(no subject)

Jul 15, 2014 20:37

Title: Comfort
Universe/Continuity: G1
Characters: Rodimus, Arcee
Pairing: unrequited Rodimus/Arcee
Prompt: comfort
Rating: PG
Warnings: off screen dismemberment (not permanent)

Arcee fell into Rodimus’ arms, hiding her face from the sight of Springer’s broken body as the flying garbage scow spit him out. Rodimus turned his head in disbelief and drew his arms tightly around her. He knew what Springer meant to Arcee; they were more than comrades, more than friends. Despite his own feelings for the femme gunner, Rodimus took no joy in what had just happened to Springer. The triple changer was one of his best friends.

They had all known each other since they had been sparked. The three had started off as just friends, but then something changed between Springer and Arcee. Rodimus (who had just been Hot Rod then) had watched as they gravitated toward one another, even as they gravitated away from him. Not that their friendship changed, but Rodimus would always be an outsider to their relationship. His own feelings for Arcee were realized too late. He hadn’t known what he had wanted until it was no longer in his reach. There had been sadness in his spark for many orns, but he had come to accept the change and the three remained the best of friends.

Arcee was grateful for Rodimus, not just in this moment, but always. He was always there for her, in the good times and the bad, even when she had Springer to turn to. She knew in her spark how Hot Rod had felt, but she could not deny the attraction between her and Springer, even at the risk of hurting her dear friend. Arcee loved Hot Rod, but not the same as she did Springer. She was glad when Hot Rod had remained their friend and was now even more thankful that he was there for her, comforting her even as she knew his own spark was hurting. Just as he held her tightly she returned the embrace, desperate to comfort even as she sought that from him. In this moment they were almost one in the same -- seeking and providing comfort in each others’ arms.

Even as Rodimus offered comfort to Arcee, he took the same from her, gripping her tightly as they shared the same sadness and fear. In the back of his processor he acknowledged how good it felt to hold her in his arms, but he quickly shut down that thought. No matter how he felt, now was not the time for such a feeling, and such a time would most likely never come.

He heard others distantly speaking of how it would be possible for Springer to be repaired. His spark pulsed happily as he whispered the same to Arcee and told her everything would be all right. The hopeful smile she gave him was one he saved into his memory banks; perhaps he would never truly be able to rid himself of the feelings he held for Arcee, but he could channel that into love for her as one of his best friends, and that too was a comfort in itself.

hot rod/rodimus prime, challenge: july august 2014 lotto-thon, springer, arcee, author: arceexspringer, continuity: g1

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