March 2015 Challenge: Medic!

Mar 04, 2015 14:06

(Meant to post this on Monday and it slipped my mind, whoops!)

Hello everyone! Welcome to the newest challenge here at TF Rare Pairing.

For this month, we're going back to a single theme--but with a twist. This month's theme is "Medic!" and the twist is that your pairing must contain a canon character who is a medic.

You can, of course, go for the well known medics and send them into pairings that aren't so common or you can do some digging and choose a less-known medic. TF Wiki has a great page of medics that can be found at this link to help your entry, but if the medic you'd like to use isn't on here, double check their Wiki entry to make sure they really are a medic before getting too far into your project. (It's not that we don't want you to have fun, it's just that fanon-medics like Swoop aren't in the spirit of the challenge. Not even if i really like the Medic Swoop trope.) If you've double checked, and you still aren't sure, feel free to ask for a final mod approval. We're all very well versed in TF canons and will be able to give you a final yes/no on a character's eligibility quickly.

Once you've picked a medic and their partner, you're ready to go! We're not going to have any claims this round--I want to be surprised!

However, there are a few rules.

1. Have Fun. This is the most important rule. We don't want our challenges to be stressful or feel like a chore. If you're not having a good time (or don't have time!) then go ahead and shelf the project. We'd rather have no entries than five entries that made their creators unhappy.

2. Entries can be any medium, from fic to art to comics to icons (and other things I haven't named). Unleash your creativity!

3. Fics need to be at least 500 words, art needs to be finished (though not necessarily colored) and icons need to be in sets of at least 5. For other media, use your best judgment to make a piece that's in line with these minimums. Some things are hard to pin a specific requirement onto, since they can take amazing amounts of work for a seemingly small result.

4. Entries are due April 5, 2015 at 11:59 PM CST.

5. Have fun! (see, it's so important it's on here twice.) We can't wait to see what you create!

mod post, challenge: mar 2015 medic!

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