply, groaning as the walls of Sunny's valve flexed around him. Sunstreaker bounced faster, his moans full of static.

Sunny leaned down, tongue running over Tracks's neck cables, trailing to his lip components. His fingers tightened, leaving deeper impressions in Tracks's arms. A howling cry escaped his vocaliser as he overloaded. He slumped over, sinking into recharge.

Tracks couldn't hold back. Feeling that hot valve clenching around him, he overloaded, screaming Sunstreaker's name. He used his remaining strength to lay Sunny down beside him before recharge claimed him.

Hours later, Sideswipe and Mirage were frantically searching for Sunstreaker. When he didn't show up after dark, Sideswipe was very worried. Prime allowed him to take Mirage and go search.

Mirage stopped and transformed. "Hmmm," he bent down to pick something up, "isn't this Tracks's brand of wax?"

Sideswipe scanned the area, optics landing on the prone form of his brother. "Oh thank Primus!"

Tracks groaned. "Who's there?"

"What are you doing here?" Sideswipe helped the Corvette to his feet.

"Your brother took my best wax, so I followed him out here."

Mirage got Sunny to stand. "What happened to you?"

Sunstreaker snorted. "Stupid fragger tried to get his wax back."

"Obviously I handed him his skidplate." Tracks dusted himself off.

"In your dreams. Your paintjob looks like Megatron's aft."

"You're not about to win any beauty contests looking like that."


Tracks laughed. "So we're back to petty namecalling?"

"Let's get you guys back home," Mirage sighed, transforming and heading back to the Ark. Sideswipe followed suit.

Sunny and Tracks both transformed and followed their friends. "You screamed my name," Sunstreaker said over Tracks's private comm line.

"I thought you were going to turn me to slag, hmmm?" Tracks teased.

Sunstreaker thought for a moment. "There's always next time you piss me off."

Tracks felt himself heat up a little. "We'll see about that."

rated: nc17/ma, method: sticky, tracks, sunstreaker, author: mightygalvatron, weekly request response, continuity: g1

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